Figure 1 of Lam, Mol Vis 2009; 15:2217-2229.

Figure 1. Photomicrographs of serial coronal sections of LGN from an ONT brain. A: Section stained for CO histochemistry demonstrates reduced CO activity in contralateral (Layers 1,4,6) eye layers. B: Serial section stained for GFAP immunohistochemistry demonstrates denser reaction product in the contralateral eye layers. C: Serial sections stained for MAC-1 immunohistochemistry demonstrates a denser staining pattern in the contralateral eye layers. Arrows point to high power photographs (100X) of treated versus normal LGN layers stained for CO (D, E), GFAP (F, G), or MAC-1 (H, I). Note astrocytic profiles and processes in F and microglial profiles in H.