Table 5 of Ruotolo, Mol Vis 2003; 9:538-548.

Table 5. Validation of a subset of modulated genes by Real-Time PCR

Microarray data were derived from four N versus C hybridization comparisons as specified in the text (see also Table 4). Real-Time PCR data were obtained with the Comparative Ct method (see Materials and Methods and Table 2 for details on Real-Time PCR experiments and amplification primers).

                                  N/C Fold Change
           Gene              Microarray   Real-Time PCR
--------------------------   ----------   -------------
Glucosidase I                  16.3           35.5
Polymerase (RNA) II,           10.2            2.9
  polypeptide E
Presenilin I                    4.7            2.1
Crystallin βA4                  5.4            6.8
Gelsolin                        0.16           2.0
Dihydropyrimidinase-like 2      0.29           0.11

Ruotolo, Mol Vis 2003; 9:538-548 <>
©2003 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535