Preservation of
intact adult rat photoreceptors in vitro: Study of
dissociation techniques and the effect of light
Astrid Zayas-Santiago, Jennifer J. Kang Derwent
Published: 9 January 2009 [Full text]
Retraction and
remodeling of rod spherules are early events following
experimental retinal detachment: an ultrastructural study
using serial sections
Kenneth A. Linberg, Geoffrey P. Lewis, Steven
K. Fisher
Published: 9 January 2009 [Full text]
Norrin attenuates
protease-mediated death of transformed retinal ganglion
Song Lin, Mei Cheng, Wendelin Dailey, Kimberly
Drenser, Shravan Chintala
Published: 12 January 2009 [Full text]
Identification of
a novel splice-site mutation in MIP in a Chinese
congenital cataract family
Jin Jiang, Chongfei Jin, Wei Wang, Xiajing
Tang, Xingchao Shentu, Renyi Wu, Yao Wang, Kun Xia, Ke Yao
Published: 12 January 2009 [Full text]
expression of anti-angiogenic factors and guidance genes
in the developing macula
Peter Kozulin, Riccardo Natoli, Keely M.
Bumsted O’Brien, Michele C. Madigan, Jan M. Provis
Published: 12 January 2009 [Full text]
immunoassay analysis of biomarkers in clinically
accessible quantities of human aqueous humor
Rajesh K. Sharma, Anna T. Rogojina, K.V. Chalam
Published: 14 January 2009 [Full text]
penetrance in familial Avellino corneal dystrophy
associated with TGFBI mutations
Wenping Cao, Hongyan Ge, Xiaobo Cui, Lu Zhang,
Jing Bai, Songbin Fu, Ping Liu
Published: 14 January 2009 [Full text]
global and extra-cellular matrix focused gene expression
patterns between normal and glaucomatous human lamina
cribrosa cells
Ruaidhrí P. Kirwan, Robert J. Wordinger, Abbot
F. Clark, Colm J. O'Brien
Published: 15 January 2009 [Full text]
Multiple gene
polymorphisms analysis revealed a different profile of
genetic polymorphisms of primary open-angle glaucoma in
northern Chinese
Li-Yun Jia, Pancy Oi-Sin Tam, Sylvia Wai-Yee
Chiang, Ning Ding, Li Jia Chen, Gary Hin-Fai Yam, Chi-Pui
Pang, Ning-Li Wang
Published: 16 January 2009 [Full text]
of rabbit bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells into corneal
epithelial cells in vivo and ex vivo
Shaofeng Gu, Chengzhong Xing, Jingyi Han, Mark
O.M. Tso, Jing Hong
Published: 16 January 2009 [Full text]
Alteration of
ocular surface mucins in MUC5AC-DTA transgenic mice
I-Jong Wang, Chong-Jen Yu, Fung-Rong Hu
Published: 16 January 2009 [Full text]
hydrostatic pressure triggers release of OPA1 and
cytochrome C, and induces apoptotic cell death in
differentiated RGC-5 cells
Won-Kyu Ju, Keun-Young Kim, James D. Lindsey,
Mila Angert, Ankur Patel, Ray T. Scott, Quan Liu, Jonathan
G. Crowston, Mark H. Ellisman, Guy A. Perkins, Robert N.
Published: 19 January 2009 [Full text]
induction by oxidized glycated LDL in human retinal
capillary pericytes is independent of activation of MAPK
signaling pathways
J. Matthew Diffley, Mingyuan Wu, Mimi Sohn,
Weiwei Song, Samar M. Hammad, Timothy J. Lyons
Published: 19 January 2009 [Full text]
Modulation of
choroidal neovascularization by subretinal injection of
retinal pigment epithelium and polystyrene microbeads
Ingo Schmack, Lennart Berglin, Xiaoyan Nie,
Jing Wen, Shin J. Kang, Adam I Marcus, Hua Yang, Michael J.
Lynn, Judith A Kapp, Hans E. Grossniklaus
Published: 21 January 2009 [Full text]
alterations in RX in patients with microphthalmia,
anophthalmia, and coloboma
Nikolas J.S. London, Patricia Kessler, Bryan
Williams, Gayle J. Pauer, Stephanie A. Hagstrom, Elias I.
Published: 21 January 2009 [Full text]
Overexpression of
CERKL, a gene responsible for retinitis pigmentosa
in humans, protects cells from apoptosis induced by
oxidative stress
Miquel Tuson, Alejandro Garanto, Roser
Gonzàlez-Duarte, Gemma Marfany
Published: 21 January 2009 [Full text]
Evaluation of MFRP
as a candidate gene for high hyperopia
Panfeng Wang, Zhikuan Yang, Shiqiang Li,
Xueshan Xiao, Xiangming Guo, Qingjiong Zhang
Published: 23 January 2009 [Full text]
Generation of
immature retinal neurons from proliferating cells in the
pars plana after retinal histogenesis in mice with retinal
Koji M. Nishiguchi, Hiroki Kaneko, Makoto
Nakamura, Shu Kachi, Hiroko Terasaki
Published: 23 January 2009 [Full text]
Common variation
in the SERPING1 gene is not associated with
age-related macular degeneration in two independent groups
of subjects
Kyu Hyung Park, Euijung Ryu, Nirubol
Tosakulwong, Yanhong Wu, Albert O. Edwards
Published: 23 January 2009 [Full text]
Genotype analysis
of polymorphisms in autoimmune susceptibility genes, CTLA-4
and PTPN22, in an acute anterior uveitis cohort
Tammy M. Martin, Louise Bye, Neil Modi, Miles
R. Stanford, Robert Vaughan, Justine R. Smith, N. Kevin
Wade, Friederike Mackensen, Eric B. Suhler, James T.
Rosenbaum, Graham R. Wallace
Published: 26 January 2009 [Full text]
polymorphisms and high myopia in subjects of European
Tetyana Zayats, Tammy Yanovitch, Rosalind C.
Creer, George McMahon, Yi-Ju Li, Terri L. Young, Jeremy A.
Published: 26 January 2009 [Full text]
Localizations of
visual cycle components in retinal pigment epithelium
Jing Huang, Daniel E. Possin, John C. Saari
Published: 26 January 2009 [Full text]
KIF14 and
E2F3 mRNA expression in human retinoblastoma and
its phenotype association
Jagadeesan Madhavan, Moutushy Mitra, Kandalam
Mallikarjuna, Oberoi Pranav, Ramalingam Srinivasan, Amit
Nagpal, Perumal Venkatesan, Govindasamy Kumaramanickavel
Published: 26 January 2009 [Full text]
alters interactions of β-crystallins in hetero-oligomers
Takumi Takata, Luke G. Woodbury, Kirsten J.
Published: 28 January 2009 [Full text]
cytokine expression on the ocular surface in the Botulium
toxin B induced murine dry eye model
Lei Zhu, Jikui Shen, Cheng Zhang, Choul Yong
Park, Sahar Kohanim, Margaret Yew, John S. Parker, Roy S.
Published: 30 January 2009 [Full text]
Porcine sclera as
a model of human sclera for in vitro transport
experiments: histology, SEM, and comparative permeability
S. Nicoli, G. Ferrari, M. Quarta, C. Macaluso,
P. Govoni, D. Dallatana, P. Santi
Published: 6 February 2009 [Full text]
Gene therapy
following subretinal AAV5 vector delivery is not affected
by a previous intravitreal AAV5 vector administration in
the partner eye
Wensheng Li, Fansheng Kong, Xia Li, Xufeng Dai,
Xiaoqiang Liu, Qinxiang Zheng, Ronghan Wu, Xiangtian Zhou,
Fan Lü, Bo Chang, Qiuhong Li, William W. Hauswirth, Jia Qu,
Ji-jing Pang
Published: 6 February 2009 [Full text]
A novel nonsense
mutation in CRYGC is associated with autosomal
dominant congenital nuclear cataracts and microcornea
Lu Zhang, Songbin Fu, Yangshan Ou, Tingting
Zhao, Yunjuan Su, Ping Liu
Published: 6 February 2009 [Full text]
characterization and functional analysis of phagocytosis
by human embryonic stem cell-derived RPE cells using a
novel human retinal assay
Amanda-Jayne Carr, Anthony Vugler, Jean
Lawrence, Li Li Chen, Ahmed Ahmado, Fred K. Chen, Ma’ayan
Semo, Carlos Gias, Lyndon da Cruz, Harry D. Moore, James
Walsh, Peter J. Coffey
Published: 6 February 2009 [Full text]
Gene expression
patterns in hypoxic and post-hypoxic adult rat retina with
special reference to the NMDA receptor and its interactome
Lori Ann Crosson, Roger A. Kroes, Joseph R.
Moskal, Robert A. Linsenmeier
Published: 9 February 2009 [Full text]
Clinical and
linkage study on a consanguineous Chinese family with
autosomal recessive high myopia
Zhikuan Yang, Xueshan Xiao, Shiqiang Li,
Qingjiong Zhang
Published: 9 February 2009 [Full text]
of macular corneal dystrophy in India and correlation with
mutations in CHST6
Afia Sultana, Gordon K. Klintworth, Eugene
J-M.A. Thonar, Geeta K. Vemuganti, Chitra Kannabiran
Published: 9 February 2009 [Full text]
between TGF-β1 and IL-6 in human trabecular meshwork cells
Paloma B. Liton, Guorong Li, Coralia Luna,
Pedro Gonzalez, David L. Epstein
Published: 11 February 2009 [Full text]
S100 protein expression in pterygium
Andri K. Riau, Tina T. Wong, Roger W. Beuerman,
Louis Tong
Published: 16 February 2009 [Full text]
Analysis of three
pigment epithelium-derived factor gene polymorphisms in
patients with exudative age-related macular degeneration
Dietmar Mattes, Anton Haas, Wilfried Renner,
Iris Steinbrugger, Yosuf El-Shabrawi, Andreas Wedrich,
Christoph Werner, Otto Schmut, Martin Weger
Published: 16 February 2009 [Full text]
The RPGRIP1-deficient
dog, a promising canine model for gene therapy
Elsa Lhériteau, Lyse Libeau, Knut Stieger,
Jack-Yves Deschamps, Alexandra Mendes-Madeira, Nathalie
Provost, Francoise Lemoine, Cathryn Mellersh, N. Matthew
Ellinwood, Yan Cherel, Philippe Moullier, Fabienne Rolling
Published: 18 February 2009 [Full text]
Expression and
localization of GPR109A (PUMA-G/HM74A) mRNA and protein in
mammalian retinal pigment epithelium
Pamela M. Martin, Sudha Ananth, Gail Cresci,
Penny Roon, Sylvia Smith, Vadivel Ganapathy
Published: 16 February 2009 [Full text]
Novel mutations
of CHST6 in Iranian patients with macular corneal
Shiva Akbari Birgani, Zivar Salehi, Masoud
Houshmand, Mohamad Javad Mohamadi, Leila Azizade Promehr,
Zahra Mozafarzadeh
Published: 18 February 2009 [Full text]
Effects on
collagen orientation in the cornea after trephine injury
Christina S. Kamma-Lorger, Sally Hayes, Craig
Boote, Manfred Burghammer, Michael E. Boulton, Keith M. Meek
Published: 18 February 2009 [Full text]
genes may protect against extraocular manifestations in
Chinese Han patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome
Qianli Meng, Xiaoli Liu, Peizeng Yang,
Shengping Hou, Liping Du, Hongyan Zhou, Aize Kijlstra
Published: 20 February 2009 [Full text]
ATM localization
and gene expression in the adult mouse eye
Julia Leemput, Christel Masson, Karine Bigot,
Abdelmounaim Errachid, Anouk Dansault, Alexandra Provost,
Stéphanie Gadin, Said Aoufouchi, Maurice Menasche, Marc
Published: 20 February 2009 [Full text]
mutations in Spanish patients with primary congenital
glaucoma: phenotypic and functional variability
Ezequiel Campos-Mollo, María-Pilar
López-Garrido, Cristina Blanco-Marchite, Julián
Garcia-Feijoo, Jesús Peralta, José Belmonte-Martínez, Carmen
Ayuso, Julio Escribano
Published: 23 February 2009 [Full text]
Investigation of
CYP1B1 mutations in Chinese patients with primary
congenital glaucoma
Mei Yang, Xiangming Guo, Xing Liu, Huangxuan
Shen, Xiaoyun Jia, Xueshan Xiao, Shiqiang Li, Shaohua Fang,
Qingjiong Zhang
Published: 27 February 2009 [Full text]
effect of pigment epithelium-derived factor in DBA/2J mice
Xiaohong Zhou, Feng Li, Li Kong, James
Chodosh, Wei Cao
Published: 27 February 2009 [Full text]
Modulation of
retinal capillary endothelial cells by Müller glial
cell-derived factors
Hayato Abukawa, Masatoshi Tomi, Jumpei
Kiyokawa, Satoko Hori, Tetsu Kondo, Tetsuya Terasaki,
Ken-ichi Hosoya
Published: 27 February 2009 [Full text]
between the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 and survivin in
primary pterygium
Cristina Maxia, Maria Teresa Perra, Paolo
Demurtas, Luigi Minerba, Daniela Murtas, Franca Piras, Renè
Cabrera, Domenico Ribatti, Paola Sirigu
Published: 27 February 2009 [Full text]
Expression of
muscarinic receptor subtypes in tree shrew ocular tissues
and their regulation during the development of myopia
N.A. McBrien, A.I. Jobling, H.T. Truong, C.L.
Cottriall, A. Gentle
Published: 2 March 2009 [Full text]
Novel mutation in
the γ-S crystallin gene causing autosomal dominant
Vanita Vanita, Jai Rup Singh, Daljit Singh,
Raymonda Varon, Karl Sperling
Published: 4 March 2009 [Full text]
of the arylsulfatase I (ARSI) gene preferentially
expressed in the human retinal pigment epithelium cell
line ARPE-19
Mio Oshikawa, Ron Usami, Seishi Kato
Published: 6 March 2009 [Full text]
mice exhibit decreased intraocular pressure and increased
retinal ganglion cell survival
Miyuki Inoue-Mochita, Toshihiro Inoue, David L.
Epstein, Kendall J. Blumer, Ponugoti V. Rao
Published: 6 March 2009 [Full text]
A novel protocol
of whole mount electro-immunofluorescence staining
Hongshan Liu, Winston W.Y. Kao
Published: 6 March 2009 [Full text]
TNF-α –308
G>A and –238 G>A polymorphisms are not major risk
factors in Caucasian patients with exfoliation glaucoma
Georg Mossböck, Wilfried Renner, Yosuf
El-Shabrawi, Christoph Faschinger, Otto Schmut, Andreas
Wedrich, Christina Zimmermann, Martin Weger
Published: 9 March 2009 [Full text]
Targeted deletion
of miR-182, an abundant retinal microRNA
Zi-Bing Jin, Go Hirokawa, Le Gui, Rie
Takahashi, Fumitaka Osakada, Yumiko Hiura, Masayo Takahashi,
Osamu Yasuhara, Naoharu Iwai
Published: 9 March 2009 [Full text]
Alterations in
gene expression induced by cyclic mechanical stress in
trabecular meshwork cells
Coralia Luna, Guorong Li, Paloma B. Liton,
David L. Epstein, Pedro Gonzalez
Published: 11 March 2009 [Full text]
Dual localization
of wild-type myocilin in the endoplasmic reticulum and
extracellular compartment likely occurs due to its
incomplete secretion
Seongsoo Sohn, Myung Kuk Joe, Tae Eun Kim,
Ji-eun Im, Young Ran Choi, Hwayong Park, Changwon Kee
Published: 13 March 2009 [Full text]
Outbreak of
epidemic keratoconjunctivitis caused by adenovirus in
medical residents
Carlos Pantoja Melendez, Margarita Matias
Florentino, Irma Lopez Martinez, Herlinda Mejia Lopez
Published: 20 March 2009 [Full text]
Immune profile of
squamous metaplasia development in autoimmune
regulator-deficient dry eye
Ying-Ting Chen, Shimin Li, Karina Nikulina,
Travis Porco, Marianne Gallup, Nancy McNamara
Published: 23 March 2009 [Full text]
High molecular
weight hyaluronan decreases UVB-induced apoptosis and
inflammation in human epithelial corneal cells
Thierry Pauloin, Mélody Dutot, Francine Joly,
Jean-Michel Warnet, Patrice Rat
Published: 23 March 2009 [Full text]
mutations in Portuguese Stargardt patients: identification
of new mutations and their phenotypic analysis
Susana Maia-Lopes, Jana Aguirre-Lamban, Miguel
Castelo-Branco, Rosa Riveiro-Alvarez, Carmen Ayuso, Eduardo
Duarte Silva
Published: 25 March 2009 [Full text]
Search for a
correlation between telomere length and severity of
retinitis pigmentosa due to the dominant rhodopsin
Pro23His mutation
Dyonne T. Hartong, Terri L. McGee, Michael A.
Sandberg, Eliot L. Berson, Folkert W. Asselbergs, Pim van
der Harst, Immaculata De Vivo, Thaddeus P. Dryja
Published: 27 March 2009 [Full text]
Acute and
late-onset optic atrophy due to a novel OPA1 mutation
leading to a mitochondrial coupling defect
Yannick Nochez, Sophie Arsene, Naig Gueguen,
Arnaud Chevrollier, Marc Ferré, Virginie Guillet, Valérie
Desquiret, Annick Toutain, Dominique Bonneau, Vincent
Procaccio, Patrizia Amati-Bonneau, Pierre-Jean Pisella,
Pascal Reynier
Published: 27 March 2009 [Full text]
Analysis of
inflammation- and atherosclerosis-related gene
polymorphisms in branch retinal vein occlusion
Iris Steinbrugger, Anton Haas, Richard Maier,
Wilfried Renner, Monika Mayer, Christoph Werner, Andreas
Wedrich, Yosuf El-Shabrawi, Otto Schmut, Martin Weger
Published: 27 March 2009 [Full text]
Expression of
toll-like receptor 4 in uvea-resident tissue macrophages
during endotoxin-induced uveitis
Wei Chen, Xiaofeng Hu, Li Zhao, Shang Li, Hong
Published: 30 March 2009 [Full text]
Comparison of
non-viral methods to genetically modify and enrich
populations of primary human corneal endothelial cells
Christoph Engler, Clare Kelliher, Karl J.
Wahlin, Caroline L. Speck, Albert S. Jun
Published: 1 April 2009 [Full text]
Novel ABCA4
compound heterozygous mutations cause severe progressive
autosomal recessive cone-rod dystrophy presenting as
Stargardt disease
Quansheng Xi, Lin Li, Elias I. Traboulsi, Qing
Kenneth Wang
Published: 3 April 2009 [Full text]
Different WDR36
mutation pattern in Chinese patients with primary
open-angle glaucoma
Bao Jian Fan, Dan Yi Wang, Ching-Yu Cheng,
Wendy Charles Ko, Shun Chiu Lam, Chi Pui Pang
Published: 3 April 2009 [Full text]
Corneal allograft
endothelial cell replacement represents a reparative
response to transplant injury
Nianqiao Gong, Uwe Pleyer, Thomas Ritter, Erich
Knop, Xiaoping Chen
Published: 3 April 2009 [Full text]
Involvement of
brain-derived neurotrophic factor in time-dependent
neurodegeneration in the murine superior colliculus after
intravitreal injection of N-methyl-D-aspartate
Hirotaka Tanaka, Yasushi Ito, Shinsuke
Nakamura, Masamitsu Shimazawa, Hideaki Hara
Published: 3 April 2009 [Full text]
Influence of age
on retinochoroidal healing processes after argon
photocoagulation in C57bl/6j mice
C. Dot, V. Parier, F. Behar-Cohen, D. BenEzra,
L. Jonet, B. Goldenberg, E. Picard, S. Camelo, Y. de Kozak,
F. May, G. Soubrane, J.C. Jeanny
Published: 3 April 2009 [Full text]
Loss of
AND-34/BCAR3 expression in mice results in rupture of the
adult lens
Richard I. Near, Richard S. Smith, Paul A.
Toselli, Thomas F. Freddo, Alexander B. Bloom, Pierre Vanden
Borre, David C. Seldin, Adam Lerner
Published: 3 April 2009 [Full text]
Macular corneal
dystrophy in a Chinese family related with novel mutations
of CHST6
Xiuhong Dang, Qingguo Zhu, Li Wang, Hong Su,
Hui Lin, Nan Zhou, Ting Liang, Zheng Wang, Shangzhi Huang,
Qiushi Ren, Yanhua Qi
Published: 6 April 2009 [Full text]
Marked reduction
of alcohol dehydrogenase in keratoconus corneal
V.V. Mootha, J.M. Kanoff, J. Shankardas, S.
Published: 10 April 2009 [Full text]
NMDA receptor
mediates proliferation and CREB phosphorylation in
postnatal Müller glia-derived retinal progenitors
Mónica Ramírez, Mónica Lamas
Published: 10 April 2009 [Full text]
Fine mapping
linkage analysis identifies a novel susceptibility locus
for myopia on chromosome 2q37 adjacent to but not
overlapping MYP12
Maria Schäche, Christine Y. Chen, Kelly
Kathleen Pertile, Andrea Jane Richardson, Mohamed Dirani,
Paul Mitchell, Paul Nigel Baird
Published: 10 April 2009 [Full text]
Genetic analysis
of complement factor H related 5, CFHR5, in
patients with age-related macular degeneration
Umadevi Narendra, Gayle J.T. Pauer, Stephanie
A. Hagstrom
Published: 10 April 2009 [Full text]
Protein kinase C
in porcine retinal arteries and neuroretina following
retinal ischemia-reperfusion
Bodil Gesslein, Lotta Gustafsson, Angelica
Wackenfors, Fredrik Ghosh, Malin Malmsjö
Published: 13 April 2009 [Full text]
evidence of senescence in corneal endothelial cells of
senescence-accelerated mice
Xuan Xiao, Ye Wang, Huaqing Gong, Peng Chen,
Lixin Xie
Published: 15 April 2009 [Full text]
Single nucleotide
polymorphisms of the tenomodulin gene (TNMD) in
age-related macular degeneration
Anna-Maija Tolppanen, Tanja Nevalainen,
Marjukka Kolehmainen, Sanna Seitsonen, Ilkka Immonen, Matti
Uusitupa, Kai Kaarniranta, Leena Pulkkinen
Published: 15 April 2009 [Full text]
mutations in retinoma patients: Relevance to
low-penetrance and low-expressivity molecular basis
Hana Abouzeid, Daniel F. Schorderet, Aubin
Balmer, Francis L. Munier
Published: 17 April 2009 [Full text]
Ocular expression
of avian thymic hormone: changes during the recovery from
induced myopia
Jody A. Summers Rada, Allan F. Wiechmann
Published: 17 April 2009 [Full text]
Mutation analysis
associated with autosomal dominant congenital cataract in
Brazilian families
Alessandro Santana, Mauro Waiswol, Enyr Saran
Arcieri, José Paulo Cabral de Vasconcellos, Mônica Barbosa
de Melo
Published: 17 April 2009 [Full text]
Novel pathogenic
mutations and skin biopsy analysis in Knobloch syndrome
Oscar Suzuki, Erika Kague, Kelly Bagatini,
Hongmin Tu, Ritva Heljasvaara, Lorenza Carvalhaes, Elisandra
Gava, Gisele de Oliveira, Paulo Godoi, Glaucius Oliva,
Gregory Kitten, Taina Pihlajaniemi, Maria-Rita Passos-Bueno
Published: 23 April 2009 [Full text]
A novel GPR143
duplication mutation in a Chinese family with X-linked
congenital nystagmus
Yuanyuan Peng, Yan Meng, Zheng Wang, Mei Qin,
Xiaoqiao Li, Yan Dian, Shangzhi Huang
Published: 22 April 2009 [Full text]
Pro370Leu mutant
myocilin impairs mitochondrial functions in human
trabecular meshwork cells
Yuan He, Kar Wah Leung, Ye-Hong Zhuo, Jian Ge
Published: 23 April 2009 [Full text]
Two novel FBN1
mutations associated with ectopia lentis and marfanoid
habitus in two Chinese families
Liming Zhao, Ting Liang, Jianzhen Xu, Hui Lin,
Dandan Li, Yanhua Qi
Published: 23 April 2009 [Full text]
Molecular genetic
characteristics of X-linked retinoschisis in Koreans
So Yeon Kim, Hyun Soo Ko, Young Suk Yu,
Jeong-Min Hwang, Jong Joo Lee, Sung Yeun Kim, Ji Yeon Kim,
Moon-Woo Seong, Kyu Hyung Park, Sung Sup Park
Published: 23 April 2009 [Full text]
Release of
11-cis-retinal from cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein
by acidic lipids
John C. Saari, Maria Nawrot, Ronald E.
Stenkamp, David C. Teller, Gregory G. Garwin
Published: 23 April 2009 [Full text]
looking beyond an antioxidant
Kaya Nusret Engin
Published: 23 April 2009 [Full text]
Overexpression of
nuclear transport factor 2 may protect against diabetic
Bin Li, Hai-Qing Zhang, Yu Shi, Yun-Bing Min,
Shao-Fen Lin, Kai-Li Wu, Jie Hu, Shi-Bo Tang
Published: 27 April 2009 [Full text]
Genetic variation
in the methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene, MTHFR,
does not alter the risk of visual failure in Leber’s
hereditary optic neuropathy
Gavin Hudson, Patrick Yu-Wai-Man, Massimo
Zeviani, Patrick F. Chinnery
Published: 1 May 2009 [Full text]
Blue cone
monochromacy: Causative mutations and associated
Jessica C. Gardner, Michel Michaelides, Graham
E. Holder, Naheed Kanuga, Tom R. Webb, John D. Mollon,
Anthony T. Moore, Alison J. Hardcastle
Published: 1 May 2009 [Full text]
cytokines in a mouse model of central retinal artery
Michal Kramer, S. Dadon, M. Hasanreisoglu, Y.
Monselise, B. R. Avraham, A. Feldman, I. Eldar, D.
Weinberger, N. Goldenberg-Cohen
Published: 1 May 2009 [Full text]
Glutathione and
catalase suppress TGFβ-induced cataract-related changes in
cultured rat lenses and lens epithelial explants
Coral G. Chamberlain, Kylie J. Mansfield, Anna
Published: 1 May 2009 [Full text]
Comparison of
lectin binding of drusen, RPE, Bruch’s membrane, and
Yvonne B. D’Souza, Carolyn J.P. Jones, Richard
E. Bonshek
Published: 4 May 2009 [Full text]
Apolipoprotein E
polymorphisms and primary glaucoma in Saudis
Najwa Mohammed Al-Dabbagh, Nourah Al-Dohayan,
Misbahul Arfin, Mohammad Tariq
Published: 4 May 2009 [Full text]
Endogenous growth
hormone in human retinal ganglion cells correlates with
cell survival
Esmond J. Sanders, Eve Parker, Steve Harvey
Published: 4 May 2009 [Full text]
genomic mapping of uncharacterized canine retinal ESTs to
identify novel candidate genes for hereditary retinal
B. Zangerl, J. L. Johnson, J. Pillardy, Q. Sun,
C. André, F. Galibert, G.M. Acland, G.D. Aguirre
Published: 9 May 2009 [Full text]
Alteration of
TLR3 pathways by glucocorticoids may be responsible for
immunosusceptibility of human corneal epithelial cells to
viral infections
Yuko Hara, Atsushi Shiraishi, Takeshi
Kobayashi, Yuko Kadota, Yuji Shirakata, Koji Hashimoto,
Yuichi Ohashi
Published: 8 May 2009 [Full text]
Clinical and
genetic features of a dominantly-inherited microphthalmia
pedigree from China
Changhong Yu, Zhengmao Hu, Jingzhi Li, Ting
Liu, Kun Xia, Lixin Xie
Published: 8 May 2009 [Full text]
Polymorphisms of
FCRL3 in a Chinese population with
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome
Ke Li, Peizeng Yang, Min Zhao, Shengping Hou,
Liping Du, Hongyan Zhou, Aize Kijlstra
Published: 11 May 2009 [Full text]
Ex vivo gene
therapy using intravitreal injection of GDNF-secreting
mouse embryonic stem cells in a rat model of retinal
Kevin Gregory-Evans, Francis Chang, Matthew D.
Hodges, Cheryl Y. Gregory-Evans
Published: 13 May 2009 [Full text]
Double mutation
(R124H, N544S) of TGFBI in two sisters with
combined expression of Avellino and lattice corneal
Naoyuki Yamada, Koji Kawamoto, Naoyuki
Morishige, Tai-ichiro Chikama, Teruo Nishida, Mitsuaki
Nishioka, Naoko Okayama, Yuji Hinoda
Published: 15 May 2009 [Full text]
Identification of
a novel CRYAB mutation associated with autosomal
recessive juvenile cataract in a Saudi family
L Abu Safieh, AO Khan, FS Alkuraya
Published: 15 May 2009 [Full text]
Deletion of mouse
MsrA results in HBO-induced cataract: MsrA repairs
mitochondrial cytochrome c
LA Brennan, W Lee, T Cowell, F Giblin, M
Published: 15 May 2009 [Full text]
regeneration in the Xenopus laevis tadpole: a new
model system
M. Natalia Vergara, Katia Del Rio-Tsonis
Published: 18 May 2009 [Full text]
Initiation codon
mutation in βB1-crystallin (CRYBB1) associated with
autosomal recessive nuclear pulverulent cataract
Esther Meyer, Fatimah Rahman, Jessica Owens,
Shanaz Pasha, Neil V. Morgan, Richard C. Trembath, Edwin M.
Stone, Anthony T. Moore, Eamonn R. Maher
Published: 18 May 2009 [Full text]
preconditioning protection of corneal stromal cells
requires HIF1α but not VEGF
Dongmei Xing, Joseph A. Bonanno
Published: 18 May 2009 [Full text]
Hepatocyte growth
factor and myopia: Genetic association analyses in a
caucasian population
Tammy Yanovitch, Yi-Ju Li, Ravikanth
Metlapally, Diana Abbott, Khanh-Nhat Tran Viet, Terri L.
Published: 20 May 2009 [Full text]
Sonic hedgehog:
its expression in a healing cornea and its role in
Kyoko Fujita, Takeshi Miyamoto, Shizuya Saika
Published: 18 May 2009 [Full text]
Lack of
association between p53 gene polymorphisms and primary
open angle glaucoma in the Japanese population
Fumihiko Mabuchi, Yoichi Sakurada, Kenji
Kashiwagi, Zentaro Yamagata, Hiroyuki Iijima, Shigeo
Published: 20 May 2009 [Full text]
Novel SIL1
mutations in consanguineous Pakistani families mapping to
chromosomes 5q31
S. Amer Riazuddin, Laleh Amiri-Kordestani,
Haiba Kaul, Tariq Butt, Xiaodong Jiao, Sheikh Riazuddin, J.
Fielding Hejtmancik
Published: 22 May 2009 [Full text]
Expression of
Robo4 in the fibrovascular membranes from patients with
proliferative diabetic retinopathy and its role in RF/6A
and RPE cells
Lvzhen Huang, Wenzhen Yu, Xiaoxin Li, Yongsheng
Xu, Lanjun Niu, Xiangjun He, Jianqiang Dong, Zheng Yan
Published: 29 May 2009 [Full text]
Establishment and
characterization of a novel untransfected corneal
endothelial cell line from New Zealand white rabbits
Tingjun Fan, Dansheng Wang, Jun Zhao, Jing
Wang, Yongfeng Fu, Ruichao Guo
Published: 29 May 2009 [Full text]
isolevuglandin-modified proteins in glaucomatous
Bharathi Govindarajan, Anna Junk, Mabel
Algeciras, Robert G. Salomon, Sanjoy K. Bhattacharya
Published: June 1 2009 [Full text]
HPV infection and
p53 inactivation in pterygium
Yi-Yu Tsai, Chi-Chung Chang, Chun-Chi Chiang,
Kun-Tu Yeh, Pei-Liang Chen, Chi-Huang Chang, Ming-Chih Chou,
Huei Lee, Ya-Wen Cheng
Published: June 1 2009 [Full text]
Leber congenital
amaurosis caused by Lebercilin (LCA5)
mutation: Retained photoreceptors adjacent to retinal
Samuel G. Jacobson, Tomas S. Aleman, Artur V.
Cideciyan, Alexander Sumaroka, Sharon B. Schwartz, Elizabeth
A.M. Windsor, Malgorzata Swider, Waldo Herrera, Edwin M.
Published: June 2 2009 [Full text]
Coding variant
Met72Thr in the PEDF gene and risk of neovascular
age-related macular degeneration and polypoidal choroidal
Hiroaki Bessho, Naoshi Kondo, Shigeru Honda,
Shin-ichi Kuno, Akira Negi
Published: June 2 2009 [Full text]
Evaluation of PTPN22
polymorphisms and Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease in Japanese
Yukihiro Horie, Nobuyoshi Kitaichi, Yoshihiko
Katsuyama, Kazuhiko Yoshida, Toshie Miura, Masao Ota, Yuri
Asukata, Hidetoshi Inoko, Nobuhisa Mizuki, Susumu Ishida,
Shigeaki Ohno
Published: June 3 2009 [Full text]
Association of LOXL1
polymorphisms with pseudoexfoliation in the Chinese
Kelvin Y.C. Lee, Su Ling Ho, Anbupalam
Thalamuthu, Anandalakshmi Venkatraman, Divya Venkataraman,
Don C.K. Pek, Tin Aung, Eranga N. Vithana
Published: June 4 2009 [Full text]
An αA-crystallin
gene mutation, Arg12Cys, causing inherited
cataract-microcornea exhibits an altered heat-shock
Li-Yun Zhang, Gary Hin-Fai Yam, Pancy Oi-Sin
Tam, Ricky Yiu-Kwong Lai, Dennis Shun-Chiu Lam, Chi-Pui
Pang, Dorothy Shu-Ping Fan
Published: June 4 2009 [Full text]
Expression of
8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (Ogg1) in mouse retina
Karine Bigot, Julia Leemput, Monique Vacher,
Anna Campalans, J. Pablo Radicella, Emmanuelle Lacassagne,
Alexandra Provost, Christel Masson, Maurice Menasche, Marc
Published: June 5 2009 [Full text]
conjunctival epithelial cell responses to
platelet-activating factor (PAF): signal transduction and
release of proinflammatory cytokines
Najam A. Sharif, Shouxi Xu, Peggy E. Hellberg,
Iok-Hou Pang, Daniel A. Gamache, John M. Yanni
Published: June 6 2009 [Full text]
Nucleostemin as a
possible progenitor marker of corneal epithelial cells
Motoko Kawashima, Tetsuya Kawakita, Satoru
Yoshida, Shigeto Shimmura, Kazuo Tsubota
Published: June 10 2009 [Full text]
Silencing of P2Y2
receptor delays Ap4A-corneal re-epithelialization process
Almudena Crooke, Aránzazu Mediero, Ana
Guzmán-Aránguez, Jesús Pintor
Published: June 11 2009 [Full text]
retinopathy is not associated with carbonic anhydrase gene
S. Abhary, K.P. Burdon, A. Gupta, N. Petrovsky,
J.E. Craig
Published: June 13 2009 [Full text]
DHA does not
protect ELOVL4 transgenic mice from retinal
Feng Li, Lea D. Marchette, Richard S. Brush,
Michael H. Elliott, Yun-Zheng Le, Kimberly A. Henry, Ashley
G. Anderson, Chao Zhao, Xufang Sun, Kang Zhang, Robert E.
Published: June 13 2009 [Full text]
The effect of
ranibizumab versus photodynamic therapy on DNA damage in
patients with exudative macular degeneration
M Mozaffarieh, A Schötzau, T Josifova, Josef
Published: June 13 2009 [Full text]
Mutation spectrum
of CYP1B1 in North Indian congenital glaucoma
Mukesh Tanwar, Tanuj Dada, Ramanjit Sihota,
Taposh K. Das, Usha Yadav, Rima Dada
Published: June 13 2009 [Full text]
analysis of human vitreous humor differentiates ocular
inflammatory disease
Stephen P. Young, Maged Nessim, Francesco
Falciani, Victor Trevino, Somnath P. Banerjee, Robert A.H.
Scott, Philip I. Murray, Graham R. Wallace
Published: June 13 2009 [Full text]
Clinical and
biochemical effects of the E139K missense mutation in the
TIMP3 gene, associated with Sorsby fundus dystrophy
Z. Saihan, Z. Li, J. Rice, N.A. Rana, S.
Ramsden, P.G. Schlottmann, S.A. Jenkins, C. Blyth, G.C.
Black, N. McKie, A.R. Webster
Published: June 15 2009 [Full text]
endothelial growth factor upregulates expression of
annexin A2 in vitro and in a mouse model of ischemic
ShiHong Zhao, LiNa Huang, JinHui Wu, Yuan
Zhang, DongYan Pan, Xin Liu
Published: June 17 2009 [Full text]
Presence and
regulation of cannabinoid receptors in human retinal
pigment epithelial cells
Yan Wei, Xu Wang, Ling Wang
Published: June 14 2009 [Full text]
suppresses recurrent herpetic stromal keratitis through
down-regulation of nuclear factor-κB: an experimental
study in mice
Jie Yin, Zhenping Huang, Yuan Xia, Fei Ma, Li
Jing Zhang, Heng Hui Ma, Li Li Wang
Published: June 14 2009 [Full text]
administration of anti-angiogenic agents, TNP-470 and
Angiostatin4.5, induces fetal microphthalmia
Catrin S. Rutland, Keyi Jiang, Gerald A. Soff,
Christopher A. Mitchell
Published: June 26 2009 [Full text]
Association of
polymorphisms in APOE, p53, and p21
with primary open-angle glaucoma in Turkish patients
E. Saglar, D. Yucel, B. Bozkurt, R.K. Ozgul, M.
Irkec, A. Ogus
Published: June 30 2009 [Full text]
Expression of
muscarinic receptors in human and mouse sclera and their
role in the regulation of scleral fibroblasts
V. A. Barathi, S. R. Weon, R. W. Beuerman
Published: June 30 2009 [Full text]
A serum- and
feeder-free technique of culturing human corneal
epithelial stem cells on amniotic membrane
Kaevalin Lekhanont, Lulin Choubtum, Roy S.
Chuck, Tarinee Sa-ngiampornpanit, Varintorn Chuckpaiwong,
Anun Vongthongsri
Published: June 30 2009 [Full text]
Expression and
potential role of major inflammatory cytokines in
experimental keratomycosis
Wenxian Zhong, Hongmei Yin, Lixin Xie
Published: July 4 2009 [Full text]
Function of the
tryptophan metabolite, L-kynurenine, in human corneal
endothelial cells
Nermin Serbecic, Imad Lahdou, Alexander
Scheuerle, Romana Höftberger, Fahmy Aboul-Enein
Published: July 8 2009 [Full text]
analysis of CYP1B1 in Omani patients with primary
congenital glaucoma: a pilot study
Stefan El-Gayar, Anuradha Ganesh, Gabriela
Chavarria-Soley, Sana Al-Zuhaibi, Rayhanah Al-Mjeni, Sandy
Raeburn, Alexander A. Bialasiewicz
Published: July 8 2009 [Full text]
transcription analysis of histidine-related cataract in
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L)
Christiane Tröße, Rune Waagbø, Olav Breck,
Anne-Kristin Stavrum, Kjell Petersen, Pål A. Olsvik
Published: July 9 2009 [Full text]
Investigation of
parent-of-origin effect in comitant strabismus using MOD
score analysis
Sherin Shaaban, Toshihiko Matsuo, Konstantin
Strauch, Hiroshi Ohtsuki
Published: July 9 2009 [Full text]
A novel mutation
in CRYAB associated with autosomal dominant
congenital nuclear cataract in a Chinese family
Qiang Chen, Junjie Ma, Ming Yan, Maneo Emily
Mothobi, Yuanyuan Liu, Fang Zheng
Published: July 10 2009 [Full text]
analysis of FOXC1 in subjects presenting with
severe developmental eye anomalies
Kulvinder Kaur, Nicola K. Ragge, Jiannis
Published: July 13 2009 [Full text]
virus serotype-9 efficiently transduces the retinal outer
plexiform layer
Bo Lei, Keqing Zhang, Yongping Yue, Arkasubhra
Ghosh, Dongsheng Duan
Published: July 17 2009 [Full text]
Identification of
primary retinal cells and ex vivo detection of
proinflammatory molecules using flow cytometry
Jose-Andres C. Portillo, Genevieve Okenka,
Timothy S. Kern, Carlos S. Subauste
Published: July 17 2009 [Full text]
The retinoic acid
receptor alpha (RARA) gene is not associated with
myopia, hypermetropia, and ocular biometric measures
S. Veerappan, M. Schäche, K.K. Pertile, F.M.A.
Islam, C.Y. Chen, P. Mitchell, M. Dirani, P.N. Baird
Published: July 17 2009 [Full text]
Fine-mapping of
candidate region in Amish and Ashkenazi families confirms
linkage of refractive error to a QTL on 1p34-p36
Robert Wojciechowski, Joan E. Bailey-Wilson,
Dwight Stambolian
Published: July 17 2009 [Full text]
heterozygous P23T CRYGD mutation associated with cerulean
(and coralliform) cataract in 2 Saudi families
Arif O. Khan, Mohammed A. Aldahmesh, Faisal E.
Ghadhfan, Saleh Al-Mesfer, Fowzan S. Alkuraya
Published: July 24 2009 [Full text]
Association of
the single nucleotide polymorphisms in the extracellular
matrix metalloprotease-9 gene with PACG in southern China
Yanhong Cong, Xiangming Guo, Xing Liu, Dan Cao,
Xiaoyun Jia, Xueshan Xiao, Shiqiang Li, Shaohua Fang,
Qingjiong Zhang
Published: July 24 2009 [Full text]
TNF-α mediated
apoptosis plays an important role in the development of
early diabetic retinopathy and long-term histopathological
Antonia M. Joussen, Sven Doehmen, Minh L. Le,
Kan Koizumi, Sven Radetzky, Tim U. Krohne, Vassiliki
Poulaki, Irina Semkova, Norbert Kociok
Published: July 25 2009 [Full text]
truncations and site-directed mutations enhance
thermostability and chaperone-like activity of porcine
Jiahn-Haur Liao, Jiahn-Shing Lee, Shih-Hsiung
Wu, Shyh-Horng Chiou
Published: July 28 2009 [Full text]
cost-effective approach to the diagnosis of gene deletions
in eye development anomalies
Alexander W. Wyatt, Nicola Ragge
Published: July 28 2009 [Full text]
T-helper 17
lymphocytes in ocular cicatricial pemphigoid
Alessandro Lambiase, Alessandra Micera, Flavio
Mantelli, Caterina Moretti, Antonio Di Zazzo, Eleonora
Perrella, Sergio Bonini, Stefano Bonini
Published: July 28 2009 [Full text]
In vivo
observation of Langerhans cells by laser confocal
microscopy in Thygeson’s superficial punctate keratitis
Koji Kawamoto, Tai-ichiro Chikama, Norihisa
Takahashi, Teruo Nishida
Published: July 29 2009 [Full text]
A novel UBIAD1
mutation identified in a Chinese family with Schnyder
crystalline corneal dystrophy
Yang Jing, Chun Liu, Junmin Xu, Liya Wang
Published: July 29 2009 [Full text]
Mutation analysis
of congenital cataract in a Basotho family identified a
new missense allele in CRYBB2
Maneo Emily Mothobi, Shuren Guo, Yuanyuan Liu,
Qiang Chen, Ali Said Yussuf, Xinli Zhu, Fang Zheng
Published: July 30 2009 [Full text]
Morphogenic and
genetic differences between Candida albicans
strains are associated with keratomycosis virulence
Xia Hua, Xiaoyong Yuan, Bradley M. Mitchell,
Michael C. Lorenz, Denis M. O’Day, Kirk R. Wilhelmus
Published: July 30 2009 [Full text]
Evaluation of
lenticular antioxidant and redox system components in the
lenses of acetyl-L-carnitine treatment in BSO-induced
glutathione deprivation
R. Elanchezhian, M. Sakthivel, M. Isai, P.
Geraldine, P.A. Thomas
Published: July 31 2009 [Full text]
Gap junction
remodeling associated with cholesterol redistribution
during fiber cell maturation in the adult chicken lens
Sondip K. Biswas, Jean X. Jiang, Woo-Kuen Lo
Published: August 4 2009 [Full text]
glycation of the Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) tripeptide motif
modulates retinal microvascular endothelial cell
Denise M. McDonald, Gary Coleman, Ashay
Bhatwadekar, Tom A. Gardiner, Alan W. Stitt
Published: August 5 2009 [Full text]
A novel
γD-crystallin mutation causes mild changes in protein
properties but leads to congenital coralliform cataract
Li-Yun Zhang, Bo Gong, Jian-Ping Tong, Dorothy
Shu-Ping Fan, Sylvia Wai-Yee Chiang, Dinghua Lou, Dennis
Shun-Chiu Lam, Gary Hin-Fai Yam, Chi-Pui Pang
Published: August 6 2009 [Full text]
Sequence analysis
of MYOC and CYP1B1 in a Chinese pedigree
of juvenile glaucoma with goniodysgenesis
Xiaoming Chen, Naihong Yan, Hongmin Yun,
Jingjing Sun, Man Yu, Jiumo Zhou, Guiqun Cao, Hongbo Yin,
Mao Li, Xuyang Liu
Published: August 7 2009 [Full text]
chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1 −2518 A/G
SNP in Chinese Han patients with VKH syndrome
Shengping Hou, Peizeng Yang, Lin Xie, Liping
Du, Hongyan Zhou, Zhengxuan Jiang
Published: August 8 2009 [Full text]
Suppression of
experimental uveitis by a recombinant adeno-associated
virus vector encoding interleukin-1 receptor antagonist
Ming-Ling Tsai, Chi-Ting Horng, Show-Li Chen,
Xiao Xiao, Chih-Hung Wang, Yeou-Ping Tsao
Published: August 8 2009 [Full text]
Do sex steroids
exert sex-specific and/or opposite effects on gene
expression in lacrimal and meibomian glands?
David A. Sullivan, Roderick V. Jensen, Tomo
Suzuki, Stephen M. Richards
Published: August 10 2009 [Full text]
Quantification of
dolichol in the human lens with different types of
Devarshi Gajjar, Adam Jozwiak, Ewa Swiezewska,
Bhagwat Alapure, Trilok Parmar, Kaid Johar, Abhay R.
Published: August 11 2009 [Full text]
A novel TACSTD2
mutation identified in two Chinese brothers with
gelatinous drop-like corneal dystrophy
Yang Jing, Chun Liu, Liya Wang
Published: August 14 2009 [Full text]
New technique for
culturing corneal epithelial cells of normal mice
Takeshi Kobayashi, Ryuji Yoshioka, Atsushi
Shiraishi, Yuichi Ohashi
Published: August 14 2009 [Full text]
analysis of DNA copy number alterations in patients with
primary open-angle glaucoma
Khaled K. Abu-Amero, Ali Hellani, Patrick
Bender, George L. Spaeth, Jonathan Myers, L. Jay Katz,
Marlene Moster, Thomas M. Bosley
Published: August 15 2009 [Full text]
Imatinib induces
apoptosis by inhibiting PDGF- but not insulin-induced PI
3-kinase/Akt survival signaling in RGC-5 retinal ganglion
Swarajit K. Biswas, Yan Zhao, Lakshman
Published: August 15 2009 [Full text]
Evaluation of
conjunctival inflammatory status by confocal scanning
laser microscopy and conjunctival brush cytology in
patients with atopic keratoconjunctivitis (AKC)
Tais Hitomi Wakamatsu, Naoko Okada, Takashi
Kojima, Yukihiro Matsumoto, Osama M.A. Ibrahim, Murat Dogru,
Enrique Sato Adan, Kazumi Fukagawa, Chikako Katakami, Kazuo
Tsubota, Jun Shimazaki, Hiroshi Fujishima
Published: August 15 2009 [Full text]
Diabetes changes
the levels of ionotropic glutamate receptors in the rat
Ana R. Santiago, Joana M. Gaspar, Filipa I.
Baptista, Armando J. Cristóvão, Paulo F. Santos, Willem
Kamphuis, António F. Ambrósio
Published: August 17 2009 [Full text]
leukemia inhibitory factor protects photoreceptor cells
against light-induced degeneration
Sandra Bürgi, Marijana Samardzija, Christian
Published: August 18 2009 [Full text]
Proteome analysis
of biomarkers in the cerebrospinal fluid of neuromyelitis
optica patients
Shumei Bai, Shilian Liu, Xuxiao Guo, Zhaoyu
Qin, Banqin Wang, Xiaohong Li, Yanjiang Qin, Yi-Hsin Liu
Published: August 20 2009 [Full text]
A novel
optineurin genetic mutation associated with open-angle
glaucoma in a Chinese family
Zheng Xiao, Qingfeng Meng, James C. Tsai,
Huiping Yuan, Na Xu, Yuanyuan Li
Published: August 20 2009 [Full text]
gene polymorphisms in high myopia
Hui-Ju Lin, Lei Wan, Yuhsin Tsai, Su-Ching Liu,
Wen-Chi Chen, Shih-Wei Tsai, Fuu-Jen Tsai
Published: August 20 2009 [Full text]
pressure-dependent changes in cyclic AMP signaling in
optic nerve head astrocytes from Caucasian and African
American donors
Lin Chen, Thomas J. Lukas, M. Rosario Hernandez
Published: August 20 2009 [Full text]
6-sulfatoxymelatonin level in age-related macular
degeneration patients
Richard Rosen, Dan-Ning Hu, Violete Perez, Katy
Tai, Guo-Pei Yu, Min Chen, Paul Tone, Steven A. McCormick,
Joseph Walsh
Published: August 21 2009 [Full text]
Evaluation of the
adeno-associated virus mediated long-term expression of
channelrhodopsin-2 in the mouse retina
Elena Ivanova, Zhuo-Hua Pan
Published: August 21 2009 [Full text]
Comparison of the
ocular tolerability of a latanoprost cationic emulsion
versus conventional formulations of prostaglandins: an in
vivo toxicity assay
Hong Liang, Christophe Baudouin, Marie-Odile
Faure, Grégory Lambert, Françoise Brignole-Baudouin
Published: August 25 2009 [Full text]
Exclusion of
known corneal dystrophy genes in an autosomal dominant
pedigree of a unique anterior membrane corneal dystrophy
Andrea L. Vincent, David M. Markie, Betina De
Karolyi, Catherine E. Wheeldon, Dipika V. Patel, Christina
N. Grupcheva, Charles N.J. McGhee
Published: August 26 2009 [Full text]
dystrophy and a frameshift mutation in the PROM1
Eran Pras, Almogit Abu, Ygal Rotenstreich,
Isaac Avni, Orit Reish, Yair Morad, Haike Reznik-Wolf, Elon
Published: August 28 2009 [Full text]
Lateral diffusion
of rhodopsin in photoreceptor membrane: a reappraisal
Victor I. Govardovskii, Darya A. Korenyak,
Sergei A. Shukolyukov, Lidia V. Zueva
Published: August 28 2009 [Full text]
Gene expression
in the mouse eye: an online resource for genetics using
103 strains of mice
Eldon E. Geisert, Lu Lu, Natalie E.
Freeman-Anderson, Justin P. Templeton, Mohamed Nassr,
Xusheng Wang, Weikuan Gu, Yan Jiao, Robert W. Williams
Published: August 31 2009 [Full text]
RNA interference
for apoptosis signal-regulating kinase-1 (ASK-1) rescues
photoreceptor death in the rd1 mouse
Daisuke Sekimukai, Shigeru Honda, Akira Negi
Published: September 2 2009 [Full text]
acetylcholine receptor 1 gene polymorphisms associated
with high myopia
Hui-Ju Lin, Lei Wan, Yuhsin Tsai, Wen-Chi Chen,
Shih-Wei Tsai, Fuu-Jen Tsai
Published: September 4 2009 [Full text]
Mutations that
are a common cause of Leber congenital amaurosis in
northern America are rare in Southern India
Periasamy Sundaresan, P. Vijayalakshmi, Stewart
Thompson, Audrey C. Ko, John H. Fingert, Edwin M. Stone
Published: September 4 2009 [Full text]
A novel mutation
in GRK1 causes Oguchi disease in a consanguineous
Pakistani family
Maleeha Azam, Rob W.J. Collin, Muhammad Imran
Khan, Syed Tahir Abbas Shah, Nadeem Qureshi, Muhammad Ajmal,
Anneke I. den Hollander, Raheel Qamar, Frans P.M. Cremers
Published: September 5 2009 [Full text]
heterozygosity for a novel and a recurrent MFRP
gene mutation in a family with the nanophthalmos-retinitis
pigmentosa complex
Juan Carlos Zenteno, Beatriz Buentello-Volante,
Miguel A. Quiroz-González, Miguel A. Quiroz-Reyes
Published: September 5 2009 [Full text]
Cis-urocanic acid
suppresses UV-B-induced interleukin-6 and -8 secretion and
cytotoxicity in human corneal and conjunctival epithelial
cells in vitro
J. Viiri, H.M. Jauhonen, A. Kauppinen, T.
Ryhänen, T. Paimela, J. Hyttinen, I. Sorri, J.K. Laihia, L.
Leino, K. Kaarniranta
Published: September 8 2009 [Full text]
mutations in the CLRN1 gene alter normal CLRN1
protein trafficking to the plasma membrane
Juha Isosomppi, Hanna Västinsalo, Scott F.
Geller, Elise Heon, John G. Flannery, Eeva-Marja Sankila
Published: September 8 2009 [Full text]
SOD2 gene
polymorphisms in neovascular age-related macular
degeneration and polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy
Naoshi Kondo, Hiroaki Bessho, Shigeru Honda,
Akira Negi
Published: September 9 2009 [Full text]
Hypoxia reduces
TGFβ1-induced corneal keratocyte myofibroblast
Dongmei Xing, Joseph A. Bonanno
Published: September 11 2009 [Full text]
AAV retinal
transduction in a large animal model species: Comparison
of a self-complementary AAV2/5 with a single-stranded
AAV2/5 vector
S.M. Petersen-Jones, J.T. Bartoe, A.J. Fischer,
M. Scott, S.L. Boye, V. Chiodo, W.W. Hauswirth
Published: September 11 2009 [Full text]
Expression of
cadherin 23 isoforms is not conserved: implications for a
mouse model of Usher syndrome type 1D
Ayala Lagziel, Nora Overlack, Steven L.
Bernstein, Robert J. Morell, Uwe Wolfrum, Thomas B. Friedman
Published: September 12 2009 [Full text]
Involvement of A1
adenosine receptors in osmotic volume regulation of
retinal glial cells in mice
Antje Wurm, Stephan Lipp, Thomas Pannicke,
Regina Linnertz, Katrin Färber, Peter Wiedemann, Andreas
Reichenbach, Andreas Bringmann
Published: September 12 2009 [Full text]
Decursin inhibits
retinal neovascularization via suppression of VEGFR-2
Jeong Hun Kim, Jin Hyoung Kim, You Mie Lee,
Eun-Mi Ahn, Kyu-Won Kim, Young Suk Yu
Published: September 12 2009 [Full text]
among patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease in Saudi
Alia Iqniebi, Ameera Gaafar, Atia Sheereen,
Abdullah Al-Suliman, Gamal Mohamed, Khaled Al-Hussein,
Khalid F. Tabbara
Published: September 12 2009 [Full text]
The GJA8
allele encoding CX50I247M is a rare polymorphism, not a
cataract-causing mutation
Jochen Graw, Werner Schmidt, Peter J. Minogue,
Jessica Rodriguez, Jun-Jie Tong, Norman Klopp, Thomas Illig,
Lisa Ebihara, Viviana M. Berthoud, Eric C. Beyer
Published: September 14 2009 [Full text]
Müller cell
activation, proliferation and migration following laser
Mark A. Tackenberg, Budd A. Tucker, Jesse S.
Swift, Caihui Jiang, Stephen Redenti, Kenneth P. Greenberg,
John G. Flannery, Andreas Reichenbach, Michael J. Young
Published: September 17 2009 [Full text]
Inhibition of
choroidal neovascularization by topical application of
angiogenesis inhibitor vasostatin
Shwu-Jiuan Sheu, Youn-Shen Bee, Yi-Ling Ma,
Guei-Sheung Liu, Hsiu-Chen Lin, Tse-Liang Yeh, Jau-Chen
Liou, Ming-Hong Tai
Published: September 18 2009 [Full text]
Effect of serum
cytokines and VEGF levels on diabetic retinopathy and
macular thickness
Banu Turgut Ozturk, Banu Bozkurt, Hurkan
Kerimoglu, Mehmet Okka, Umit Kamis, Kemal Gunduz
Published: September 19 2009 [Full text]
of pig retinal development
Jasenka Guduric-Fuchs, Laura J. Ringland, Ping
Gu, Margaret Dellett, Desmond B. Archer, Tiziana Cogliati
Published: September 21 2009 [Full text]
The influence of
sublethal blue light exposure on human RPE cells
Cora Roehlecke, Annette Schaller, Lilla Knels,
Richard H.W. Funk
Published: September 21 2009 [Full text]
Primary open
angle glaucoma in a Caucasian population is associated
with the p53 codon 72 polymorphism
Christopher L. Daugherty, Hilda Curtis, Tony
Realini, Judie F. Charlton, Sepideh Zareparsi
Published: September 22 2009 [Full text]
The novel Y371D
myocilin mutation causes an aggressive form of juvenile
open-angle glaucoma in a Caucasian family from the
Inbal Avisar, Moshe Lusky, Anat Robinson,
Mordechai Shohat, Stéphane Dubois, Vincent Raymond, Dan D.
Published: September 24 2009 [Full text]
effects of polysaccharide extract from Spirulina
platensis on corneal neovascularization
Lingling Yang, Yao Wang, Qingjun Zhou, Peng
Chen, Yiqiang Wang, Ye Wang, Ting Liu, Lixin Xie
Published: September 24 2009 [Full text]
Effect of dispase
denudation on amniotic membrane
Laurence S. Lim, Andri Riau, Rebekah Poh, D.T.
Tan, R.W. Beuerman, J.S. Mehta
Published: September 25 2009 [Full text]
of galectin-3 in the pig retina during postnatal
Jihoon Kim, Changjong Moon, Meejung Ahn,
Hong-Gu Joo, Jae-Kwang Jin, Taekyun Shin
Published: September 26 2009 [Full text]
Suppression of
IκBα increases the expression of matrix
metalloproteinase-2 in human ciliary muscle cells
Yu-Qing Lan, Chi Zhang, Jian-Hui Xiao, Ye-Hong
Zhuo, Hui Guo, Wei Peng, Jian Ge
Published: September 28 2009 [Full text]
neovascularization during experimental fungal keratitis
Xiaoyong Yuan, Kirk R. Wilhelmus
Published: September 29 2009 [Full text]
endothelial growth factor receptor-1 (VEGFR-1) expression
in human corneal fibroblast decreased with age
Alexandre Berthaut, Pezhman Mirshahi, Nadia
Benabbou, Dalel Azzazene, Camille Bordu, Amu Therwath,
Jean-marc Legeais, Massoud Mirshahi
Published: September 29 2009 [Full text]
Apoptosis of lens
epithelial cells induced by high concentration of glucose
is associated with a decrease in caveolin-1 levels
Zhiyong Zhang, Ke Yao, Chongfei Jin
Published: September 30 2009 [Full text]
Lack of
association of two polymorphisms of IRF5 with
Behcet’s disease
Haijun Li, Peizeng Yang, Zhengxuan Jiang,
Shengping Hou, Lin Xie
Published: October 7 2009 [Full text]
In vivo
evaluation of a novel scaffold for artificial corneas
prepared by using ultrahigh hydrostatic pressure to
decellularize porcine corneas
Shuji Sasaki, Seiichi Funamoto, Yoshihide
Hashimoto, Tsuyoshi Kimura, Takako Honda, Shinya Hattori,
Hisatoshi Kobayashi, Akio Kishida, Manabu Mochizuki
Published: October 13 2009 [Full text]
Effects of
mitomycin C on the expression of chymase and mast cells in
the conjunctival scar of a monkey trabeculectomy model
Kouhei Okada, Tetsuya Sugiyama, Shinji Takai,
Denan Jin, Osamu Ishida, Masanori Fukmoto, Hidehiro Oku,
Mizuo Miyazaki, Tsunehiko Ikeda
Published: October 13 2009 [Full text]
Nerve growth
factor modulates toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 and 9
expression in cultured primary VKC conjunctival epithelial
Alessandra Micera, Barbara Stampachiacchiere,
Eduardo Maria Normando, Alessandro Lambiase, Sergio Bonini,
Stefano Bonini
Published: October 13 2009 [Full text]
An evaluation of
OPTC and EPYC as candidate genes for high
Panfeng Wang, Shiqiang Li, Xueshan Xiao,
Xiangming Guo, Qingjiong Zhang
Published: October 15 2009 [Full text]
effects of metal ion and the pre-senile cataract-causing
G98R αA-crystallin: self-aggregation propensities and
chaperone activity
Devendra Singh, Ramakrishna Tangirala, Raman
Bakthisaran, Mohan Rao Chintalagiri
Published: October 16 2009 [Full text]
ETX1 is
over-expressed in the glaucomatous trabecular meshwork
Saradha Iragavarapu, Mabel E. Algeciras,
Richard K. Lee, Sanjoy K. Bhattacharya
Published: October 16 2009 [Full text]
Study of the
expression of CD30 in pterygia compared to healthy
Yonathan Garfias, Víctor Manuel Bautista-De
Lucio, Cynthia García, Angel Nava, Leonardo Villalvazo,
María Carmen Jiménez-Martínez
Published: October 17 2009 [Full text]
aniridia and interhemispheric brain anomalies
Hana Abouzeid, Mohamed A. Youssef, Nihal
ElShakankiri, Philippe Hauser, Francis L. Munier, Daniel F.
Published: October 17 2009 [Full text]
Reconstruction of
a human hemicornea through natural scaffolds compatible
with the growth of corneal epithelial stem cells and
stromal keratocytes
Vanessa Barbaro, Stefano Ferrari, Adriano
Fasolo, Diego Ponzin, Enzo Di Iorio
Published: October 17 2009 [Full text]
variations of GRM6 in patients with high myopia
Xiaoyu Xu, Shiqiang Li, Xueshan Xiao, Panfeng
Wang, Xiangming Guo, Qingjiong Zhang
Published: October 19 2009 [Full text]
ischemia-induced apoptosis is associated with alteration
in Bax and Bcl-xL expression rather than modifications in
Bak and Bcl-2
Nathalie Produit-Zengaffinen, Constantin J.
Pournaras, Daniel F. Schorderet
Published: October 19 2009 [Full text]
changes in the gene expression profile of murine retinal
progenitor cells during the induction of differentiation
Ping Gu, Jing Yang, Jinmei Wang, Michael J.
Young, Henry Klassen
Published: October 20 2009 [Full text]
interleukin-6 participates in transdifferentiation of
human Tenon’s fibroblasts to myofibroblasts
Gong Je Seong, Samin Hong, Sun-Ah Jung,
Jung-Jin Lee, Eunhae Lim, Sung-Joo Kim, Joon H. Lee
Published: October 21 2009 [Full text]
Effect of a
combination of carnosine and aspirin eye drops on
streptozotocin - induced diabetic cataract in rats
Qiong Shi, Hong Yan, Ming-Yong Li, John J.
Published: October 21 2009 [Full text]
Eye anomalies and
neurological manifestations in patients with PAX6
Yin-Hsuan Chien, Hsiang-Po Huang, Wuh-Liang
Hwu, Yin-Hsiu Chien, Tseng-Ching Chang, Ni-Chung Lee
Published: October 22 2009 [Full text]
Analysis of
chromosomal aberration (1, 3, and 8) and association of
microRNAs in uveal melanoma
Abhirami Radhakrishnan, Nirmala
Badhrinarayanan, Jyotirmay Biswas, Subramanian Krishnakumar
Published: October 22 2009 [Full text]
results of Iranian PCG families suggests one or more PCG
locus other than GCL3A, GCL3B, and GCL3C exist
Mehrnaz Narooie-Nejad, Fereshteh Chitsazian,
Betsabeh Khoramian Tusi, Faride Mousavi, Massoud Houshmand,
Mohammad R. Rohani, Azam S. Hosseinipour, Akram Rismanchian,
Elahe Elahi
Published: October 22 2009 [Full text]
Inhibition of
human retinal pigment epithelial cell attachment,
spreading, and migration by the human lectin galectin-1
Claudia S. Alge-Priglinger, Sabine André,
Thomas C. Kreutzer, Cornelia A. Deeg, Anselm Kampik, Marcus
Kernt, Harald Schöffl, Siegfried G. Priglinger, Hans-Joachim
Published: October 23 2009 [Full text]
A comprehensive
analysis of sequence variants and putative disease-causing
mutations in photoreceptor-specific nuclear receptor NR2E3
Atsuhiro Kanda, Anand Swaroop
Published: October 24 2009 [Full text]
and short-term culture of cells recovered from human
conjunctival epithelium by minimally invasive means
Hernán Martínez-Osorio, Margarita Calonge,
Alfredo Corell, Roberto Reinoso, Antonio López, Itziar
Fernández, Eloína Gutiérrez San José, Yolanda Diebold
Published: October 27 2009 [Full text]
Evaluation of
monkey intraocular pressure by rebound tonometer
Wenhan Yu, Guiqun Cao, Jinghua Qiu, Xuyang Liu,
Jia Ma, Ni Li, Man Yu, Naihong Yan, Lei Chen, Iok-Hou Pang
Published: October 27 2009 [Full text]
Investigation of
the association between CALCRL polymorphisms and
primary angle closure glaucoma
Dan Cao, Xing Liu, Xiangming Guo, Yanhong Cong,
Jingjing Huang, Zhen Mao
Published: October 27 2009 [Full text]
Influence of the
rod photoresponse on light adaptation and circadian
rhythmicity in the cone ERG
Morven A. Cameron, Robert J. Lucas
Published: October 30 2009 [Full text]
Astrocyte and
microglial activation in the lateral geniculate nucleus
and visual cortex of glaucomatous and optic nerve
transected primates
Dawn Lam, Janey Jim, Eleanor To, Carol
Rasmussen, Paul L. Kaufman, Joanne Matsubara
Published: October 31 2009 [Full text]
Effects of
amniotic membrane suspension in human corneal wound
healing in vitro
Jin A Choi, Hyun-Jin Jin, Samhyun Jung,
Eunkyung Yang, Jun-Sub Choi, So-Hyang Chung, Choun-Ki Joo
Published: November 5 2009 [Full text]
AC and AG
dinucleotide repeats in the PAX6 P1 promoter are
associated with high myopia
Tsz Kin Ng, Ching Yan Lam, Dennis Shun Chiu
Lam, Sylvia Wai Yee Chiang, Pancy Oi Sin Tam, Dan Yi Wang,
Bao Jian Fan, Gary Hin-Fai Yam, Dorothy Shu Ping Fan, Chi
Pui Pang
Published: November 5 2009 [Full text]
neuronal nitric oxide synthase activity in retinal neurons
in early diabetic retinopathy
Thomas J. Giove, Monika M. Deshpande, Christine
S. Gagen, William D. Eldred
Published: November 9 2009 [Full text]
ERα increases
expression and interacts with TERT in cataractous canine
lens epithelial cells
Carmen M.H. Colitz, Yasuro Sugimoto, Ping Lu,
Curtis Andrew Barden, Jennifer Thomas-Ahner, Heather Lynn
Published: November 9 2009 [Full text]
MTHFR gene
C677T and A1298C polymorphisms and homocysteine levels in
primary open angle and primary closed angle glaucoma
Shazia Micheal, Raheel Qamar, Farah Akhtar,
Muhammad Imran Khan, Wajid Ali Khan, Asifa Ahmed
Published: November 9 2009 [Full text]
effect by activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated
receptor–γ in corneal fibroblasts
Hongwei Pan, Jiansu Chen, Jintang Xu, Miaojiao
Chen, Rong Ma
Published: November 10 2009 [Full text]
variation and genotype-phenotype discordance in canine
cone-rod dystrophy with an RPGRIP1 mutation
Keiko Miyadera, Kumiko Kato, Jesús
Aguirre-Hernández, Tsuyoshi Tokuriki, Kyohei Morimoto,
Claudia Busse, Keith Barnett, Nigel Holmes, Hiroyuki Ogawa,
Nobuo Sasaki, Cathryn S. Mellersh, David R. Sargan
Published: November 11 2009 [Full text]
Human tissue
factor pathway inhibitor-2 suppresses the wound-healing
activities of human Tenon’s capsule fibroblasts in vitro
Yuan Jing, Yu Jian-Xiong
Published: November 12 2009 [Full text]
The zebrafish
lens proteome during development and aging
Teri M.S. Greiling, Scott A. Houck, John I.
Published: November 13 2009 [Full text]
Effect of
subconjuctival and intraocular bevacizumab injection on
angiogenic gene expression levels in a mouse model of
corneal neovascularization
Olga Dratviman-Storobinsky, Bat-Chen R. Avraham
Lubin, Murat Hasanreisoglu, Nitza Goldenberg-Cohen
Published: November 13 2009 [Full text]
individuals demonstrate significant similarity to glaucoma
patients as revealed by gene expression profiling in
circulating leukocytes
Kristina Yeghiazaryan, Josef Flammer, Selim
Orgül, Kerstin Wunderlich, Olga Golubnitschaja
Published: November 14 2009 [Full text]
Evaluation of LOXL1
polymorphisms in exfoliation syndrome in a Chinese
Ling Chen, Jia Liyun, Ningli Wang, Guangxian
Tang, Chun Zhang, Sujie Fan, Wenru Liu, Hailin Meng, Wotan
Zeng, Ningpu Liu, Huaizhou Wang, Hongyan Jia
Published: November 14 2009 [Full text]
The interaction
of Glu294 at the subunit interface is important for the
activity and stability of goose δ-crystallin
Chih-Wei Huang, Yu-Hou Chen, Ya-Huei Chen,
Yun-Chi Tsai, Hwei-Jen Lee
Published: November 14 2009 [Full text]
metalloproteinases in recurrent corneal melting associated
with primary Sjörgen’s syndrome
Kristyna Brejchova, Petra Liskova, Enkela
Hrdlickova, Martin Filipec, Katerina Jirsova
Published: November 14 2009 [Full text]
Short and long
term axotomy-induced ERG changes in albino and pigmented
Luis Alarcón-Martínez, Pedro de la Villa,
Marcelino Avilés-Trigueros, Román Blanco, Maria P.
Villegas-Pérez, Manuel Vidal-Sanz
Published: November 17 2009 [Full text]
receptor expression in Xenopus laevis surface
corneal epithelium: Diurnal rhythm of lateral membrane
Allan F. Wiechmann, Lindsey R. Hollaway, Jody
A. Summers Rada
Published: November 17 2009 [Full text]
Distribution of
ferritin chains in canine lenses with and without
age-related nuclear cataracts
M. Goralska, S. Nagar, L.N. Fleisher, M.C.
Published: November 20 2009 [Full text]
of dogfish α-crystallin, comparison with bovine
A. Ghahghaei, A. Rekas, J.A. Carver, R.C.
Published: November 20 2009 [Full text]
analysis of human pterygium shows a predominance of
conjunctival and limbal markers and genes associated with
cell migration
C.J. Jaworski, M. Aryankalayil-John, M.M.
Campos, R.N. Fariss, J. Rowsey, N. Agarwalla, T.W. Reid, N.
Dushku, C.A. Cox, D. Carper, G. Wistow
Published: November 20 2009 [Full text]
inhibit the innate immune system of human corneal
fibroblast through their suppression of toll-like
Xiuming Jin, Qin Qin, Lili Tu, Jia Qu
Published: November 20 2009 [Full text]
A rare de novo
nonsense mutation in OTX2 causes early onset
retinal dystrophy and pituitary dysfunction
Robert H. Henderson, Kathleen A. Williamson,
Joanna S. Kennedy, Andrew R. Webster, Graham E. Holder,
Anthony G. Robson, David R. FitzPatrick, Veronica van
Heyningen, Anthony T. Moore
Published: November 21 2009 [Full text]
The membrane
proteome of the mouse lens fiber cell
Steven Bassnett, Phillip A. Wilmarth, Larry L.
Published: November 24 2009 [Full text]
characterization of retinitis pigmentosa in Saudi Arabia
Mohammed A. Aldahmesh, Leen Abu Safieh, Hisham
Alkuraya, Ali Al-Rajhi, Hanan Shamseldin, Mais Hashem,
Fatemah Alzahrani, Arif O. Khan, Faisal Alqahtani, Zuhair
Rahbeeni, Mohammed Alowain, Hanif Khalak, Salwa Al-Hazzaa,
Brian F. Meyer, Fowzan S. Alkuraya
Published: November 24 2009 [Full text]
Evaluation of the
CYP1B1 gene as a candidate gene in beagles with
primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG)
K. Kato, A. Kamida, N. Sasaki, B.S. Shastry
Published: November 28 2009 [Full text]
A novel VSX1
mutation identified in an individual with keratoconus in
Preeti Paliwal, Anuradha Singh, Radhika Tandon,
Jeevan S. Titiyal, Arundhati Sharma
Published: November 28 2009 [Full text]
Evaluation of
differentially expressed genes identified in keratoconus
Ji-Eun Lee, Boo Sup Oum, Hee Young Choi, Seung
Uk Lee, Jong Soo Lee
Published: November 28 2009 [Full text]
Role of miR-29b
on the regulation of the extracellular matrix in human
trabecular meshwork cells under chronic oxidative stress
Coralia Luna, Guorong Li, Jianmimg Qiu, David
L. Epstein, Pedro Gonzalez
Published: November 28 2009 [Full text]
A novel mutation
I522N within the TGFBI gene caused lattice corneal
dystrophy I
Chunmei Zhang, Guang Zeng, Hui Lin, Dandan Li,
Liming Zhao, Nan Zhou, Yanhua Qi
Published: November 28 2009 [Full text]
Gene expression
and differentiation characteristics in mice E13.5 and
E17.5 neural retinal progenitors
Xuerong Sun, Ruzhang Jiang, Yuehong Zhang,
Mengfei Chen, Peng Xiang, Ying Qi, Qianying Gao, Bing Huang,
Jian Ge
Published: December 2 2009 [Full text]
signaling pathways of toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) in human
corneal epithelial cells
Yuko Hara, Atsushi Shiraishi, Yuichi Ohashi
Published: December 2 2009 [Full text]
Effects of
computer monitor-emitted radiation on oxidant/antioxidant
balance in cornea and lens from rats
Mehmet Balci, Mehmet Namuslu, Erdinç Devrim,
İlker Durak
Published: December 2 2009 [Full text]
A homozygous
p.Glu150Lys mutation in the opsin gene of two Pakistani
families with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa
Maleeha Azam, Muhammad Imran Khan, Andreas Gal,
Alamdar Hussain, Syed Tahir Abbas Shah, Muhammad Shakil
Khan, Ahmed Sadeque, Habib Bokhari, Rob W.J. Collin, Ulrike
Orth, Maria M. van Genderen, A.I. den Hollander, Frans P.M.
Cremers, Raheel Qamar
Published: December 3 2009 [Full text]
NADPH oxidase
expression and production of superoxide by human corneal
stromal cells
William J O’Brien, Tom Heimann, Farhan Rizvi
Published: December 3 2009 [Full text]
characterisation and ZEB1 mutational analysis in
posterior polymorphous corneal dystrophy in a New Zealand
Andrea L. Vincent, Rachael L. Niederer, Amanda
Richards, Betina Karolyi, Dipika V. Patel, Charles N.J.
Published: December 3 2009 [Full text]
Influence of sex
on gene expression in human corneal epithelial cells
Tomo Suzuki, Stephen M. Richards, Shaohui Liu,
Roderick V. Jensen, David A. Sullivan
Published: December 3 2009 [Full text]
Prevention of
selenite-induced cataractogenesis by rutin in Wistar rats
M. Isai, M. Sakthivel, E. Ramesh, P.A. Thomas,
P. Geraldine
Published: December 4 2009 [Full text]
Functional and
morphological effects of laser-induced ocular hypertension
in retinas of adult albino Swiss mice
Manuel Salinas-Navarro, Luis Alarcón-Martínez,
Francisco Javier Valiente-Soriano, Arturo Ortín-Martínez,
Manuel Jiménez-López, Marcelino Avilés-Trigueros, María Paz
Villegas-Pérez, Pedro de la Villa, Manuel Vidal-Sanz
Published: December 5 2009 [Full text]
The hepatocyte growth factor
receptor (MET) gene is not associated with refractive
error and ocular biometrics in a Caucasian population
M. Schache, C.Y. Chen, M. Dirani, P.N. Baird
Published: December 5 2009 [Full text]
BOL-303242-X, a novel selective
glucocorticoid receptor agonist, with full anti-inflammatory
properties in human ocular cells
Jin-Zhong Zhang, Megan E. Cavet, Karl R.
VanDerMeid, Mercedes Salvador-Silva, Francisco J. López, Keith
W. Ward
Published: December 8 2009 [Full text]
Denaturation and solvent effect
on the conformation and fibril formation of TGFBIp
Heather L. Grothe, Morgan R. Little, Angela S.
Cho, Andrew J.W. Huang, Ching Yuan
Published: December 8 2009 [Full text]
Ultra high throughput sequencing
excludes MDH1 as candidate gene for RP28-linked
Thomas Rio Frio, Sylwia Panek, Christian Iseli,
Silvio Alessandro Di Gioia, Arun Kumar, Andreas Gal, Carlo
Published: December 8 2009 [Full text]
Effects of triamcinolone
acetonide on vessels of the posterior segment of the eye
Fatemeh Valamanesh, Marianne Berdugo, Florian
Sennlaub, Michèle Savoldelli, Cyndie Goumeaux, Marianne
Houssier, Jean-Claude Jeanny, Alicia Torriglia, Francine
Published: December 8 2009 [Full text]
Gradients of Eph-A6
expression in primate retina suggest roles in both vascular
and axon guidance
Peter Kozulin, Riccardo Natoli, Michele C.
Madigan, Keely M. Bumsted O’Brien, Jan M. Provis
Published: December 9 2009 [Full text]
Extracellular SOD and VEGF are
increased in vitreous bodies from proliferative diabetic
retinopathy patients
Hiroshi Izuta, Yuichi Chikaraishi, Tetsuo Adachi,
Masamitsu Shimazawa, Tetsuya Sugiyama, Tsunehiko Ikeda,
Hideaki Hara
Published: December 10 2009 [Full text]
Lack of association between
toll-like receptor 4 gene polymorphisms and
sarcoidosis-related uveitis in Japan
Yuri Asukata, Masao Ota, Akira Meguro, Yoshihiko
Katsuyama, Mami Ishihara, Kenichi Namba, Nobuyoshi Kitaichi,
Shin-ichiro Morimoto, Toshikatsu Kaburaki, Yasutaka Ando,
Shinobu Takenaka, Hidetoshi Inoko, Shigeaki Ohno, Nobuhisa
Published: December 10 2009 [Full text]
PKC alpha affects cell cycle
progression and proliferation in human RPE cells through the
downregulation of p27kip1
Qianying Gao, Juan Tan, Ping Ma, Jian Ge, Yaqin
Liu, Xuerong Sun, Lian Zhou
Published: December 10 2009 [Full text]
Immunohistochemical changes in
rat retinas at various time periods of elevated intraocular
María Hernandez, F. David Rodriguez, S.C. Sharma,
Elena Vecino
Published: December 10 2009 [Full text]
Polymorphisms in the VEGFA
and VEGFR-2 genes and neovascular age-related
macular degeneration
Amy M. Fang, Aaron Y. Lee, Mukti Kulkarni,
Melissa P. Osborn, Milam A. Brantley Jr.
Published: December 10 2009 [Full text]
Microarray analysis of retinal
gene expression in Egr-1 knockout mice
Ruth Schippert, Frank Schaeffel, Marita Pauline
Published: December 10 2009 [Full text]
Proteomic analysis of human
aqueous humor using multidimensional protein identification
Matthew R. Richardson, Marianne O. Price, Francis
W. Price, Jennifer C. Pardo, Juan C. Grandin, Jinsam You, Mu
Wang, Mervin C. Yoder
Published: December 11 2009 [Full text]
Retinal phototoxicity in a novel
murine model of intraocular lens implantation
Toshihide Kurihara, Masahiro Omoto, Kousuke Noda,
Mari Ebinuma, Shunsuke Kubota, Haruna Koizumi, Satoru Yoshida,
Yoko Ozawa, Shigeto Shimmura, Susumu Ishida, Kazuo Tsubota
Published: December 12 2009 [Full text]
Functional proteomics of failed
filtering blebs
Takashi Kanamoto, Nazariy Souchelnytskyi,
Yoshiaki Kiuchi
Published: December 15 2009 [Full text]
One-year follow-up of epithelial
corneal cell sheet allografts mounted on platelet poor
plasma in rabbits
Federico Luengo Gimeno, Victoria Lavigne, Silvia
Gatto, J. Oscar Croxatto, Laura Correa, Juan E. Gallo
Published: December 15 2009 [Full text]
Tryptophan and kynurenine levels
in lenses of Wistar and accelerated-senescence OXYS rats
Olga A. Snytnikova, Lyudmila V. Kopylova, Elena
I. Chernyak, Sergey V. Morozov, Nataliya G. Kolosova, Yuri P.
Published: December 16 2009 [Full text]
Protective effect of clusterin
on oxidative stress-induced cell death of human corneal
endothelial cells
Young Joo Shin, Jeong Hun Kim, Jong Mo Seo, Sang
Mok Lee, Joon Young Hyon, Young Suk Yu, Won Ryang Wee
Published: December 16 2009 [Full text]
Efficient expression of
self-complementary AAV in ganglion cells of the ex vivo
primate retina
Rajeshwari D. Koilkonda, William W. Hauswirth,
John Guy
Published: December 16 2009 [Full text]
FcRn receptor-mediated
pharmacokinetics of therapeutic IgG in the eye
Hyuncheol Kim, Shaun B. Robinson, Karl G. Csaky
Published: December 16 2009 [Full text]
A novel GJA8 mutation
(p.I31T) causing autosomal dominant congenital cataract in a
Chinese family
Kaijie Wang, Binbin Wang, Jing Wang, Shiyi Zhou,
Bo Yun, Peisu Suo, Jie Cheng,1 Xu Ma, Siquan Zhu
Published: December 16 2009 [Full text]
Congenital eye malformations
associated with extensive periocular neural crest apoptosis
after influenza B virus infection during early embryogenesis
Bo-Yie Chen, Han-Hsin Chang, Shyan-Tang Chen,
Zih-Jay Tsao, Shang-Min Yeh, Chia-Yung Wu, David Pei-Cheng Lin
Published: December 19 2009 [Full text]
Trimethylamine N-oxide
alleviates the severe aggregation and ER stress caused by
G98R αA-crystallin
Bo Gong, Li-Yun Zhang, Chi-Pui Pang, Dennis
Shun-Chiu Lam, Gary Hin-Fai Yam
Published: December 19 2009 [Full text]
Outcome of ABCA4
microarray screening in routine clinical practice
Paul J.G. Ernest, Camiel J.F. Boon, B. Jeroen
Klevering, Lies H. Hoefsloot, Carel B. Hoyng
Published: December 20 2009 [Full text]
Polymorphisms in COL4A3
and COL4A4 genes associated with keratoconus
Mirna Štabuc-Šilih, Metka Ravnik-Glavač, Damjan
Glavač, Marko Hawlina, Mojca Stražišar
Published: December 20 2009 [Full text]
Association of tumor necrosis
factor alpha gene polymorphism G-308A with pseudoexfoliative
glaucoma in the Pakistani population
Muhammad Imran Khan, Shazia Micheal, Noreen Rana,
Farah Akhtar, Anneke I. den Hollander, Asifa Ahmed, Raheel
Published: December 22 2009 [Full text]
Dopamine receptor loss of
function is not protective of rd1 rod photoreceptors
in vivo
Judith Mosinger Ogilvie, Angela M. Hakenewerth,
Rachel R. Gardner, Joshua G. Martak, Virginia M. Maggio
Published: December 23 2009 [Full text]
Specific NFκB subunit activation
and kinetics of cytokine induction in adenoviral keratitis
Jaya Rajaiya, Neda Sadeghi, James Chodosh
Published: December 25 2009 [Full text]
Evaluation of MMP1 and MMP3
gene polymorphisms in exfoliation syndrome and exfoliation
Evangelia E. Tsironi, Maria Pefkianaki, Aspasia
Tsezou, Maria G. Kotoula, Efthimios Dardiotis, Pavlina
Almpanidou, Afroditi A. Papathanasiou, Paraskevi Rodopoulou,
Dimitrios Z. Chatzoulis, Georgios M. Hadjigeorgiou
Published: December 26 2009 [Full text]
Noninvasive direct detection of
ocular mucositis by in vivo confocal microscopy in patients
treated with S-1
Tai-ichiro Chikama, Norihisa Takahashi, Makiko
Wakuta, Teruo Nishida
Published: December 26 2009 [Full text]
Association of toll-like
receptor 2 gene polymorphisms with normal tension glaucoma
Jutaro Nakamura, Akira Meguro, Masao Ota, Eiichi
Nomura, Tadayuki Nishide, Kenji Kashiwagi, Fumihiko Mabuchi,
Hiroyuki Iijima, Kazuhide Kawase, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Makoto
Nakamura, Akira Negi, Takeshi Sagara, Teruo Nishida, Masaru
Inatani, Hidenobu Tanihara, Makoto Aihara, Makoto Araie, Takeo
Fukuchi, Haruki Abe, Tomomi Higashide, Kazuhisa Sugiyama,
Takashi Kanamoto, Yoshiaki Kiuchi, Aiko Iwase, Shigeaki Ohno,
Hidetoshi Inoko, Nobuhisa Mizuki
Published: December 26 2009 [Full text]
Mutational screening of 10 genes
in Chinese patients with microphthalmia and/or coloboma
Xiaohui Zhang, Shiqiang Li, Xueshan Xiao, Xiaoyun
Jia, Panfeng Wang, Huangxuan Shen, Xiangming Guo, Qingjiong
Published: December 27 2009 [Full text]
the p53 gene
Katsuhiko Yoshizawa, Maki Kuwata, Ayako Kawanaka,
Norihisa Uehara, Takashi Yuri, Airo Tsubura
Published: December 30 2009 [Full text]
Identification of four novel
cytochrome P4501B1 mutations (p.I94X, p.H279D, p.Q340H, and
p.K433K) in primary congenital glaucoma patients
Mukesh Tanwar, Tanuj Dada, Ramanjit Sihota, Rima
Published: December 30 2009 [Full text]
Upregulated IL-21 and IL-21
receptor expression is involved in experimental autoimmune
uveitis (EAU)
Lan Liu, Yongfeng Xu, Jianyong Wang, Huiyan Li
Published: December 31 2009 [Full text]
Hyperoxia-induced lens damage in
rabbit: protective effects of N-acetylcysteine
Ping Wang, Xiao-Cui Liu, Hong Yan, Ming-Yong Li
Published: December 31 2009 [Full text]
Smoking, an additional risk
factor in elder women with primary open-angle glaucoma
Vicente Zanon-Moreno, Jose J. Garcia-Medina,
Vicente Zanon-Viguer, Maria A. Moreno-Nadal, Maria D.
Published: December 31 2009 [Full text]
Functional and clinical data of
Best vitelliform macular dystrophy patients with mutations
in the BEST1 gene
Giuseppe Querques, Jennyfer Zerbib, Rossana
Santacroce, Maurizio Margaglione, Nathalie Delphin,
Jean-Michel Rozet, Josseline Kaplan, Domenico Martinelli,
Nicola Delle Noci, Gisèle Soubrane, Eric H. Souied
Published: December 31 2009 [Full text]