Table 2 of Kuszak, Mol Vis 2006; 12:251-270.

Table 2. Range of fiber length in line and Y sutures as depicted in scale CADs

Shown are the range of fiber lengths in line and Y sutures as depicted in scale CADs from Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7, Figure 8, and Figure 9. Fiber groups represent the average number of fibers positioned within 5 longitudinal degrees beginning at 0° longitude, the most superior position of the lens equator in situ (Figure 11C) and continuing clockwise around the circumference of the lens. Thus, fiber group number 1 consists of fiber positioned between 0 and 5° longitude, fiber group number 2 between 5 and 10° longitude, fiber group number 3 between 10 and 15° longitude, etc. To estimate the length of fibers in nonprimate Y and line suture lenses, we used two modified versions (one for the anterior surface, one for the posterior surface) of Miller's Adaptation of the Mercator Conformal Cylindrical Projection [55,56] designed especially to deal with the disparate eccentricities of the anterior and posterior surfaces of lenses. These equations, which are based on the major (equatorial) and minor (anterior and posterior) radii of lenses, calculate the distance between points (as defined by longitude and latitude degrees) on a curved surface. Fiber positions and orientation of polar views of the lens were used to define each group of fibers using longitude (0 to 360°) and latitude (0 to 90° from the equator to the anterior pole and 0 to -90° from the equator to the posterior pole) coordinates. Between 6 and 12 points were used to estimate each fiber length. Note that in Y suture lenses (mouse and bovine) fiber length is repeated every 120 longitudinal degrees. By comparison, in line suture lenses (frog and rabbit) fiber length is only repeated every 180 longitudinal degrees.

                 Range of fiber                     Range of fiber
  Fiber            length (mm)         Fiber          length (mm)
  group      -----------------------   group    -----------------------
  number       Mouse       Bovine      number     Frog        Rabbit
----------   ---------   -----------   ------   ---------   -----------
 1, 13, 25   3.07-3.17   21.09-21.68    1, 19   4.22-4.47   14.19-14.65
 2, 14, 26   3.17-3.24   21.68-22.01    2, 20   4.47-4.57   14.65-14.89
 3, 15, 27   3.24-3.28   22.01-22.28    3, 21   4.57-4.64   14.89-15.17
 4, 16, 28   3.28-3.29   22.28-22.48    4, 22   4.64-4.72   15.17-15.39
 5, 17, 29   3.29-3.31   22.48-22.50    5, 23   4.72-4.77   15.39-15.55
 6, 18, 30   3.31-3.27   22.50-22.22    6, 24   4.77-4.79   15.55-15.75
 7, 19, 31   3.27        22.22-22.11    7, 25   4.79-4.80   15.75-15.80
 8, 20, 32   3.27-3.22   22.11-21.88    8, 26   4.80-4.81   15.80-15.81
 9, 21, 33   3.22-3.15   21.88-21.48    9, 27   4.81-4.78   15.81-15.78
10, 22, 34   3.15-3.05   21.48-20.80   10, 28   4.78-4.74   15.78-15.62
11, 23, 35   3.05-2.98   20.80-20.24   11, 29   4.74-4.68   15.62-15.52
12, 24, 36   2.98-2.88   20.24-19.43   12, 30   4.68-4.66   15.52-15.28
                                       13, 31   4.66-4.57   15.28-15.08
                                       14, 32   4.57-4.51   15.08-14.89
                                       15, 33   4.51-4.42   14.89-14.58
                                       16, 34   4.42-4.32   14.58-13.96
                                       17, 35   4.32-4.15   13.96-13.72
                                       18, 36   4.15-3.99   13.72-13.09

Kuszak, Mol Vis 2006; 12:251-270 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535