Figure 11 of Hamer, Mol Vis 2000; 6:265-286.

Figure 11. An R* activation model also accounts for the Murnick & Lamb data when τR is rate-limiting

A: With τR rate-limiting, the R* activation model provides a good fit to the Murnick & Lamb saturated two-flash data. This is also reflected in (B), which shows the corresponding model Testflash Tsat versus delay along with the analogous Murnick & Lamb data. As for the case with τE rate-limiting (Figure 9), as well as the comparable results for the RecRK model (Figure 3B), the model is able to capture the critical feature of the data, i.e., that the decrease model Test flash Tsat in response to the Pre-flash can exceed the delay (blue curve falls below dashed blue line with slope = -1). Format and symbology as in Figure 5. Parameters are given in Table 3.

(12 K)

Hamer, Mol Vis 2000; 6:265-286 <>
©2000 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535