Figure 10 of Kuszak, Mol Vis 2006; 12:251-270.

Figure 10. Correct segmental line suture formation scheme as extrapolated from quantitative analysis of micrographs

As in Figure 9, this animation begins at the end of fiber rotation and migration, or at the end of fiber middle segment formation (A). Key frames from this animation are shown as static images. As the animation continues it can be seen that anterior suture branch construction is initiated ahead of posterior suture branch formation (B-D). In point of fact, a short (about 10% of the total branch length) peripheral segment of any anterior suture branch is constructed prior to the initiation of posterior suture formation. D: Essentially, the entire peripheral portion of suture branches, and the initial (about 15%) distal portion are constructed before the opposite ends of the fibers that constitute these portions, reach their other sutural destination. E: The longest fibers in a growth shell, which are also the fibers with the greatest amount of end curvature, will be at once the last fibers to reach their sutural destinations and the first to reach both of their sutural destinations. F,G: The difference in length between straight fibers and their immediate neighbors in line suture lenses is greater than that in Y suture lenses. Thus, the short distal portion of line suture branches established by the ends of straight fibers that reach the poles is proportionately greater in line than in Y suture lenses. A comparison of the proportionate amounts of distal end suture branch segmentation between Y (white hexagonal inset in Figure 8G) and line (white square inset in Figure 9E) suture lenses is shown at higher magnification in Figure 11. H: The completed growth shell The animation ends with the completion of suture pattern formation and subsequent fiber maturation.

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Kuszak, Mol Vis 2006; 12:251-270 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535