Molecular Vision 2023; 29:197-205 <>
Received 15 January 2023 | Accepted 15 October 2023 | Published 20 October 2023

Addressing bias in manual segmentation of spheroid sprouting assays with U-Net

Julian Rapp, Daniel Böhringer, Günther Schlunck, Hansjürgen Agostini, Thomas Reinhard, Felicitas Bucher

Eye Center, Medical Center – University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, University of Freiburg, Germany

Correspondence to: Daniel Böhringer, Klinik für Augenheilkunde Killianstraße 5 79106 Freiburg; Phone: +49 761 270 40514; FAX: +49 761 270 40520; email:


Purpose: Angiogenesis research faces the issue of false-positive findings due to the manual analysis pipelines involved in many assays. For example, the spheroid sprouting assay, one of the most prominent in vitro angiogenesis models, is commonly based on manual segmentation of sprouts. In this study, we propose a method for mitigating subconscious or fraudulent bias caused by manual segmentation. This approach involves training a U-Net model on manual segmentations and using the readout of this U-Net model instead of the potentially biased original segmentations. Our hypothesis is that U-Net will mitigate any bias in the manual segmentations because this will impose only random noise during model training. We assessed this idea using a simulation study.

Methods: The training data comprised 1531 phase contrast images and manual segmentations from various spheroid sprouting assays. We randomly divided the images 1:1 into two groups: a fictitious intervention group and a control group. Bias was simulated exclusively in the intervention group. We simulated two adversarial scenarios: 1) removal of a single randomly selected sprout and 2) systematic shortening of all sprouts. For both scenarios, we compared the original segmentation, adversarial segmentation, and respective U-Net readouts. In the second step, we assessed the sensitivity of this approach to detect a true positive effect. We sampled multiple treatment and control groups with decreasing treatment effects based on unbiased ground truth segmentation.

Results: This approach was able to mitigate bias in both adversarial scenarios. However, in both scenarios, U-Net detected the real treatment effects based on a comparison to the ground truth.

Conclusions: This method may prove useful for verifying positive findings in angiogenesis experiments with a manual analysis pipeline when full investigator masking has been neglected or is not feasible.


Investigations into angiogenesis in retinal diseases are often hindered by manual analysis pipelines that risk inconsistent results [1]. Typical in vivo experiments studying vasoproliferative eye diseases, such as the mouse model of oxygen-induced retinopathy, require manual labeling of neovascularization [2]. This process can introduce bias. Furthermore, in vitro assays commonly used to examine angiogenesis, such as migration assays that require manual tracking of cell movement or sprouting assays that involve manually marking endothelial cell sprouts [3], face similar issues of potential biased analysis. Concerns about the reproducibility of results have been raised in the scientific community, leading to the concept of a “reproducibility crisis” [4]. According to an anonymous survey, more than 40% of researchers view poor data analysis, which can introduce unconscious bias, as an important contributing factor to irreproducibility [4]. Improved data analysis techniques that minimize bias have been identified as a major tool for enhancing reproducibility [5].

The spheroid sprouting assay is a widely used in vitro assay for investigating angiogenesis [6], but its manual analysis pipeline makes it prone to error. Currently, images of sprouts extending from cell spheroids in a collagen matrix are manually segmented using generic software, such as ImageJ [7,8]. For quantification, the median cumulative sprouting length per spheroid (CSLPS) is typically calculated manually. Validated software for automated segmentation and analysis is not commonly available. Although the analysis of medical images based on artificial intelligence (AI) has been applied in many areas, especially for clinical images [9-11], automated analysis of sprouting assays using the U-Net convolutional artificial neural network has only recently been reported [12,13]. Released in 2015, U-Net is a widely used network for image segmentation, especially phase contrast images [14,15]. However, to our knowledge, an automated analysis pipeline for sprouting assays is not publicly available. Moreover, generalizing such approaches across laboratories or experiments is challenging due to variations in cell morphology, imaging equipment, image processing, and protocols among laboratories [16,17]. Adapting an approach to individual laboratories would require training and calibration to achieve the needed quality, which is time-consuming and necessitates significant expertise. Scientists still rely primarily on manual analysis of sprouting assays due to the challenges of proper automated segmentation. Masking sprout segmentation is difficult when the intervention is strong and is therefore directly evident from single images, for example, following vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) treatment [18,19]. Curved, faint, or bifurcating sprouts and numerous short sprouts also complicate analysis and introduce ambiguities [6,12,20]. Even experienced scientists may have difficulty ensuring consistent quantification [21,22].

We propose an automated method to improve the objectivity of manual segmentation in the spheroid sprouting assay, which can analyze whether studies report false-positive data based on systematic bias. This method could be used by auditors, supervisors, or journal editors to differentiate false positives from true positives with minimal effort. To achieve this, we propose training a disposable U-Net model on manual segmentations and using the U-Net output instead of the original manual segmentations. We hypothesize that U-Net will remove any systematic bias, provided that bias is present in less than every second image and that the bias is more or less subtle. From U-Net’s perspective, any bias appears as random noise, as the network is unaware of group assignments during training. We believe that this circular U-Net segmentation will be of sufficient quality, even when the neural network is trained on partially erroneous segmentations. We evaluated this using actual sprouting data and two types of synthetic adversarial bias in a simulation.


Image acquisition and processing

We obtained a training data set containing 1531 phase contrast images of spheroid sprouting assays, as well as manual segmentations. Images were acquired using a standard protocol [7,8,18].

Briefly, 200,000 human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs, Cat#: CC-2519, Lonza, Basel, Switzerland) of the sixth passage cultivated in endothelial cell growth medium (EGM, Cat#: CC-3124, Lonza) were suspended in 10 ml EGM containing 0.25% carboxy-methylcellulose (Methylcellulose, Cat#: M0512, Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO). Spheroids were formed in hanging drops of a volume of 25 µl incubated overnight and seeded on the following day in 0.5 ml of a three-dimensional collagen matrix consisting of 44.4% collagen (Collagen 1, Rat Tail, Cat#: 354,236, Corning, Corning, NY), 43.9% endothelial cell growth basal medium (EBM, Cat#: CC-3121, Lonza), 2.25% fetal bovine serum (FBS, Cat#: S0615, Lot#: 0453Z, Biochrome, Berlin, Germany), and 0.55% carboxy-methylcellulose in 24-well plates. The collagen was titrated to a physiologic pH by using NaOH (sodium hydroxide, Cat#: P031.2, Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany) and buffered at the final pH by using 1 µl of a 1M HEPES buffer (HEPES Buffer, Cat#: P05-P01100, PAN Biotech, Aidenbach, Germany). After the gel was solidified for 30 min at 37 °C and in 5% CO2, it was layered with cytokines suspended in 0.1 ml EBM. Images of spheroids were taken the next day using an inverse microscope (Zeiss Axio Vert. A1, Oberkochen, Germany) and ProgPres CapturePro imaging software (Jenoptik Optical Systems, Jena, Germany). All spheroids in each well were photographed. Sprout length was manually measured in all images by the same investigator with ImageJ Fiji and its measuring tool. Consistent guidelines were implemented. The median CSLPS was calculated by summing the lengths of all the sprouts of each spheroid and taking the mean across the spheroids for each condition. A higher CSLPS indicates greater angiogenic potential.

ImageMagick software was used to extract labels of the manually annotated spheroid sprouts using a global threshold. The binary labels were skeletonized to enable pixel-based quantification. This was performed with the thinning operator Skeleton:3 structuring element and five iterations (Figure 1A).

Creation of biased segmentation

All phase contrast images from the spheroids were randomly assigned to either group 1 (the control group; n = 766) or group 2 (the intervention group; n = 765; Figure 1A). To test our hypothesis that U-Net can remove adversarial bias, we generated systematic bias between the images of group 1 and group 2, as a biased experimenter might do. In adversarial approach 1, the segmentation of group 2 was altered by removing one randomly selected sprout, resulting in a systematically biased set of images. This was achieved with R using the bwlabel function of the EBImage package ( To check for robustness against other kinds of bias, we also generated adversarial approach 2, in which we shortened each sprout segmentation by several pixels, but again exclusively in group 2. This was achieved via the morphologic operators of ImageMagick. We used a thinning operator in conjunction with a LineEnds hit-or-miss structuring element. In both approaches, we refer to the biased group as group 2b (n = 765; Figure 1A). The group 2b segmentation consequently comprises fewer pixels compared to group 2, mimicking subtle bias.

Training of U-Net

We used unmodified U-Net for all experiments. Training comprised 500 epochs, with 200 iterations in each epoch. We used adversarially modified segmentations for training (Figure 1A). We trained both adversarial scenarios separately.

Inference from U-Net to calculate the CSLPS

The U-Net readouts were thresholded and skeletonized using image morphology operators from ImageMagick to enable comparisons with ground truth segmentation, as described above. The CSLPS was calculated by counting all white pixels. The CSLPS was compared between the groups to assess how far the adversarial bias was mitigated (Figure 1B).

Sensitivity of U-Net

The sensitivity of the U-Net model to detect differences in the CSLPS from interventions was evaluated by simulating several fictitious experiments. For this purpose, we sampled 200 images each from the total data set based on the ground truth segmentation (Figure 1C). These groups reflect fictitious controlled experiments with significant responses to spheroid sprouting. We sampled three control and intervention data sets, each with different effect sizes (Table 1). The first group comprised a strong intervention, with the threshold set to >200 pixels for the CSLPS for the control group, and the threshold set to <400 pixels for the CSLPS for the intervention group (Figure 1C). The second group comprised a medium response, with a threshold of >100 pixels for the CSLPS for the control group and a threshold of <500 pixels for the CSLPS for the intervention group. The third group comprised a weak experimental response, with a threshold of >50 pixels for the CSLPS for the control group and a threshold of <600 pixels for the CSLPS for the intervention group. We deliberately allowed overlap between the groups, as this is a key characteristic of sprouting experiments with the endpoint CSLPS. The sampling constraints are summarized in Table 1. We applied this approach to evaluate the sensitivity of the U-Net models that had been trained on labels with two different kinds of bias.

Statistical analysis

A total of 1531 images were included in the data and assigned to group 1 (n = 766) or group 2 (n = 765). Bars represent the mean, and error bars visualize the standard error of the mean. Unless stated otherwise, a Welch two-sample t test was used to evaluate the statistical significance. The alpha level was set at 0.05.


We first implemented an adversarial approach, in which one sprout was eliminated from every second image to systematically introduce bias (adversarial approach 1). This resulted in a statistically significant 15.5% decrease in the CSLPS between the group 1 and group 2b images (a difference of 47 pixels, p<0.05, Figure 2A). This result demonstrated that we successfully introduced bias, which resulted in false-positive results. We then trained a U-Net model on the biased segmentations and used it to reanalyze the group 1 and group 2 images. The U-Net model substantially mitigated the bias, eliminating the statistically significant difference in the CSLPS (difference of 12 pixels, p = 0.12, Figure 2A), demonstrating that U-Net was able to recover the adversarially deleted sprouts. Similarly, shortening all sprouts in every second image during adversarial approach 2 resulted in a 41% decrease in the CSLPS that was statistically significant (difference of 114 pixels, p<0.05, Figure 2B), again demonstrating a high potential for false-positive results due to bias. Again, U-Net successfully mitigated this bias, eliminating the statistical significance (difference of 13 pixels, p = 0.0539, Figure 2B). These results show that U-Net can generalize across different types of bias as long as the bias is present in every second image of the training data. This approach uncovered the adversarial bias in both approaches and performed well in recovering the manipulated labels. Nevertheless, it must be shown that U-Net also provides sufficiently good results, despite partially erroneous training data. This requires a sensitivity analysis.

Sensitivity of U-Net to detect true treatment effects

To evaluate the sensitivity of the U-Net models trained on biased data sets in detecting true treatment effects, we simulated data sets with varying magnitudes of true differences between the control and intervention groups. Specifically, we generated groups of 200 random images based on ground truth segmentation, which had known differences in their CSLPSs. The thresholds for the groups are summarized in Table 1. We then used the U-Net model trained on the biased data sets to determine whether it could detect differences between the control and intervention groups, thus detecting true treatment effects.

We first evaluated the U-Net model trained on a biased data set, in which one random sprout was removed from every second image (adversarial approach 1). We simulated a large effect, resulting in a 199.4 pixel difference in the CSLPS between the control and intervention groups, which was statistically significant (p<0.05, Figure 3A). The U-Net model detected a similar large effect, yielding a 153.5 pixel difference (p<0.05, Figure 3A). For the moderate and small effect simulations, the U-Net model generated differences of 64.1 and 36.6 pixels, respectively (both p<0.05), comparable to the 83.8 and 52.8 pixel differences in the ground truth (both p<0.05, Figure 3A).

Similarly, the U-Net model trained on a biased data set, in which all sprouts were shortened in every second image (adversarial approach 2), detected the simulated interventions. For the strong intervention, U-Net reported a 125.1 pixel difference (p<0.05, Figure 3B), comparable to the 195.5 pixel difference in the ground truth (p<0.05). For the moderate and weak interventions, U-Net reported 51.1 and 35.8 pixel differences (both p<0.05), comparable to the 66.2 and 44.4 pixel differences in the ground truth.

These results suggest that although U-Net can mitigate bias, the neural network remains sensitive enough to detect true treatment effects despite not being trained on perfect ground truth labels. However, the U-Net model generally reported a lower CSLPS when compared to the ground truth. Nevertheless, the relative differences between the control and intervention groups were comparable between the U-Net model and ground truth, as summarized in Table 2. In total, the U-Net model trained on the segmentation from adversarial scenario 1 was able to detect an intervention with a relative difference of 16.1% between the control and intervention groups, which had approximately the same strength as the induced bias (15.5%, Figure 2A). Similarly, the U-Net model in adversarial scenario 2 yielded similar results by detecting a difference of 14.3%, while the strength of the bias was 41% (Figure 2B).


This method substantially mitigated two kinds of simulated systematic biases, resembling those of inexperienced or fraudulent investigators, to a large extent. At the same time, the method proved sensitive enough to detect real experimental responses robustly based on the CSLPS. Notably, no explicit manual input is required. Therefore, the proposed approach can be used in any laboratory without substantial up-front labor costs.

To our knowledge, this is the first time U-Net has been used solely to recreate the segmentation it was trained on to remove bias. The U-Net models were obviously unable to learn the artificial biases, most likely because they were present in only every second image. We assume that the few erroneous parts of the segmentation, present in only every second image, were overruled by most of the correct pixels. This aligns with the observation that U-Net can handle random noise in a training data set to some degree [23-25]. Interestingly, the present U-Net models were trained with imperfect sprout segmentations due to the technical limitations of the manual analysis pipeline. The original ground truth segmentations were based on straight lines pointing from the sprout base to the sprout tip, even if the sprouts were curved to some degree. The U-Net readout, however, always followed the actual sprout contours (Figure 4). This emphasizes the robustness of U-Net against imperfect training segmentations. However, U-Net-based CSLPS cannot be used as a direct replacement for the original CSLPS because of this and cannot be used as a fully compatible decrease in replacement. Instead, the proposed method should be applied to assess differences between the control and intervention groups from the data set on which the model is trained, that is, to check whether the reported finding is truly positive or caused by biased labels. When this check is passed, the interpretation can be performed based on the original manual segmentations.

The idea of using U-Net solely to recreate training segmentation makes this method applicable to more angiogenesis assay analysis pipelines, as it can work on any modality that yields images suitable for U-Net segmentation. The only requirements are that segmentation has already been performed, that the control-to-intervention ratio is close to 1:1, and that sufficient images are available for training. The simulated experiments indicated that the proposed approach can reveal and even sufficiently mitigate biases of up to 41% favoring the intervention group in a 1:1 experimental-to-control setting. However, this may not apply in settings with lower control-to-intervention ratios. It also remains unclear whether stronger biases can be sufficiently mitigated using this method. However, we believe bias can be strongly suspected when the difference in treatment response between the original CSLPS and the U-Net-based CSLPS is large.

Deep learning frameworks for scientific image segmentation have proliferated lately. However, almost all new architectures are derivatives of the original U-Net neural network tailored for specific tasks. In this study, therefore, we used the original U-Net neural network because of its generality and proven effectiveness, especially with phase contrast images [14,15]. In this context, AURA-Net seems to be a promising alternative because it is based on a pretrained encoder in combination with an Attention-U-Net decoder [26]. Due to extensive pretraining, AURA-Net could especially help to work around the most relevant limitation of the proposed method, that is, the availability of enough labeled images to train a U-Net model. This was not a problem in our proof-of-concept study, as we used images pooled from several real experiments in our laboratory. When small experiments do not yield sufficient training data to properly train a neural network, the recently published segment-anything model from Facebook research may be a novel option to objectivize manual readouts using few shot learning.

In summary, the proposed approach has the potential to automatically detect and correct for bias from manual segmentation in the analysis of spheroid sprouting experiments. This approach could be applied in other fields of research with manual analyses. The proposed approach can increase users’ confidence that positive findings are not based on bias or even fraud. The method may be useful for auditors, supervisors, coauthors, and journal editors.


This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft [Bu3135/3-1to F.B.], the German Retina Society [Dr. Werner-Jackstädt-Nachwuchspreis to F.B.] and the Medizinische Fakultät der Albert-Ludwigs- Universität Freiburg [Berta-OttensteinProgram for Clinician Scientists and Advanced Clinician Scientists to F.B., MOTIVATE Program to J.R.].


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