of a sheet of human corneal endothelial cell in a rabbit
Kouichiro Hitani, Seiichi Yokoo, Norihiko
Honda, Tomohiko Usui, Satoru Yamagami, Shiro Amano
Published: 3 January 2008 [Full text]
Effect of
immunomodulation with anti-CD40L antibody on
adenoviral-mediated transgene expression in mouse anterior
J. Cameron Millar, Iok-Hou Pang, Wan-Heng Wang,
Yu Wang, Abbot F. Clark
Published: 9 January 2008 [Full text]
naturally-occurring mutation in Cacna1f in a rat
model of congenital stationary night blindness
Yonghao Gu, Lifeng Wang, Jie Zhou, Qun Guo, Na
Liu, Zhenqiang Ding, Li Li, Xinping Liu, Jing An, Guolin
Yan, Libo Yao, Zuoming Zhang
Published: 9 January 2008 [Full text]
Analysis of
nuclear and mitochondrial genes in patients with
pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
Khaled K. Abu-Amero, Thomas M. Bosley, Jose
Published: 10 January 2008 [Full text]
anti-vascular endothelial growth factor fusion protein
efficiently suppresses choridal neovasularization in
Ming Zhang, Junjun Zhang, Mi Yan, Hong Li, Chun
Yang, Dechao Yu
Published: 10 January 2008 [Full text]
isolation and in vitro expansion of human uveal melanoma
cell lines
Jonathan J. Cools-Lartigue, Cristin S.
McCauley, Jean-Claude A. Marshall, Sebastian Di Cesare,
Francois Gregoire, Emilia Antecka, Patrick Logan, Miguel N.
Burnier Jr.
Published: 10 January 2008 [Full text]
A novel mutation
in FRMD7 causing X-linked idiopathic congenital
nystagmus in a large family
Xiang He, Feng Gu, Yujing Wang, Jinting Yan,
Meng Zhang, Shangzhi Huang, Xu Ma
Published: 11 January 2008 [Full text]
Protein tyrosine
phosphatase-1B (PTP1B) helps regulate EGF-induced
stimulation of S-phase entry in human corneal endothelial
Yutaka Ishino, Cheng Zhu, Deshea L. Harris,
Nancy C. Joyce
Published: 16 January 2008 [Full text]
Genetic analysis
of chromosome 20-related posterior polymorphous corneal
dystrophy: genetic heterogeneity and exclusion of three
candidate genes
S. Mohsen Hosseini, Sarah Herd, Andrea L.
Vincent, Elise Heon
Published: 16 January 2008 [Full text]
Formation of
amyloid fibrils in vitro by human γD-crystallin and its
isolated domains
Katerina Papanikolopoulou, Ishara Mills-Henry,
Shannon L. Thol, Yongting Wang, Abby A.R. Gross, Daniel A.
Kirschner, Sean M. Decatur, Jonathan King
Published: 16 January 2008 [Full text]
The effect of
paraformaldehyde fixation and PBS storage on the water
content of the human lens
Robert C Augusteyn, Gijs Vrensen, Ben Willekens
Published: 17 January 2008 [Full text]
suppresses transforming growth factor beta-mediated
fibrogenesis in retinal pigment epithelial cells
Huey-Chuan Cheng, Tsung-Chuan Ho, Show-Li Chen,
Huei-Yi Lai, Kuo-Fu Hong, Yeou-Ping Tsao
Published: 18 January 2008 [Full text]
The cytotoxic and
stress responses of human trabecular meshwork cells
treated with triamcinolone acetonide
Dan Yi Wang, Bao Jian Fan, Gary Y.H. Yam,
Dennis S.C. Lam, Chi Pui Pang
Published: 22 January 2008 [Full text]
Application of
atomic force microscopy in morphological observation of
antisense probe labeled with magnetism
Ming Wen, Bibo Li, Wei Bai, Shaolin Li, Xueheng
Published: 23 January 2008 [Full text]
ABCC6 mutations
in pseudoxanthoma elasticum: an update including eight
novel ones
Astrid S. Plomp, Ralph J. Florijn, Jacoline ten
Brink, Bruce Castle, Helen Kingston, Ana Martin-Santiago,
Theo G.M.F. Gorgels, Paulus T.V.M. de Jong, Arthur A.B.
Published: 24 January 2008 [Full text]
components of the U4/U6.U5 tri-small nuclear riboprotein
complex: possible role in autosomal dominant retinitis
Rainald Schmidt-Kastner, Hideo Yamamoto, Duco
Hamasaki, Hiroko Yamamoto, Jean-Marie Parel, Christoph
Schmitz, C. Kathy Dorey, Janet C. Blanks, Markus N. Preising
Published: 25 January 2008 [Full text]
Localization of
TGF-β type II receptor and ED-A fibronectin in normal
conjunctiva and failed filtering blebs
Tobias Meyer-ter-Vehn, Franz Grehn, Günther
Published: 25 January 2008 [Full text]
A novel de novo
PAX6 mutation in an Ashkenazi-Jewish family with aniridia
Dikla Bandah, Ada Rosenmann, Anat Blumenfeld,
Edward Averbukh, Eyal Banin, Dror Sharon
Published: 28 January 2008 [Full text]
Analysis of LOXL1
polymorphisms in a United States population with
pseudoexfoliation glaucoma
Pratap Challa, Silke Schmidt, Yutao Liu, Xuejun
Qin, Robin R. Vann, Pedro Gonzalez, R. Rand Allingham,
Michael A. Hauser
Published: 29 January 2008 [Full text]
Effect of
circulation on the disposition and ocular tissue
distribution of 20 nm nanoparticles after periocular
Aniruddha C. Amrite, Henry F. Edelhauser, Swita
R. Singh, Uday B. Kompella
Published: 29 January 2008 [Full text]
Expression of
senescence-related genes in human corneal endothelial
Zhenhua Song, Ye Wang, Lixin Xie, Xinjie Zang,
Hongmei Yin
Published: 29 January 2008 [Full text]
Distribution of
bovine and rabbit lens alpha-crystallin products by MALDI
imaging mass spectrometry
Angus C. Grey, Kevin L. Schey
Published: 29 January 2008 [Full text]
Tear lipocalin is
the major endonuclease in tears
Taleh N. Yusifov, Adil R. Abduragimov, Kiran
Narsinh, Oktay K. Gasymov, Ben J. Glasgow
Published: 29 January 2008 [Full text]
Culture and
characterization of oral mucosal epithelial cells on human
amniotic membrane for ocular surface reconstruction
Soundarya Lakshmi Madhira, Geeta Vemuganti,
Anirban Bhaduri, Subhash Gaddipati, Virender Singh Sangwan,
Yashoda Ghanekar
Published: 30 January 2008 [Full text]
Isolation and
distribution of rabbit keratocyte precursors
Tatsuya Mimura, Shiro Amano, Seiichi Yokoo,
Saiko Uchida, Tomohiko Usui, Satoru Yamagami
Published: 30 January 2008 [Full text]
Reduction of
quaternary ammonium-induced ocular surface toxicity by
emulsions: an in vivo study in rabbits
H. Liang, F. Brignole-Baudouin, L.
Rabinovich-Guilatt, Z. Mao,1 L. Riancho,1 M.O. Faure, J.M.
Warnet, G. Lambert, C. Baudouin
Published: 31 January 2008 [Full text]
gallate protects against oxidative stress-induced
mitochondria-dependent apoptosis in human lens epithelial
Ke Yao, PanPan Ye, Li Zhang, Jian Tan, XiaJing
Tang, YiDong Zhang
Published: 31 January 2008 [Full text]
Oxygen and blood
flow: players in the pathogenesis of glaucoma
Maneli Mozaffarieh, Matthias C. Grieshaber,
Josef Flammer
Published: 31 January 2008 [Full text]
structural and functional changes in human lens deamidated
Kerri Mafia, Ratna Gupta, Marion Kirk, L.
Wilson, O.P. Srivastava, Stephen Barnes
Published: 1 February 2008 [Full text]
inhibits pathological retinal neovascularization in a
mouse model of oxygen-induced retinopathy
Akiko Higuchi, Haruhiko Yamada, Eri Yamada,
Nobuo Jo, Miyo Matsumura
Published: 4 February 2008 [Full text]
Cyclic GMP in the
pig vitreous and retina after experimental retinal
Roselie M.H. Diederen, Ellen C. La Heij,
Marijke A.M. Lemmens, Aize Kijlstra, Jan de Vente, Fred
Published: 4 February 2008 [Full text]
analysis of ABCA4 and CRB1 genes in a Spanish family
segregating both Stargardt disease and autosomal recessive
retinitis pigmentosa
Rosa Riveiro-Alvarez, Elena Vallespin, Robert
Wilke, Blanca Garcia-Sandoval, Diego Cantalapiedra, Jana
Aguirre-Lamban, Almudena Avila-Fernandez, Ascension Gimenez,
Maria-Jose Trujillo-Tiebas, Carmen Ayuso
Published: 4 February 2008 [Full text]
regeneration after optic nerve crush in Nogo-A/B/C
knockout mice
Ying Su, Feng Wang, Shi-guang Zhao, Shang-ha
Pan, Ping Liu, Yan Teng, Hao Cui
Published: 4 February 2008 [Full text]
cataracts: mechanisms involved in their long delayed
occurrence but then rapid progression
Norman Wolf, William Pendergrass, Narendra
Singh, Karen Swisshelm, Jeffrey Schwartz
Published: 5 February 2008 [Full text]
nitric oxide synthase gene T-786C and 27-bp
repeat gene polymorphisms in retinopathy of prematurity
Krisztina Rusai, Adam Vannay, Beata Szebeni,
Gabor Borgulya, Andrea Fekete, Barna Vasarhelyi, Tivadar
Tulassay, Attila J Szabo
Published: 5 February 2008 [Full text]
spectrometry-based proteomic analyses of contact lens
Kari B. Green-Church, Jason J. Nichols
Published: 8 February 2008 [Full text]
A role for
aquaporin-4 during induction of form deprivation myopia in
Melinda J Goodyear, Barbara M Junghans, Loretta
Giummarra, Melanie J Murphy, David P Crewther, Sheila G
Published: 8 February 2008 [Full text]
phenotype is enhanced in the absence of attachment to the
Martha L. Funderburgh, Mary M. Mann, James L.
Published: 8 February 2008 [Full text]
Association of
non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms in the
LOXL1 gene with pseudoexfoliation syndrome in India
Vedam Lakshmi Ramprasad, Ronnie George,
Nagasamy Soumittra, Ferdinamarie Sharmila, Lingam Vijaya,
Govindasamy Kumaramanickavel
Published: 8 February 2008 [Full text]
A novel mutation
in GJA8 associated with jellyfish-like cataract in a
family of Indian origin
Vanita Vanita, Jai Rup Singh, Daljit Singh,
Raymonda Varon, Karl Sperling
Published: 8 February 2008 [Full text]
A penetrating
ocular injury can affect the induction of anterior
chamber-associated immune deviation
Fang Lei, Junfeng Zhang, Jinsong Zhang, Hao He,
Ying Du, Peizeng Yang
Published: 11 February 2008 [Full text]
The influence of
visible light exposure on cultured RGC-5 cells
John P. M. Wood, Gerassimos Lascaratos, Anthony
J. Bron, Neville N. Osborne
Published: 11 February 2008 [Full text]
antibody to VEGF reduces intravitreous neovascularization
and may not interfere with ongoing intraretinal
vascularization in a rat model of retinopathy of
P. Geisen, L. J. Peterson, D. Martiniuk,
Ahbineet Uppal, Y. Saito, M. Elizabeth Hartnett
Published: 11 February 2008 [Full text]
Identification of
differentially expressed genes in carp rods and cones
Yoshie Shimauchi-Matsukawa, Yoshinobu Aman,
Shuji Tachibanaki, Satoru Kawamura
Published: 26 February 2008 [Full text]
analysis of aqueous humor from patients with myopia
Xiaoming Duan, Qingjun Lu, Peng Xue, Hongjie
Zhang, Zhe Dong, Fuquan Yang, Ningli Wang
Published: 3 March 2008 [Full text]
Mutation G61C in
the CRYGD gene causing autosomal dominant congenital
coralliform cataracts
Feifeng Li, Shuzhen Wang, Chang Gao, Shiguo
Liu, Baojian Zhao, Meng Zhang, Shangzhi Huang, Siquan Zhu,
Xu Ma
Published: 4 March 2008 [Full text]
Common MFRP
sequence variants are not associated with moderate to high
hyperopia, isolated microphthalmia, and high myopia
Ravikanth Metlapally, Yi-Ju Li, Khanh-Nhat
Tran-Viet, Anuradha Bulusu, Tristan R. White, Jaclyn Ellis,
Daniel Kao, Terri L. Young
Published: 4 March 2008 [Full text]
Comparative study
on the cytotoxic effects of benzalkonium chloride on the
Wong-Kilbourne derivative of Chang conjunctival and
IOBA-NHC cell lines
E. Brasnu, F. Brignole-Baudouin, L. Riancho,
J.-M. Warnet, C. Baudouin
Published: 4 March 2008 [Full text]
Expression of
K6W-ubiquitin in lens epithelial cells leads to
upregulation of a broad spectrum of molecular chaperones
Q. Bian, A.F. Fernandes, A. Taylor, M. Wu, P.
Pereira, F. Shang
Published: 4 March 2008 [Full text]
Presence of
myocilin sequence variants in Japanese patients with
open-angle glaucoma
MingGe Mengkegale, Nobuo Fuse, Akiko Miyazawa,
Kana Takahashi, Motohiko Seimiya, Tomoki Yasui, Makoto
Tamai, Toru Nakazawa, Kohji Nishida
Published: 4 March 2008 [Full text]
A novel connexin
50 (GJA8) mutation in a Chinese family with a dominant
congenital pulverulent nuclear cataract
Ming Yan, Chenling Xiong, Shui Qing Ye, Yongmei
Chen, Min Ke, Fang Zheng, Xin Zhou
Published: 4 March 2008 [Full text]
S-transferase M1 and T1 polymorphisms in Arab glaucoma
Khaled K. Abu-Amero, Jose Morales, Gamal H.
Mohamed, Mazen N. Osman, Thomas M. Bosley
Published: 4 March 2008 [Full text]
Mesenchymal cells
from limbal stroma of human eye
Naresh Polisetty, Anees Fatima, Soundarya
Lakshmi Madhira, Virender Singh Sangwan, Geeta K Vemuganti
Published: 4 March 2008 [Full text]
Influence of
timing (pre-puberty or skeletal maturity) of
ovariohysterectomy on mRNA levels in corneal tissues of
female rabbits
Yamini Achari, Carol R. Reno, Helen Tsao,
Douglas W. Morck, David A. Hart
Published: 6 March 2008 [Full text]
Investigation of
the human tear film proteome using multiple proteomic
Kari B. Green-Church, Kelly K. Nichols, Nan M.
Kleinholz, Liwen Zhang, Jason J. Nichols
Published: 7 March 2008 [Full text]
hypoxia-selective regulation of a retinal pigment
epithelium-specific adeno-associated virus vector
Christopher J. Dougherty, George W. Smith, C.
Kathleen Dorey, Howard M. Prentice, Keith A. Webster, Janet
C. Blanks
Published: 7 March 2008 [Full text]
Identification of
a novel splice-site mutation in the Lebercilin (LCA5) gene
causing Leber congenital amaurosis
Vedam Lakshmi Ramprasad, Nagasamy Soumittra,
Derek Nancarrow, Parveen Sen, Martin McKibbin, Grange A
Williams, Tharigopala Arokiasamy, Praveena Lakshmipathy,
Chris F Inglehearn, Govindasamy Kumaramanickavel
Published: 10 March 2008 [Full text]
Absence of optineurin
(OPTN) gene mutations in Taiwanese patients with
juvenile-onset open-angle glaucoma
Yung-Chang Yen, Jiann-Jou Yang, Ming-Chih Chou,
Shuan-Yow Li
Published: 11 March 2008 [Full text]
asymmetric lattice corneal dystrophy associated with a
novel homozygous mutation (Val624Met) in the TGFBI
Natalie A. Afshari, Rosanna P. Bahadur, David
E. Eifrig Jr, Ida B. Thogersen, Jan J. Enghild, Gordon K.
Published: 12 March 2008 [Full text]
analysis of the tear protein profile in mycotic keratitis
Sivagnanam Ananthi, Thangavel Chitra,
Ramachandran Bini, Namperumalsamy Venkatesh Prajna, Prajna
Lalitha, Kuppamuthu Dharmalingam
Published: 12 March 2008 [Full text]
Contributions of
MYOC and CYP1B1 mutations to JOAG
Behnaz Bayat, Shahin Yazdani, Afagh Alavi,
Mohsen Chiani, Fereshteh Chitsazian, Betsabeh Khoramian
Tusi, Fatemeh Suri, Mehrnaz Narooie-Nejhad, Mohammad H
Sanati, Elahe Elahi
Published: 13 March 2008 [Full text]
The role of
mitochondrial haplogroups in glaucoma: a study in an Arab
Khaled K. Abu-Amero, Jose Morales, Thomas M.
Bosley, Gamal H. Mohamed, Vicente M. Cabrera
Published: 13 March 2008 [Full text]
Distribution of
adenosine receptors in human sclera fibroblasts
Dongmei Cui, Klaus Trier, Xiang Chen, Junwen
Zeng, Xiao Yang, Jianmin Hu, Jian Ge
Published: 14 March 2008 [Full text]
dominant congenital cataract in a Libyan Jewish family:
cosegregation with a reciprocal chromosomal translocation
[t(3;5)(p22.3; p15.1)]
Emre Zafer, Jeanne Meck, Liora Gerrad, Elon
Pras, Moshe Frydman, Orit Reish, Isaac Avni, Eran Pras
Published: 14 March 2008 [Full text]
Evaluation of LOXL1
gene polymorphisms in exfoliation syndrome and exfoliation
Jose A. Aragon-Martin, Robert Ritch, Jeffrey
Liebmann, Colm O’Brien, Karima Blaaow, Franco Mercieca,
Anthony Spiteri, Caroline J. Cobb, Karim F. Damji, Ahti
Tarkkanen, Tayebeh Rezaie, Anne H. Child, Mansoor Sarfarazi
Published: 17 March 2008 [Full text]
The Cdk5
inhibitor olomoucine promotes corneal debridement wound
closure in vivo
Brajendra K. Tripathi, Mary A. Stepp, Chun Y.
Gao, Peggy S. Zelenk
Published: 17 March 2008 [Full text]
HLA class I and
II gene polymorphisms in Stevens-Johnson syndrome with
ocular complications in Japanese
Mayumi Ueta, Katsushi Tokunaga, Chie Sotozono,
Tsutomu Inatomi, Toshio Yabe, Masaki Matsushita, Yoko
Mitsuishi, Shigeru Kinoshita
Published: 17 March 2008 [Full text]
Inhibition of
choroidal neovascularization by homoisoflavanone, a new
angiogenesis inhibitor
Jeong Hun Kim, Jin Hyoung Kim, Young Suk Yu,
Hyoung-Oh Jun, Ho Jeong Kwon, Kyu Hyung Park, Kyu-Won Kim
Published: 18 March 2008 [Full text]
recombination of LoxP alleles during gametogenesis
in cornea Cre driver mice
Daniel Y. Weng, Yujin Zhang, Yasuhito Hayashi,
Chia-Yi Kuan, Chia-Yang Liu, George Babcock, Wei-Lan Weng,
Sandy Schwemberger, Winston W.-Y. Kao
Published: 20 March 2008 [Full text]
Mie light
scattering calculations for an Indian age-related nuclear
cataract with a high density of multilamellar bodies
Kurt O. Gilliland, Sonke Johnsen, Sangeetha
Metlapally, M. Joseph Costello, Balasubramanya Ramamurthy,
Pravin V. Krishna, Dorairajan Balasubramanian
Published: 24 March 2008 [Full text]
Identification of
novel mutations and sequence variants in the SOX2
and CHX10 genes in patients with
Jie Zhou, Femida Kherani, Tanya M. Bardakjian,
James Katowitz, Nkecha Hughes, Lisa A. Schimmenti, Adele
Schneider, Terri L. Young
Published: 24 March 2008 [Full text]
aldose reductase activity and sorbitol levels in diabetic
G. Bhanuprakash Reddy, A. Satyanarayana, N.
Balakrishna, Radha Ayyagari, M. Padma, K. Viswanath, J. Mark
Published: 24 March 2008 [Full text]
Overexpression of
E2F5/p130, but not E2F5 alone, can inhibit E2F-induced
cell cycle entry in transgenic mice
Qin Chen, Dongcai Liang, Paul A. Overbeek
Published: 25 March 2008 [Full text]
of intraocular immunopathology following intracameral
inoculation with alloantigen
Daniel R. Saban, Ian A. Elder, Cuong Q. Nguyen,
W. Clay Smith, Adrian M. Timmers, Maria B. Grant, Ammon B.
Published: 226 March 2008 [Full text]
β1-6 branching of
cell surface glycoproteins may contribute to uveal
melanoma progression by up-regulating cell motility
Małgorzata Przybyło, Ewa Pocheć, Paweł
Link-Lenczowski, Anna Lityńska
Published: 26 March 2008 [Full text]
Multiplex bead
analysis of vitreous and serum concentrations of
inflammatory and proangiogenic factors in diabetic
Richard Maier, Martin Weger, Eva-Maria
Haller-Schober, Yosuf El-Shabrawi, Andreas Wedrich, Anna
Theisl, Reingard Aigner, Alfred Barth, Anton Haas
Published: 27 March 2008 [Full text]
mitochondrial DNA damage and down-regulation of DNA repair
enzymes in aged rodent retinal pigment epithelium and
Ai Ling Wang, Thomas J. Lukas, Ming Yuan,
Arthur H. Neufeld
Published: 4 April 2008 [Full text]
Human retinal
Müller cells synthesize collagens of the vitreous and
vitreoretinal interface in vitro
Theodorus L. Ponsioen, Marja J.A. van Luyn,
Roelofje J. van der Worp, Hendri H. Pas, Johanna M.M.
Hooymans, Leonoor I. Los
Published: 26 March 2008 [Full text]
polymorphism in the methylenetetrahydrofolate
reductase gene is associated with primary closed
angle glaucoma
Shazia Michael, Raheel Qamar, Farah Akhtar,
Wajid Ali Khan, Asifa Ahmed
Published: 26 March 2008 [Full text]
βA3/A1102-117 peptide interacting sites in
human αB-crystallin
Guruprasad Rao, Puttur Santhoshkumar, K.
Krishna Sharma
Published: 26 March 2008 [Full text]
A novel
splice-site mutation of TULP1 underlies severe
early-onset retinitis pigmentosa in a consanguineous
Israeli Muslim Arab family
Anan H. Abbasi, Hanna J. Garzozi, Tamar
Published: 23 April 2008 [Full text]
Disease mechanism
for retinitis pigmentosa (RP11) caused by missense
mutations in the splicing factor gene PRPF31
Susan E. Wilkie, Veronika Vaclavik, Huimin Wu,
Kinga Bujakowska, Christina F. Chakarova, Shomi S.
Bhattacharya, Martin J. Warren, David M. Hunt
Published: 23 April 2008 [Full text]
In vitro analysis
of promoter activity in Müller cells
Scott F. Geller, Phillip S. Ge, Meike Visel,
John G. Flannery
Published: 23 April 2008 [Full text]
Cone and rod
cells have different target preferences in vitro as
revealed by optical tweezers
Robert J. Clarke, Kormákur Högnason, Michael
Brimacombe, Ellen Townes-Anderson
Published: 21 April 2008 [Full text]
A novel locus for
X-linked congenital cataract on Xq24
Jamie E. Craig, Kathryn L. Friend, Jozef Gecz,
Kate M Rattray, Mark Troski, David A. Mackey, Kathryn P.
Published: 18 April 2008 [Full text]
A novel nonsense
mutation in CRYBB1 associated with autosomal
dominant congenital cataract
Juhua Yang, Yihua Zhu, Feng Gu, Xiang He,
Zongfu Cao, Xuexi Li, Yi Tong, Xu Ma
Published: 18 April 2008 [Full text]
Five novel
mutations of the FRMD7 gene in Chinese families
with X-linked infantile nystagmus
Ningdong Li, Liming Wang, Lihong Cui, Li Zhang,
Suzhen Dai, Hongyan Li, Xia Chen, Lina Zhu, James F
Hejtmancik, Kanxing Zhao
Published: 21 April 2008 [Full text]
A genome-wide
scan maps a novel autosomal dominant juvenile-onset
open-angle glaucoma locus to 2p15-16
Ying Lin, Ting Liu, Jing Li, Jiyun Yang, Qiong
Du, Junfang Wang, Yang Yang, Xiaoqi Liu, Yuanfu Fan, Fang
Lu, Yilian Chen, Yonghong Pu, Kang Zhang, Xiangge He,
Zhenglin Yang
Published: 21 April 2008 [Full text]
monitoring of 24 h intraocular pressure in conscious and
freely moving C57BL/6J and CBA/CaJ mice
Ruixia Li, John H.K. Liu
Published: 21 April 2008 [Full text]
Nonsense mutation
in the CRYBB2 gene causing autosomal dominant
progressive polymorphic congenital coronary cataracts
Fei-feng Li, Si-quan Zhu, Shu-zhen Wang, Chang
Gao, Shang-zhi Huang, Meng Zhang, Xu Ma
Published: 24 April 2008 [Full text]
expression analysis of aquaporin-5 (AQP5) in keratoconic
and healthy corneas
Yonathan Garfias, Alejandro Navas, Hector J.
Pérez-Cano, Jonathan Quevedo, Leonardo Villalvazo, Juan
Carlos Zenteno
Published: 25 April 2008 [Full text]
expression of the catalytic subunits for PP-1 and PP-2A
and the regulatory subunits for PP–2A in mouse eye
Wen-Bin Liu, Yong Li, Lan Zhang, He-Ge Chen,
Shuming Sun, Jin-Ping Liu, Yun Liu, David Wan-Cheng Li
Published: 22 April 2008 [Full text]
variations and familial glaucoma in Taxiarchis, a small
Greek village
Mary K. Wirtz, Anastasios G. P. Konstas, John
R. Samples, Kostantinos Kaltsos, Athanasios Economou,
Antonios Dimopoulos, Irene Georgiadou, Michael B. Petersen
Published: 25 April 2008 [Full text]
Extreme retinal
remodeling triggered by light damage: implications for age
related macular degeneration
Robert E. Marc, B.W. Jones, C.B. Watt, F.
Vazquez-Chona, D.K. Vaughan, D.T. Organisciak
Published: 25 April 2008 [Full text]
A proteome map of
the zebrafish (Danio rerio) lens reveals
similarities between zebrafish and mammalian crystallin
Mason Posner, Molly Hawke, Carrie LaCava,
Courtney J. Prince, Nicholas R. Bellanco, Rebecca W. Corbin
Published: 25 April 2008 [Full text]
The function of
filensin and phakinin in lens transparency
Mikako Oka, Hiroaki Kudo, Norio Sugama, Yuko
Asami, Makoto Takehana
Published: 25 April 2008 [Full text]
and cataract in rats with a novel point mutation in
connexin 50 - L7Q
František Liška, Blanka Chylíková, Jindřich
Martínek, Vladimír Křen
Published: 7 May 2008 [Full text]
Anticipation in
familial lattice corneal dystrophy type I with R124C
mutation in the TGFBI (BIGH3) gene
Pablo Romero, Marlene Vogel, Jose-Manuel Diaz,
Maria-Patricia Romero, Luisa Herrera
Published: 7 May 2008 [Full text]
ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA) enhances the
molecular diagnosis of aniridia and related disorders
Egbert J.W. Redeker, Annette S.H. de Visser,
Arthur A.B. Bergen, Marcel M.A.M. Mannens
Published: 7 May 2008 [Full text]
polymorphism in CYP1B1 as a susceptible factor
towards predisposition to primary open-angle glaucoma
Ashima Bhattacharjee, Deblina Banerjee,
Suddhasil Mookherjee, Moulinath Acharya, Antara Banerjee,
Ananya Ray, Abhijit Sen, the Indian Genome Variation
Consortium, Kunal Ray
Published: 8 May 2008 [Full text]
A novel GJA8
mutation causing a recessive triangular cataract
Werner Schmidt, Norman Klopp, Thomas Illig,
Jochen Graw
Published: 9 May 2008 [Full text]
oxidase-like protein 1 (LOXL1) gene
polymorphisms and exfoliation glaucoma in a Central
European population
Georg Mossböck, Wilfried Renner, Christoph
Faschinger, Otto Schmut, Andreas Wedrich, Martin Weger
Published: 9 May 2008 [Full text]
Effects of
N-acetylcysteine and glutathione ethyl ester drops on
streptozotocin-induced diabetic cataract in rats
Shu Zhang, Fei-Yan Chai, Hong Yan, Yong Guo, JJ
Published: 12 May 2008 [Full text]
Technical Brief:
A novel strategy for enrichment of trabecular meshwork
protease proteome
Renata Picciani, Anna K. Junk, Sanjoy K.
Published: 14 May 2008 [Full text]
corneal stroma using N2 gas
Shiro Amano, Naoki Shimomura, Seiichi Yokoo,
Kaoru Araki-Sasaki, Satoru Yamagami
Published: 14 May 2008 [Full text]
Association study
of candidate genes for primary cataracts and fine-mapping
of a candidate region on dog chromosome 1 in Entlebucher
mountain dogs
Christina Müller, Ottmar Distl
Published: 15 May 2008 [Full text]
Effects of toxic
cellular stresses and divalent cations on the human P2X7
cell death receptor
Mélody Dutot, Hong Liang, Thierry Pauloin,
Françoise Brignole-Baudouin, Christophe Baudouin,
Jean-Michel Warnet, Patrice Rat
Published: 15 May 2008 [Full text]
superoxide dismutase activation with 17
β-estradiol-treated human lens epithelial cells
Srinivas Gottipati, Patrick R. Cammarata
Published: 16 May 2008 [Full text]
Psf2 plays
important roles in normal eye development in Xenopus
Brian E. Walter, Kimberly J. Perry, Lisa Fukui,
Erica L. Malloch, Jason Wever, Jonathan J. Henry
Published: 19 May 2008 [Full text]
Mutations in the
TOPORS gene cause 1% of autosomal dominant
retinitis pigmentosa
Sara J. Bowne, Lori. S. Sullivan, Anisa I.
Gire, David G. Birch, Dianna Hughbanks-Wheaton, John R.
Heckenlively, Stephen P. Daiger
Published: 19 May 2008 [Full text]
The protective
role of transferrin in Müller glial cells after
iron-induced toxicity
Emilie Picard, Isabelle Fontaine, Laurent
Jonet, Florian Guillou, Francine Behar-Cohen, Yves Courtois,
Jean-Claude Jeanny
Published: 20 May 2008 [Full text]
Karyotype changes
in cultured human corneal endothelial cells
Takashi Miyai, Yoko Maruyama, Yasuhiro Osakabe,
Ryohei Nejima, Kazunori Miyata, Shiro Amano
Published: 19 May 2008 [Full text]
The Tg(ccnb1:EGFP)
transgenic zebrafish line labels proliferating cells
during retinal development and regeneration
Sean C. Kassen, Ryan Thummel, Christopher T.
Burket, Laura A. Campochiaro, Molly J. Harding, David R.
Published: 19May 2008 [Full text]
noise inhibits radiofrequency radiation-induced DNA damage
and reactive oxygen species increase in human lens
epithelial cells
Ke Yao, Wei Wu, KaiJun Wang, Shuang Ni, PanPan
Ye, YiBo Yu, Juan Ye, LiXia Sun
Published: 19 May 2008 [Full text]
association of γ-crystallins with aged α-crystallins from
old bovine lens
Larry Takemoto, Aldo Ponce, Christopher M.
Published: 19 May 2008 [Full text]
profile of tissue plasminogen activator in postnatal Long
Evans rat visual cortex
Sha Zheng, Zheng Qin Yin, Yu Xiao Zeng
Published: 28 May 2008 [Full text]
Nitric oxide, a
survival factor for lens epithelial cells
Coral G. Chamberlain, Kylie J. Mansfield, Anna
Published: 28 May 2008 [Full text]
between pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) and renal
function in patients with diabetic retinopathy
Kayako Matsuyama, Nahoko Ogata, Masato
Matsuoka, Chieko Shima, Mitsumasa Wada, Nobuo Jo, Miyo
Published: 28 May 2008 [Full text]
biodistribution of bevasiranib following a single
intravitreal injection to rabbit eyes
Nadine S. Dejneka, Shanhong Wan, Ottrina S.
Bond, Douglas J. Kornbrust, Samuel J. Reich
Published: 28 May 2008 [Full text]
PKC putative
phosphorylation site Ser235 is required for
MIP/AQP0 translocation to the plasma membrane
Nady Golestaneh, Jianguo Fan, Peggy Zelenka,
Ana B. Chepelinsky
Published: 29 May 2008 [Full text]
Identification of
a novel GPR143 deletion in a Chinese family with
X-linked congenital nystagmus
Pingtong Zhou, Zhiqiang Wang, Jing Zhang,
Landian Hu, Xiangyin Kong
Published: 30 May 2008 [Full text]
proliferation, migration, and IL8 chemokine secretion in
human corneal fibroblasts involve JAK2-STAT3 signaling
Neeraj Vij, Ajay Sharma, Mahesh Thakkar,
Sunilima Sinha, Rajiv R. Mohan
Published: 30 May 2008 [Full text]
Upregulation of
Copine1 in trabecular meshwork cells of POAG patients: a
membrane proteomics approach
Yuehong Zhang, Qianying Gao, Shan Duan, Yuan
He, Xuerong Sun, Ruzhang Jiang, Yongheng Duan, Xiufeng
Zhong, Jian Ge
Published: 30 May 2008 [Full text]
genetic polymorphisms are associated with exfoliation
glaucoma in the Japanese population
Kazuhiko Mori, Kojiro Imai, Akira Matsuda, Yoko
Ikeda, Shigeta Naruse, Hisako Hitora-Takeshita, Masakazu
Nakano, Takazumi Taniguchi, Natsue Omi, Kei Tashiro, Shigeru
Published: 5 June 2008 [Full text]
of Notch signaling during corneal epithelial proliferation
A.R. Djalilian, A. Namavari, A. Ito, S. Balali,
A. Afshar, R.M. Lavker, B.Y. J. T. Yue
Published: 5 June 2008 [Full text]
Time course
profiling of the retinal transcriptome after optic nerve
transection and optic nerve crush
Marta Agudo, Maria Cruz Pérez-Marín, Ulrika
Lönngren, Paloma Sobrado, Ana Conesa, Isabel Cánovas, Manuel
Salinas-Navarro, Jaime Miralles-Imperial, Finn Hallböök,
Manuel Vidal-Sanz
Published: 3 June 2008 [Full text]
Reconstruction of
damaged cornea by autologous transplantation of epidermal
adult stem cells
Xueyi Yang, Nicanor I. Moldovan, Qingmei Zhao,
Shengli Mi, Zhenhui Zhou, Dan Chen, Zhimin Gao, Dewen Tong,
Zhongying Dou
Published: 5 June 2008 [Full text]
Activation of
nuclear factor-κB during retinal degeneration in rd
Hui-yang Zeng, Mark O.M. Tso, Shenghan Lai,
Hong Lai
Published: 10 June 2008 [Full text]
Identification of
novel mutations in X-linked retinitis pigmentosa families
and implications for diagnostic testing
John Neidhardt, Esther Glaus, Birgit Lorenz,
Christian Netzer, Yün Li, Maria Schambeck, Mariana Wittmer,
Silke Feil, Renate Kirschner-Schwabe, Thomas Rosenberg,
Frans P.M. Cremers, Arthur A.B. Bergen, Daniel Barthelmes,
Husnia Baraki, Fabian Schmid, Gaby Tanner, Johannes
Fleischhauer, Ulrike Orth, Christian Becker, Erika
Wegscheider, Gudrun Nürnberg, Peter Nürnberg, Hanno Jörn
Bolz, Andreas Gal, Wolfgang Berger
Published: 6 June 2008 [Full text]
surveillance of retinal autoantigens in endogenous
uveitis: implication of esterase D and brain-type creatine
kinase as novel autoantigens
Yoko Okunuki, Yoshihiko Usui, Takeshi Kezuka,
Takaaki Hattori, Kayo Masuko, Hiroshi Nakamura, Kazuo Yudoh,
Hiroshi Goto, Masahiko Usui, Kusuki Nishioka, Tomohiro Kato,
Masaru Takeuchi
Published: 12 June 2008 [Full text]
pigmentosa: mutation analysis of RHO, PRPF31,
RP1, and IMPDH1 genes in patients from
Mamatha Gandra, Venkataramana Anandula, Vidhya
Authiappan, Srilekha Sundaramurthy, Rajiv Raman, Shomi
Bhattacharya, Kumaramanickavel Govindasamy
Published: 14 June 2008 [Full text]
variations and plasma levels of gelatinase A (matrix
metalloproteinase-2) and gelatinase B (matrix
metalloproteinase-9) in proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Michal Beránek, Petr Kolar, Svatava Tschoplova,
Katerina Kankova, Anna Vasku
Published: June 14 2008 [Full text]
inhibition of endoplasmic reticulum stress in human
retinal capillary endothelial cells in vitro
Bin Li, Dong Li, Gui-gang Li, Hao-wen Wang,
Ai-xia Yu
Published: June 13 2008 [Full text]
Overexpression of
a mutant form of TGFBI/BIGH3 induces retinal degeneration
in transgenic mice
Mauro Bustamante, Andrea Tasinato, Fabienne
Maurer, Ilhem Elkochairi, Mario G. Lepore, Yvan Arsenijevic,
Thierry Pedrazzini, Francis L. Munier, Daniel F. Schorderet
Published: June 13 2008 [Full text]
Chordin-like 1, a
bone morphogenetic protein-4 antagonist, is upregulated by
hypoxia in human retinal pericytes and plays a role in
regulating angiogenesis
Rosemary Kane, Catherine Godson, Colm O’Brien
Published: June 20 2008 [Full text]
The corneal
endothelium in an endotoxin-induced uveitis model:
correlation between in vivo confocal microscopy and
Liem Trinh, Françoise Brignole-Baudouin,
Antoine Labbé, Mathilde Raphaël, Jean-Louis Bourges,
Christophe Baudouin
Published: June 16 2008 [Full text]
Crystallin gene
mutations in Indian families with inherited pediatric
Ramachandran Ramya Devi, Wenliang Yao,
Perumalsamy Vijayalakshmi, Yuri V. Sergeev, Periasamy
Sundaresan, J. Fielding Hejtmancik
Published: June 16 2008 [Full text]
A mutation in GJA8
(p.P88Q) is associated with “balloon-like” cataract with
Y-sutural opacities in a family of Indian origin
Vanita Vanita, Jai Rup Singh, Daljit Singh,
Raymonda Varon, Karl Sperling
Published: June 17 2008 [Full text]
expression of an egr-1 transgene in rats
distinguishes two populations of photoreceptor cells in
the retinal outer nuclear layer
Pui-San Man, Tim Evans, David A. Carter
Published: June 20 2008 [Full text]
Distribution of
basal membrane complex components in elongating lens
Jeffrey Y. Lu, Tabraiz A. Mohammed, Sean T.
Donohue, Kristin J. Al-Ghoul
Published: June 30 2008 [Full text]
A missense
mutation in LIM2 causes autosomal recessive
congenital cataract
Surya Prakash G. Ponnam, Kekunnaya Ramesha,
Sushma Tejwani, Jyoti Matalia, Chitra Kannabiran
Published: June 23 2008 [Full text]
analysis of host gene expression for comparison between
naïve and HSV-1 latent rabbit trigeminal ganglia
Christian Clement, Michael P. Popp, David C.
Bloom, Gregory Schultz, Li Liu, Donna M. Neumann, Partha S.
Bhattacharjee, James M. Hill
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Mitomycin C
induces apoptosis in cultured corneal fibroblasts derived
from type II granular corneal dystrophy corneas
Tae-im Kim, Seung-il Choi, Hyung Keun Lee,
Young Jae Cho, Eung Kweon Kim
Published: June 30 2008 [Full text]
bilateral lens dislocation and glaucoma associated with a
novel mutation in FBN1
Ting Deng, Bing Dong, Xiaohui Zhang, Hanjun
Dai, Yang Li
Published: June 30 2008 [Full text]
An R124C mutation
in TGFBI caused lattice corneal dystrophy type I with a
variable phenotype in three Chinese families
Zhe Liu, Yi-qiang Wang, Qing-hua Gong, Li-xin
Published: June 30 2008 [Full text]
activator inhibitor-1 4G/5G gene polymorphism and primary
open-angle glaucoma
Georg Mossböck, Martin Weger, Christoph
Faschinger, Otto Schmut, Wilfried Renner
Published: July 04 2008 [Full text]
Patterns of
crystallin distribution in porcine eye lenses
J. Keenan, D.F. Orr, B.K. Pierscionek
Published: July 04 2008 [Full text]
syndrome and exfoliation glaucoma-associated LOXL1
variations are not involved in pigment dispersion syndrome
and pigmentary glaucoma
Kollu Nageswara Rao, Robert Ritch, Syril K.
Dorairaj, Inderjeet Kaur, Jeffrey M. Liebmann, Ravi Thomas,
Subhabrata Chakrabarti
Published: July 09 2008 [Full text]
The application
of in vivo laser confocal microscopy to the diagnosis and
evaluation of meibomian gland dysfunction
Yukihiro Matsumoto, Enrique Adan Sato, Osama
M.A. Ibrahim, Murat Dogru, Kazuo Tsubota
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A nonsense
mutation in CRYGC associated with autosomal
dominant congenital nuclear cataract in a Chinese family
Ke Yao, Chongfei Jin, Ning Zhu, Wei Wang, Renyi
Wu, Jin Jiang, Xingchao Shentu
Published: July 09 2008 [Full text]
Analysis of
conjunctival fibroblasts from a proband with Schnyder
corneal dystrophy
Jodhbir S. Mehta, Eranga N. Vithana, Divya
Venkataraman, Anandalakshmi Venkatraman, Rebekah Poh, Roger
W. Beuerman, Tin Aung, Donald T.H. Tan
Published: July 09 2008 [Full text]
interactions between lens vimentin and αB-crystallin using
FRET acceptor photobleaching
Shuhua Song, Mark J. Hanson, Bing-Fen Liu, Leo
T. Chylack Jr., Jack J-N. Liang
Published: July 10 2008 [Full text]
Effects of
Mirtogenol® on ocular blood flow and intraocular
hypertension in asymptomatic subjects
Robert D Steigerwalt Jr, Belcaro Gianni,
Morazzoni Paolo, Ezio Bombardelli, Carolina Burki, Frank
Published: July 10 2008 [Full text]
mutations in two United Arab Emirates families with
Yachna Ahuja, Susanne Kohl, Elias I. Traboulsi
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An atypical
phenotype of Reis-Bücklers corneal dystrophy caused by the
G623D mutation in TGFBI
Dandan Li, Yanhua Qi, Li Wang, Hui Lin, Nan
Zhou, Liming Zhao
Published: July 11 2008 [Full text]
oxidase-like 1 gene polymorphisms in Japanese patients
with primary open angle glaucoma and exfoliation syndrome
Fumihiko Mabuchi, Yoichi Sakurada, Kenji
Kashiwagi, Zentaro Yamagata, Hiroyuki Iijima, Shigeo
Published: July 14 2008 [Full text]
Evaluation of EGR1
as a candidate gene for high myopia
Tuo Li, Xueshan Xiao, Shiqiang Li, Yiqiao Xing,
Xiangming Guo, Qingjiong Zhang
Published: July 15 2008 [Full text]
analysis of CHX10 and MFRP in Chinese
subjects with primary angle closure glaucoma and short
axial length eyes
Tin Aung, Marcus C.C. Lim, Tina T.L. Wong,
Anbupalam Thalamuthu, Victor H.K. Yong, Divya Venkataraman,
Anandalakshmi Venkatraman, Paul T.K. Chew, Eranga N. Vithana
Published: July 17 2008 [Full text]
Fine mapping of
the GLC1K juvenile primary open-angle glaucoma locus and
exclusion of candidate genes
A. Sud, E.A. Del Bono, J.L. Haines, J.L. Wiggs
Published: July 21 2008 [Full text]
NEIBank: Genomics
and bioinformatics resources for vision research
Graeme Wistow, Katherine Peterson, James Gao,
Patee Buchoff, Cynthia Jaworski, Catherine Bowes-Rickman,
Jessica N. Ebright, Michael A. Hauser, David Hoover
Published: July 18 2008 [Full text]
Evaluation of LOXL1
polymorphisms in eyes with exfoliation glaucoma in
Nobuo Fuse, Akiko Miyazawa, Toru Nakazawa,
MingGe Mengkegale, Takaaki Otomo, Kohji Nishida
Published: July 21 2008 [Full text]
Effects of
dexamethasone on human lens epithelial cells in culture
A. Petersen, T. Carlsson, J-O. Karlsson, S.
Jonhede, M. Zetterberg
Published: July 21 2008 [Full text]
Familial Wolfram
syndrome due to compound heterozygosity for two novel WFS1
Juan Carlos Zenteno, Gabriela Ruiz, Hector J.
Pérez-Cano, Mayra Camargo
Published: July 25 2008 [Full text]
A reproducible
and quantifiable model of choroidal neovascularization
induced by VEGF A165 after subretinal
adenoviral gene transfer in the rabbit
Sylvie Julien, Florian Kreppel, Susanne Beck,
Peter Heiduschka, Veronica Brito, Sven Schnichels, Stefan
Kochanek, Ulrich Schraermeyer
Published: July 30 2008 [Full text]
Association of CFH,
LOC387715, and HTRA1 polymorphisms with
exudative age-related macular degeneration in a northern
Chinese population
Yule Xu, Ning Guan, Jun Xu, Xiufen Yang, Kai
Ma, Haiying Zhou, Feng Zhang, Torkel Snellingen, Yiqun Jiao,
Xipu Liu, Ningli Wang, Ningpu Liu
Published: July 28 2008 [Full text]
Local and genetic
determinants of vascular endothelial growth factor
expression in advanced proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Mojca Globočnik Petrovič, Peter Korošec, Mitja
Košnik, Joško Osredkar, Marko Hawlina, Borut Peterlin,
Daniel Petrovič
Published: July 30 2008 [Full text]
Early noninvasive
prenatal detection of a fetal CRB1 mutation
causing Leber congenital amaurosis
Ana Bustamante-Aragones, Elena Vallespin, Marta
Rodriguez de Alba, Maria Jose Trujillo-Tiebas, Cristina
Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Dan Diego-Alvarez, Rosa Riveiro-Alvarez,
Isabel Lorda-Sanchez, Carmen Ayuso, Carmen Ramos
Published: August 04 2008 [Full text]
Joint effects of
polymorphisms in the HTRA1, LOC387715/ARMS2, and CFH
genes on AMD in a Caucasian population
Peter J Francis, Hong Zhang, Andrew DeWan,
Josephine Hoh, Michael L Klein
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Monocular visual
deprivation in Macaque monkeys: A profile in the gene
expression of lateral geniculate nucleus by laser capture
Georgiana Cheng, Henry J. Kaminski, Bendi Gong,
Lan Zhou, Denise Hatala, Scott J. Howell, Xiaohua Zhou,
Michael J. Mustari
Published: August 04 2008 [Full text]
regulatory network analysis during epithelial-mesenchymal
transformation of retinal pigment epithelium
Craig H. Pratt, Rajanikanth Vadigepalli,
Praveen Chakravarthula, Gregory E. Gonye, Nancy J. Philp,
Gerald B. Grunwald
Published: August 04 2008 [Full text]
characterization of Leber congenital amaurosis in Koreans
Moon-Woo Seong, Seong Yeon Kim, Young Suk Yu,
Jeong-Min Hwang, Ji Yeon Kim, Sung Sup Park
Published: August 04 2008 [Full text]
Transthyretin and
complex protein pattern in aqueous humor of patients with
primary open-angle glaucoma
F. H. Grus, S. C. Joachim, S. Sandmann, U.
Thiel, K. Bruns, K. J. Lackner, N. Pfeiffer
Published: August 04 2008 [Full text]
Analysis of the
3’ untranslated regions of α-tubulin and S-crystallin mRNA
and the identification of CPEB in dark- and light-adapted
octopus retinas
Shannan Kelly, Hideki Yamamoto, Laura J. Robles
Published: August 04 2008 [Full text]
specific T helper type 1 response is present in Behcet’s
Changlin Zhao, Peizeng Yang, Hao He, Xiaomin
Lin, Bing Li, Hongyan Zhou, Xiangkun Huang, Aize Kijlstra
Published: August 07 2008 [Full text]
Retraction: This
review article was retracted; see Retraction.
analysis of choroid/RPE gene expression in marmoset eyes
undergoing changes in ocular growth and refraction
Lilian Shelton, David Troilo, Megan R Lerner,
Yuriy Gusev, Daniel J Brackett, Jody Summers Rada
Published: August 11 2008 [Full text]
analysis of CRP, CFH Y402H and environmental risk
factors on risk of neovascular age-related macular
Ivana K. Kim, Fei Ji, Margaux A. Morrison,
Scott Adams, Qingrun Zhang, Anne Marie Lane, Antonio Capone,
Thaddeus P. Dryja, Jurg Ott, Joan W. Miller, Margaret M.
Published: August 11 2008 [Full text]
cortistatin expression is an early event in the human
diabetic retina and is associated with apoptosis and glial
Esther Carrasco, Cristina Hernández, Inés de
Torres, Jaume Farrés, Rafael Simó
Published: August 15 2008 [Full text]
A novel
phenotype-genotype relationship with a TGFBI exon
14 mutation in a pedigree with a unique corneal dystrophy
of Bowman’s layer
Catherine E. Wheeldon, Betina H. de Karolyi,
Dipika V. Patel, Trevor Sherwin, Charles N.J. McGhee, Andrea
L. Vincent
Published: August 18 2008 [Full text]
Apoptosis in the
trabecular meshwork of glaucomatous patients
Jimena Baleriola, Julián García-Feijoo, José M.
Martínez-de-la-Casa, Arturo Fernández-Cruz, Enrique J. de la
Rosa, Raquel Fernández-Durango
Published: August 18 2008 [Full text]
Levels of
vascular endothelial growth factor-A165b
(VEGF-A165b) are elevated in experimental
Ceren Ergorul, Arjun Ray, Wei Huang, Diane
Darland, Zhonghui K. Luo, Cynthia L. Grosskreutz
Published: August 18 2008 [Full text]
Conjunctival mast
cell as a mediator of eosinophilic response in ocular
Dai Miyazaki, Takeshi Tominaga, Keiko Yakura,
Chuan-Hui Kuo, Naoki Komatsu, Yoshitsugu Inoue, Santa J. Ono
Published: August 22 2008 [Full text]
Pro370Leu MYOC
gene mutation in a large Chinese family with
juvenile-onset open angle glaucoma: correlation between
genotype and phenotype
Ye-Hong Zhuo, Yan-Tao Wei, Yu-Jing Bai, Shan
Duan, Ming-Kai Lin, H. Uri Saragovi, Jian Ge
Published: August 22 2008 [Full text]
γ-Synuclein as a
marker of retinal ganglion cells
Irina Surgucheva, Alejandra D. Weisman, Jeffrey
L. Goldberg, Alexander Shnyra, Andrei Surguchov
Published: August 22 2008 [Full text]
Truncation of
retinoschisin protein associated with a novel splice site
mutation in the RS1 gene
Balázs Lesch, Viktória Szabó, Melinda Kánya,
Balázs Varsányi, Gábor M. Somfai, János Hargitai, Rita
Vámos, Orsolya Fiedler, Ágnes Farkas
Published: August 25 2008 [Full text]
Cyan fluorescent
protein expression in ganglion and amacrine cells in a thy1-CFP
transgenic mouse retina
Iona D. Raymond, Alejandro Vila, Uyen-Chi N.
Huynh, Nicholas C. Brecha
Published: August 25 2008 [Full text]
Constitutive and
UV-B modulated transcription of Nod-like receptors and
their functional partners in human corneal epithelial
Szilvia Benko, Jozsef Tozser, Gabriella
Miklossy, Aliz Varga, Janos Kadas, Adrienne Csutak, Andras
Berta, Eva Rajnavolgyi
Published: August 29 2008 [Full text]
Comet assay
analysis of single–stranded DNA breaks in circulating
leukocytes of glaucoma patients
M Mozaffarieh, A Schoetzau, M Sauter, M
Grieshaber, S Orgül, O Golubnitschaja, J Flammer
Published: August 29 2008 [Full text]
analysis of retinal gene expression in chicks during
imposed myopic defocus
Ruth Schippert, Frank Schaeffel, Marita Pauline
Published: August 31 2008 [Full text]
compartmentalization of two calcium binding proteins,
calretinin and calbindin-28 kDa, in ganglion and amacrine
cells of the rat retina
Deb Kumar Mojumder, Theodore G. Wensel, Laura
J. Frishman
Published: August 31 2008 [Full text]
contribution of CCL3 to alkali-induced corneal
neovascularization by regulating vascular endothelial
growth factor production by macrophages
Peirong Lu, Longbiao Li, Yu Wu, Naofumi
Mukaida, Xueguang Zhang
Published: September 5 2008 [Full text]
M6a is expressed
in the murine neural retina and regulates neurite
Jing Zhao, Atsumi Iida, Yasuo Ouchi, Shinya
Satoh, Sumiko Watanabe
Published: September 3 2008 [Full text]
HSV-1 infection
suppresses TGF-β1 and SMAD3 expression in
human corneal epithelial cells
Yuhong Nie, Dongmei Cui, Zhujuan Pan, Jiangyun
Deng, Qiang Huang, Kaili Wu
Published: September 3 2008 [Full text]
Identification of
candidate genes for human retinal degeneration loci using
differentially expressed genes from mouse photoreceptor
dystrophy models
Christina Demos, Mausumi Bandyopadhyay, Bärbel
Published: September 5 2008 [Full text]
analysis of the PAX6 gene in Mexican patients with
congenital aniridia: report of four novel mutations
Camilo E. Villarroel, Cristina
Villanueva-Mendoza, Lorena Orozco, Miguel Angel
Alcántara-Ortigoza, Diana F. Jiménez, Juan C. Ordaz, Ariadna
González-del Angel
Published: September 8 2008 [Full text]
congenital glaucoma localizes to chromosome 14q24.2-24.3
in two consanguineous Pakistani families
Sabika Firasat, S. Amer Riazuddin, J. Fielding
Hejtmancik, Sheikh Riazuddin
Published: September 5 2008 [Full text]
Two novel
myocilin mutations in a Chinese family with primary
open-angle glaucoma
Xiaobing Xie, Xin Zhou, Xiying Qu, Jing Wen,
Yanli Tian, Fang Zheng
Published: September 5 2008 [Full text]
The association
of membrane frizzled-related protein (MFRP) gene
with acute angle-closure glaucoma – a pilot study
I-Jong Wang, Shan Lin, Ting-Hsuan Chiang, Zoe
Tzu-Yi Chen, Luke L.K. Lin, Por-Tying Hung, Yung-Feng Shih
Published: September 8 2008 [Full text]
A decrease in
retinal progenitor cells is associated with early features
of diabetic retinopathy in a model that combines diabetes
and hypertension
Jacqueline Mendonça Lopes de Faria, Kamila
Cristina Silva, Patrícia Aline Boer, Tiago Correa
Cavalcanti, Mariana Aparecida Brunini Rosales, Ana Luiza
Ferrari, José Butori Lopes de Faria
Published: September 11 2008 [Full text]
homocysteine, and retinal arteriosclerosis
Amir Ghorbanihaghjo, Alireza Javadzadeh, Hassan
Argani, Nariman Nezami, Nadereh Rashtchizadeh, Mandana
Rafeey, Mohammad Rohbaninoubar, Babak Rahimi-Ardabili
Published: September 15 2008 [Full text]
Lys198Asn is associated with diabetic retinopathy in type
2 diabetes
Haitao Li, Janice W.C. Louey, Kwong Wai Choy,
David T.L. Liu, Wai Man Chan, Yiu Man Chan, Nicholas S.K.
Fung, Bao Jian Fan, Larry Baum, Juliana C.N. Chan, Dennis
S.C. Lam, Chi Pui Pang
Published: September 15 2008 [Full text]
Mechanism of
mitomycin-induced apoptosis in cultured corneal
endothelial cells
Kwou-Yeung Wu, Hwei-Zu Wang, Show-Jen Hong
Published: September 15 2008 [Full text]
Genetics of
Meesmann corneal dystrophy: a novel mutation in the
keratin 3 gene in an asymptomatic family suggests
genotype-phenotype correlation
Jacek P. Szaflik, Monika Ołdak, Radosław B.
Maksym, Anna Kamińska, Agnieszka Pollak, Monika Udziela,
Rafał Płoski, Jerzy Szaflik
Published: September 15 2008 [Full text]
Identification of
candidate regions for a novel Usher syndrome type II locus
Imen Ben Rebeh, Zeineb Benzina, Houria Dhouib,
Imen Hadjamor, Mustapha Amyere, Leila Ayadi, Khalil Turki,
Bouthaina Hammami, Noureddine Kmiha, Hassen Kammoun, Bochra
Hakim, Ilhem Charfedine, Miikka Vikkula, Abdelmonem Ghorbel,
Hammadi Ayadi, Saber Masmoudi
Published: September 19 2008 [Full text]
Genetic analysis
of the clusterin gene in pseudoexfoliation syndrome
Kathryn P. Burdon, Shiwani Sharma, Alex W.
Hewitt, Amy E. McMellon, Jie Jin Wang, David A. Mackey, Paul
Mitchell, Jamie E. Craig
Published: September 22 2008 [Full text]
Genes on bovine
chromosome 18 associated with bilateral convergent
strabismus with exophthalmos in German Brown cattle
S. Fink, S. Mömke, A. Wöhlke, O. Distl
Published: September 22 2008 [Full text]
acetonide and anecortave acetate do not stimulate uveal
melanoma cell growth
Mariam el Filali, Irene Homminga, Willem Maat,
Pieter A. van der Velden, Martine J. Jager
Published: September 24 2008 [Full text]
Intraocular route
of AAV2 vector administration defines humoral immune
response and therapeutic potential
Qiuhong Li, Rehae Miller, Ping-Yang Han, Jijing
Pang, Astra Dinculescu, Vince Chiodo, William W. Hauswirth
Published: September 24 2008 [Full text]
Changes in ocular
aquaporin-4 (AQP4) expression following retinal injury
Adnan Dibas, Ming-Hui Yang, Shaoqing He, Joseph
Bobich, Thomas Yorio
Published: September 25 2008 [Full text]
Mature retinal
pigment epithelium cells are retained in the cell cycle
and proliferate in vivo
Heba Al-Hussaini, Jaimie Hoh Kam, Anthony
Vugler, Ma’ayan Semo, Glen Jeffery
Published: October 6 2008 [Full text]
Gene profiling
and signaling pathways of Candida albicans
Xiaoyong Yuan, Bradley M. Mitchell, Kirk R.
Published: September 26 2008 [Full text]
Investigation of
eight candidate genes on chromosome 1p36 for autosomal
dominant total congenital cataract
Kathryn P. Burdon, Kathryn Hattersley, Salil A.
Lachke, Kate J. Laurie, Richard L. Maas, David A. Mackey,
Jamie E. Craig
Published: September 30 2008 [Full text]
protein expression in human corneal endothelial cells
cultured from young and older donors
Cheng Zhu, Ian Rawe, Nancy C. Joyce
Published: September 30 2008 [Full text]
Tumor necrosis
factor alpha-308 gene polymorphism and pseudoexfoliation
Oya Tekeli, M. Erol Turacli, Yonca Egin, Nejat
Akar, Atilla Halil Elhan
Published: September 30 2008 [Full text]
engineering of corneal stroma with rabbit fibroblast
precursors and gelatin hydrogels
Tatsuya Mimura, Shiro Amano, Seiichi Yokoo,
Saiko Uchida, Satoru Yamagami, Tomohiko Usui, Yu Kimura,
Yasuhiko Tabata
Published: October 3 2008 [Full text]
Association of
complement factor H Y402H polymorphism with phenotype of
neovascular age related macular degeneration in Israel
Itay Chowers, Yoram Cohen, Nitza
Goldenberg-Cohen, Joaquin Vicuna-Kojchen, Alejandro
Lichtinger, Orly Weinstein, Ayala Pollack, Ruth Axer-Siegel,
Itzhak Hemo, Edward Averbukh, Eyal Banin, Tal Meir, Michal
Published: October 8 2008 [Full text]
Role of αBI5 and
αBT162 residues in subunit interaction during
oligomerization of αB-crystallin
Raju Murugesan, Puttur Santhoshkumar, K.
Krishna Sharma
Published: October 13 2008 [Full text]
gene polymorphisms and toxoplasmic retinochoroiditis
Cynthia A. Cordeiro, Paula R. Moreira, Germano
C. Costa, Walderez O. Dutra, Wesley R. Campos, Fernando
Oréfice, Antônio L. Teixeira
Published: October 12 2008 [Full text]
screening of HSF4 in 150 age-related cataract
Yuefeng Shi, Xiaohe Shi, Yiping Jin, Aizhu
Miao, Lei Bu, Jianyong He, Haisong Jiang, Yi Lu, Xiangyin
Kong, Landian Hu
Published: October 20 2008 [Full text]
Novel causative
mutations in patients with Nance-Horan syndrome and
altered localization of the mutant NHS-A protein isoform
Shiwani Sharma, Kathryn P. Burdon, Alpana Dave,
Robyn V. Jamieson, Yuval Yaron, Frank Billson, Lionel Van
Maldergem, Birgit Lorenz, Jozef Gécz, Jamie E. Craig
Published: October 20 2008 [Full text]
The flavonoid,
fisetin, inhibits UV radiation-induced oxidative stress
and the activation of NF-кB and MAPK signaling in human
lens epithelial cells
Ke Yao, Li Zhang, YiDong Zhang, PanPan Ye, Ning
Published: October 20 2008 [Full text]
Isolation and
characterization of βA3-crystallin associated proteinase
from α-crystallin fraction of human lenses
O. P. Srivastava, K. Srivastava, J. M. Chaves
Published: October 20 2008 [Full text]
Increased SPARC
expression in primary angle closure glaucoma iris
Jocelyn Chua, Li Fong Seet, YuZhen Jiang,
Roseline Su, Hla Myint Htoon, Amanda Charlton, Tin Aung,
Tina T. Wong
Published: October 20 2008 [Full text]
Identification of
a genetic locus for autosomal dominant infantile cataract
on chromosome 20p12.1-p11.23 in a Chinese family
Shirong Zhang, Mugen Liu, Jia Mei Dong, Ke Yin,
Pengyun Wang, Juan Bu, Jing Li, Yan Sheng Hao, Ping Hao,
Qing Kenneth Wang, Lejin Wang
Published: October 22 2008 [Full text]
variants in elderly Japanese patients with exfoliation
syndrome/glaucoma, primary open-angle glaucoma, normal
tension glaucoma, and cataract
Masaki Tanito, Masayoshi Minami, Masakazu
Akahori, Sachiko Kaidzu, Yasuyuki Takai, Akihiro Ohira,
Takeshi Iwata
Published: October 27 2008 [Full text]
A new mutation in
BFSP2 (G1091A) causes autosomal dominant congenital
lamellar cataracts
Xu Ma, Fei-Feng Li, Shu-Zhen Wang, Chang Gao,
Meng Zhang, Si-Quan Zhu
Published: October 24 2008 [Full text]
ETS-1 and
ETS-2 are upregulated in a transgenic mouse model
of pigmented ocular neoplasm
G. De la Houssaye, V. Vieira, C. Masson, F.
Beermann, J.L. Dufier, M. Menasche, M. Abitbol
Published: October 29 2008 [Full text]
epithelial homeostasis in the cornea of mice with a
destrin deletion
W. Zhang, J. Zhao, L. Chen, M. M. Urbanowicz,
T. Nagasaki
Published: October 28 2008 [Full text]
suppresses the spread of cell death in electrically
coupled RPE cells
Chandani Udawatte, Haohua Qian, Nancy J.
Mangini, Brian G. Kennedy, Harris Ripps
Published: October 29 2008 [Full text]
Downregulation of
LIM kinase 1 suppresses ocular inflammation and fibrosis
Matvey Gorovoy, Takahisa Koga, Xiang Shen,
Zhengping Jia, Beatrice Y. Yue, Tatyana Voyno-Yasenetskaya
Published: October 30 2008 [Full text]
A missense
mutation in the nuclear localization signal sequence of
CERKL (p.R106S) causes autosomal recessive retinal
Manir Ali, Vedam Lakshmi Ramprasad, Nagasamy
Soumittra, Moin D. Mohamed, Hussain Jafri, Yasmin Rashid,
Michael Danciger, Martin McKibbin, Govindasamy
Kumaramanickavel, Chris F. Inglehearn
Published: October 30 2008 [Full text]
Inhibition of
retinal neovascularization by siRNA targeting VEGF165
Xiao-bo Xia, Si-qi Xiong, Wei-tao Song, Jie
Luo, Yu-ke Wang, Rong-rong Zhou
Published: October 30 2008 [Full text]
Novel GPR143
mutations and clinical characteristics in six Chinese
families with X-linked ocular albinism
Shaohua Fang, Xiangming Guo, Xiaoyun Jia,
Xueshan Xiao, Shiqiang Li, Qingjiong Zhang
Published: October 30 2008 [Full text]
Gene regulation
induced in the C57BL/6J mouse retina by hyperoxia: a
temporal microarray study
Riccardo Natoli, Jan Provis, Krisztina Valter,
Jonathan Stone
Published: October 31 2008 [Full text]
A novel Twinkle (PEO1)
gene mutation in a Chinese family with adPEO
Zhirong Liu, Yao Ding, Ailian Du, Baorong
Zhang, Guohua Zhao, Meiping Ding
Published: November 3 2008 [Full text]
Novel CYP1B1
mutations in consanguineous Pakistani families with
primary congenital glaucoma
Sabika Firasat, S. Amer Riazuddin, Shaheen N.
Khan, Sheikh Riazuddin
Published: November 3 2008 [Full text]
Anterior segment
mesenchymal dysgenesis in a large Australian family is
associated with the recurrent 17 bp duplication in PITX3
Kim M. Summers, Stephen J. Withers, Glen A.
Gole, Sara Piras, Peter J. Taylor
Published: November 5 2008 [Full text]
analysis of protein deposits on worn daily wear silicone
hydrogel contact lenses
Zhenjun Zhao, Xiaojia Wei, Yulina Aliwarga,
Nicole A. Carnt, Qian Garrett, Mark D.P. Willcox
Published: November 7 2008 [Full text]
endothelial integrity in aging mice lacking superoxide
dismutase-1 and/or superoxide dismutase-3
Anders Behndig
Published: November 7 2008 [Full text]
Preferential gene
expression in the limbus of the vervet monkey
Zhenhua Ding, Jun Dong, Jason Liu, Sophie X.
Published: November 10 2008 [Full text]
gene is associated with cataracts linked to chromosome 1p
Alan Shiels, Thomas M. Bennett, Harry L.S.
Knopf, Giovanni Maraini, Anren Li, Xiaodong Jiao, J.
Fielding Hejtmancik
Published: November 12 2008 [Full text]
detection of glycated lens crystallins and their
circulating autoantibodies in human serum during aging
Mala Ranjan, Sujatha Nayak, Tanuja Kosuri,
Beedu Sashidhar Rao
Published: November 17 2008 [Full text]
Identification of
five novel mutations in the long isoform of the USH2A
gene in Chinese families with Usher syndrome type II
Hanjun Dai, Xiaohui Zhang, Xin Zhao, Ting Deng,
Bing Dong, Jingzhao Wang, Yang Li
Published: November 17 2008 [Full text]
PCNA interacts
with Prox1 and represses its transcriptional activity
Xiaoren Chen, Tapan P. Patel, Vladimir I.
Simirskii, Melinda K. Duncan
Published: November 17 2008 [Full text]
Different tropism
of adenoviruses and adeno-associated viruses to corneal
cells: implications for corneal gene therapy
J. Liu, M. Saghizadeh, S.S. Tuli, A.A.
Kramerov, A.S. Lewin, D.C. Bloom, W.W. Hauswirth, M.G.
Castro, G.S. Schultz, A.V. Ljubimov
Published: November 18 2008 [Full text]
expression of myocilin glaucoma mutants increases
secretion of the mutant forms and reduces extracellular
processed myocilin
José-Daniel Aroca-Aguilar, Francisco
Sánchez-Sánchez, Francisco Martínez-Redondo, Miguel
Coca-Prados, Julio Escribano
Published: November 21 2008 [Full text]
Association of
−31T>C and −511 C>T polymorphisms in the interleukin
1 beta (IL1B) promoter in Korean keratoconus
So-Hee Kim, Jee-Won Mok, Hyun-Seok Kim, C.K.
Published: November 21 2008 [Full text]
immunodeficiency virus-mediated long-term transgene
expression in undifferentiated retinal progenitor cells
and its downregulation in differentiated cells
Branislava Janic, Xuxiang Zhang, Wei Li
Published: November 26 2008 [Full text]
neuroglycan C expression during retinal degeneration in Rpe65−/−
Pascal Escher, Sandra Cottet, Saichiko Aono,
Atsuhiko Oohira, Daniel F. Schorderet
Published: November 26 2008 [Full text]
between polymorphisms of FCRL3, a non-HLA gene,
and Behçet’s disease in a Chinese population with
ophthalmic manifestations
Ke Li, Min Zhao, Shengping Hou, Liping Du, Aize
Kijlstra, Peizeng Yang
Published: November 28 2008 [Full text]
Serotonin levels
in aqueous humor of patients with primary open-angle
V. Zanon-Moreno, P. Melo, M.M. Mendes-Pinto,
C.J. Alves, J.J. Garcia-Medina, I. Vinuesa-Silva, M.A.
Moreno-Nadal, M.D. Pinazo-Duran
Published: November 28 2008 [Full text]
Müller and
macrophage-like cell interactions in an organotypic
culture of porcine neuroretina
Ivan Fernandez-Bueno, Jose Carlos Pastor,
Manuel Jose Gayoso, Ignacio Alcalde, Maria Teresa Garcia
Published: November 28 2008 [Full text]
noninvasive, high resolution spectral domain optical
coherence tomography imaging of zebrafish embryos
Larry Kagemann, Hiroshi Ishikawa, Jian Zou,
Puwat Charukamnoetkanok, Gadi Wollstein, Kelly A. Townsend,
Michelle L. Gabriele, Nathan Bahary, Xiangyun Wei, James G.
Fujimoto, Joel S. Schuman
Published: November 30 2008 [Full text]
damage along the optic nerve following induction of crush
injury or rodent anterior ischemic optic neuropathy in
transgenic mice
O. Dratviman-Storobinsky, M. Hasanreisoglu, D.
Offen, Y. Barhum, D. Weinberger, N. Goldenberg-Cohen
Published: November 30 2008 [Full text]
Development of a
rabbit corneal equivalent using an acellular corneal
matrix of a porcine substrate
Yong-gen Xu, Yong-sheng Xu, Chen Huang, Yun
Feng, Ying Li, Wei Wang
Published: November 30 2008 [Full text]
effects of cannabidiol in endotoxin-induced uveitis:
critical role of p38 MAPK activation
A.B. El-Remessy, Y. Tang, G. Zhu, S. Matragoon,
Y. Khalifa, E.K. Liu, J-Y. Liu, E. Hanson, S. Mian, N.
Fatteh, G.I. Liou
Published: December 3 2008 [Full text]
Full retraction
of Kumar DM, Simpkins JW, Agarwal N. Estrogens and
neuroprotection in retinal diseases. Mol Vis.
2008;14:1480-6. Review.
The Editors
Published: November 27 2008 [Full text]
A novel PITX2
mutation in a Chinese family with Axenfeld-Rieger syndrome
Dandan Li, Qingguo Zhu, Hui Lin, Nan Zhou,
Yanhua Qi
Published: December 5 2008 [Full text]
Technical Brief:
Subretinal injection and electroporation into adult mouse
Christiana J. Johnson, Lennart Berglin, Micah
A. Chrenek, T.M. Redmond, Jeffrey H. Boatright, John M.
Published: December 5 2008 [Full text]
Double homozygous
waltzer and Ames waltzer mice provide no evidence of
retinal degeneration
Zubair M. Ahmed, Sten Kjellstrom, Ricky J. L.
Haywood-Watson II, Ronald A. Bush, Lori L. Hampton, James F.
Battey, Saima Riazuddin, Gregory Frolenkov, Paul A. Sieving,
Thomas B. Friedman
Published: December 8 2008 [Full text]
retinal secretions regulate the expression of tight
junctions and other diverse functions of the retinal
pigment epithelium
Ru Sun, Shaomin Peng, Xiang Chen, Heping Zhang,
Lawrence J. Rizzolo
Published: December 8 2008 [Full text]
Sequence variants
in HTRA1 and LOC387715/ARMS2 and phenotype
and response to photodynamic therapy in neovascular
age-related macular degeneration in populations from
Itay Chowers, Tal Meir, Michal Lederman, Nitza
Goldenberg-Cohen, Yoram Cohen, Eyal Banin, Edward Averbukh,
Itzhak Hemo, Ayala Pollack, Ruth Axer-Siegel, Orly
Weinstein, Josephine Hoh, Donald J. Zack, Tural Galbinur
Published: December 8 2008 [Full text]
Inhibitory effect
of blocking TGF-β/Smad signal on injury-induced fibrosis
of corneal endothelium
Takayoshi Sumioka, Kazuo Ikeda, Yuka Okada,
Osamu Yamanaka, Ai Kitano, Shizuya Saika
Published: December 11 2008 [Full text]
Effect of
carnosine, aminoguanidine, and aspirin drops on the
prevention of cataracts in diabetic rats
Hong Yan, Yong Guo, Jie Zhang, Zhenghua Ding,
Wenjing Ha, J.J. Harding
Published: December 11 2008 [Full text]
Effect of TNF-α
on human ARPE-19-secreted proteins
Eunkyung An, Heather Gordish-Dressman, Yetrib
Published: December 11 2008 [Full text]
A novel mutation
in BBS7 gene causes Bardet–Biedl syndrome in a
Chinese family
Zhenglin Yang, Yang Yang, Peiquan Zhao, Kechun
Chen, Bin Chen, Ying Lin, Fuqiang Guo, Yigong Chen, Xiaoqi
Liu, Fang Lu, Yi Shi, Dingding Zhang, Shihuang Liao, Qingyou
Published: December 12 2008 [Full text]
chick RPE progeny cells to differentiate towards retinal
neurons by ash1
Weiming Mao, Run-Tao Yan, Shu-Zhen Wang
Published: December 12 2008 [Full text]
Clinical and
genetic findings in Hungarian patients with X-linked
juvenile retinoschisis
B. Lesch, V. Szabó, M. Kánya, G.M. Somfai, R.
Vámos, B. Varsányi, Zs. Pámer, K. Knézy, Gy. Salacz, M.
Janáky, M. Ferencz, J. Hargitai, A. Papp, Á. Farkas
Published: December 12 2008 [Full text]
In vivo biopsy by
laser confocal microscopy for evaluation of traumatic
recurrent corneal erosion
Tai-ichiro Chikama, Norihisa Takahashi, Makiko
Wakuta, Naoyuki Morishige, Teruo Nishida
Published: December 15 2008 [Full text]
Ca2+ channels, not ryanodine receptors,
activate Ca2+-dependent BK potassium channels
in human retinal pigment epithelial cells
Sönke Wimmers, Claire Halsband, Sebastian
Seyler, Vladimir Milenkovic, Olaf Strauß
Published: December 15 2008 [Full text]
Screening of
common CYP1B1 mutations in Iranian POAG patients
using a microarray-based PrASE protocol
Fatemeh Suri, Reza Kalhor, Seyed Jalal Zargar,
Navid Nilforooshan, Shahin Yazdani, Hossein Nezari, Seyed
Hassan Paylakhi, Mehrnaz Narooie-Nejhad, Behnaz Bayat, Tina
Sedaghati, Afshin Ahmadian, Elahe Elahi
Published: December 18 2008 [Full text]
Evaluation of
splicing efficiency in lymphoblastoid cell lines from
patients with splicing-factor retinitis pigmentosa
Lenka Ivings, Katherine V. Towns, M.A. Matin,
Charles Taylor, Frederique Ponchel, Richard J. Grainger,
Rajkumar S. Ramesar, David A. Mackey, Chris F. Inglehearn
Published: December 18 2008 [Full text]
Optineurin coding
variants in Ghanaian patients with primary open-angle
Yutao Liu, Stephen Akafo, Cecile
Santiago-Turla, Claudia S. Cohen, Karen R.
LaRocque-Abramson, Xuejun Qin, Leon W. Herndon, Pratap
Challa, Silke Schmidt, Michael A. Hauser, R. Rand Allingham
Published: December 18 2008 [Full text]
morphogenetic protein-2: a potential regulator in scleral
Jianmin Hu, Dongmei Cui, Xiao Yang, Shaowei
Wang, Shoulong Hu, Chuanxu Li, Junwen Zeng
Published: December 18 2008 [Full text]
Evaluation of LOXL1
polymorphisms in primary open-angle glaucoma in southern
and northern Chinese
Wei Fen Gong, Sylvia W.Y. Chiang, Li Jia Chen,
Pancy O.S. Tam, Li Yun Jia, Dexter Y.L. Leung, Yi Qun Geng,
Clement C.Y. Tham, Dennis S.C. Lam, Robert Ritch, Ningli
Wang, Chi Pui Pang
Published: December 19 2008 [Full text]
regulation of Dlg1, Scrib, and Lgl1 expression in a
transgenic mouse model of ocular cancer
V. Vieira, G. de la Houssaye, E. Lacassagne,
J.L. Dufier, J.P. Jaïs, F. Beermann,4 M. Menasche, M.
Published: December 19 2008 [Full text]
analysis of regenerated rabbit lenses reveal crystallin
expression characteristic of adult rabbits
Xialin Liu, Min Zhang, Yuhua Liu, Pratap
Challa, Pedro Gonzalez, Yizhi Liu
Published: December 19 2008 [Full text]
sequence tag analysis of guinea pig (Cavia porcellus)
eye tissues for NEIBank
Mukoma F. Simpanya, Graeme Wistow, James Gao,
Larry L. David, Frank J. Giblin, Kenneth P. Mitton
Published: December 19 2008 [Full text]
Th1- and
Th2-related chemokine and chemokine receptor expression on
the ocular surface in endotoxin-induced uveitis
Liem Trinh, Françoise Brignole-Baudouin, Aude
Pauly, Hong Liang, Marianne Houssier, Christophe Baudouin
Published: December 19 2008 [Full text]
The role of ACAID
and CD4+CD25+FOXP3+
regulatory T cells on CTL function against MHC
Daniel R. Saban, Janet Cornelius, Sharmila
Masli, Johannes Schwartzkopff, Maire Doyle, Sunil K.
Chauhan, Ammon B. Peck, Maria B. Grant
Published: December 19 2008 [Full text]
neurofilament heavy chain is a marker of neurodegeneration
in Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON)
John Guy, Gerry Shaw, Fred N. Ross-Cisneros,
Peter Quiros, Solange R. Salomao, Adriana Berezovsky,
Valerio Carelli, William J. Feuer, Alfredo A. Sadun
Published: December 19 2008 [Full text]
Identification of
two novel OPA1 mutations in Chinese families with
autosomal dominant optic atrophy
Yang Li, Ting Deng, Yi Tong, Shuling Peng, Bing
Dong, Dacheng He
Published: December 29 2008 [Full text]
Identification of
STRA6 and SKI sequence variants in patients
with anophthalmia/microphthalmia
Tristan White, Tianyi Lu, Ravikanth Metlapally,
James Katowitz, Femida Kherani, Tian-Yuan Wang, Khanh-Nhat
Tran-Viet, Terri L. Young
Published: December 26 2008 [Full text]
Calnexin is not
essential for mammalian rod opsin biogenesis
Maria Kosmaoglou, Michael E. Cheetham
Published: December 26 2008 [Full text]
Targeting retinal
dopaminergic neurons in tyrosine hydroxylase-driven green
fluorescent protein transgenic zebrafish
Shi Meng, Soojin Ryu, Bin Zhao, Dao-Qi Zhang,
Wolfgang Driever, Douglas G. McMahon
Published: December 26 2008 [Full text]
Lack of
association of polymorphisms in homocysteine metabolism
genes with pseudoexfoliation syndrome and glaucoma
Bao Jian Fan, Teresa Chen, Cynthia Grosskreutz,
Louis Pasquale, Douglas Rhee, Elizabeth DelBono, Jonathan L.
Haines, Janey L. Wiggs
Published: December 26 2008 [Full text]
Human anterior
chamber angle development without cell death or macrophage
Beeran Meghpara, Xin Li, Hiroshi Nakamura,
Ahsan Khan, Bassem A. Bejjani, Shan Lin, Deepak P. Edward
Published: December 26 2008 [Full text]
The neurovascular
relation in oxygen-induced retinopathy
James D. Akula, Julie A. Mocko, Ilan Y.
Benador, Ronald M. Hansen, Tara L. Favazza, Tanya C.
Vyhovsky, Anne B. Fulton
Published: December 26 2008 [Full text]
translocation of cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase on rod disc
membranes in rat retina
Jing Chen, Tatsuro Yoshida, Mark W. Bitensky
Published: December 29 2008 [Full text]
characterization of cone photoreceptors and the area
centralis of the canine retina
Freya M. Mowat, Simon M. Petersen-Jones, Helen
Williamson, David L. Williams, Philip J. Luthert, Robin R.
Ali, James W. Bainbridge
Published: December 29 2008 [Full text]
effects of (-)-epigallocatechin gallate on UVA-induced
damage in ARPE19 cells
Chi-Ming Chan, Jheng-Hua Huang, Hsin-Huang Lin,
Han-Sun Chiang, Bing-Huei Chen, Jing-Yin Hong, Chi-Feng Hung
Published: December 30 2008 [Full text]
serotype adenovector provides long-term therapeutic gene
expression in the eye
Melissa M. Hamilton, Gordon A. Byrnes, Jason G.
Gall, Douglas E. Brough, C. Richter King, Lisa L. Wei
Published: December 30 2008 [Full text]
MUC16 expression
in Sjogren’s syndrome, KCS, and control subjects
Barbara Caffery, Elizabeth Joyce, Miriam L.
Heynen, Lyndon Jones, Robert Ritter III, Daniel A. Gamache,
Michelle Senchyna
Published: December 30 2008 [Full text]
deacetylase inhibitors blocked activation and caused
senescence of corneal stromal cells
Qingjun Zhou, Yao Wang, Lingling Yang, Ye Wang,
Peng Chen, Yiqiang Wang, Xiaoguang Dong, Lixin Xie
Published: December 30 2008 [Full text]
Linkage analysis
of high myopia susceptibility locus in 26 families
Sandrine Paget, Sophie Julia, Zulma G.
Vitezica, Vincent Soler, François Malecaze, Patrick Calvas
Published: December 30 2008 [Full text]
Analysis of
partner of inscuteable (mPins) expression in the
developing mouse eye
B. Raji, A. Dansault, V. Vieira, G. de la
Houssaye, E. Lacassagne, A. Kobetz, L. Arbogast, J.L.
Dufier, J.B. Blumer, M. Menasche, M. Abitbol
Published: December 31 2008 [Full text]
ubiquitin-like modifier 4 (SUMO4) polymorphisms and
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome in the Chinese Han
Shengping Hou, Peizeng Yang, Liping Du, Hongyan
Zhou, Xiaomin Lin, Xiaoli Liu, Aize Kijlstra
Published: December 31 2008 [Full text]
Presence and
distribution of 14-3-3 proteins in human ocular surface
Jwalitha Shankardas, Michelle Senchyna,
Slobodan D. Dimitrijevich
Published: December 31 2008 [Full text]
nano-copolymers mediated IKKβ targeting siRNA
inhibit the proliferation of human Tenon’s capsule
fibroblasts in vitro
Yongheng Duan, Xipeng Guan, Jian Ge, Daping
Quan, Yehong Zhuo, Hehua Ye, Tingting Shao
Published: December 31 2008 [Full text]
receptor activation triggers OPA1 release and induces
apoptotic cell death in ischemic rat retina
Won-Kyu Ju, James D. Lindsey, Mila Angert,
Ankur Patel, Robert N. Weinreb
Published: December 31 2008 [Full text]