Figure 6 of Lam, Mol Vis 2009; 15:2217-2229.

Figure 6. CO histochemistry, GFAP and MAC-1 immunohistochemistry in unilateral ONT and OHT brains. After 14 days, the CO staining demonstrated lighter staining in the contralateral (treated) eye bands (Layer 1, 4, 6) in the LGN of both the OHT (534) and the ONT (32676) brains, consistent with the findings from animals with vision loss of longer duration (Figures 14). The GFAP immunoreactivity was stronger in the regions of LGN and V1 associated with the treated eye in both OHT (A) and ONT (B, C) brains. The MAC-1 immunoreactivity was stronger in the regions associated with the treated eye in ONT (B, C) brains only. MAC-1 immunoreactivity did not show differential expression between treated and normal ocular dominance bands, consistent with findings from long-term OHT (Figure 3 and Figure 4).