Figure 8 of
Kuszak, Mol Vis 2006;
Figure 8. Incorrect sequential Y suture formation scheme as extrapolated from qualitative analysis of micrographs
The entire length of nascent fibers is aligned directly along the polar axis until their anterior and posterior leading ends reach about 60° and -60°latitude (A). At that time, the fibers positioned at 60°, 180°, and 300° longitude cease elongating in the anterior direction while the fibers positioned at 0°, 120°, and 240° longitude cease elongating in the posterior direction. The opposite ends of the former group of fibers will continue elongating until they reach the posterior pole, and those of the latter group of fibers will continue to elongate until they reach the anterior pole (B-H). As the fibers positioned incrementally farther away from and on either side of any straight fiber continue to elongate, their ends curve toward one another, or in opposite directions away from the polar axis, until they abut and overlap to form suture branches from peripheral origins to a common distal termination, confluence at the poles. The color value (darkness) is doubled to highlight when a fiber has reached both of its sutural destinations and thus, presumably when it begins to eliminate the majority of its cytoplasmic organelles.