Figure 5 of Anderson, Mol Vis 2011; 17:355-379.

Figure 5. Numerous synaptic connections converge on AII amacrine cell C514. A: The central image is a 3D VikingPlot rendering of C514 (scale, 10 μm). Surrounding the cell are instances of different synaptic connections made by C514. In each panel, green profiles are C514, orange profiles are γ+ ACs, azure profiles are BCs, blue profiles are GCs, red profiles are γ-, G- and glutamate+. Arrows indicate direction of synaptic signaling and double arrows indicate gap junctions. B: C514 is postsynaptic to large γ-/G- axosomatic synapses likely deriving from TH1 (tyrosine hydroxylase immunopositive type 1) cells. However, the architecture of the synapse is of a fast conventional transmitter, likely glutamate (see Figure 7 and Figure 8). C: C514 is postsynaptic to γ+ / peptidergic processes in the OFF sublayer at points where dense-core, peptide vesicles form fusion complexes. D: C514 is postsynaptic to γ+ / peptide processes in the OFF sublayer at a conventional inhibitory synapse. E: C514 is postsynaptic to conventional, non-peptide γ+ processes in the OFF sublayer. F: C514 is both presynaptic and postsynaptic to an OFF cone bipolar cell. G: C514 is presynaptic to an OFF ganglion cell. H: C514 is presynaptic to an OFF bipolar cell. I: C514 is coupled to an ON cone bipolar cell. J: C514 is postsynaptic to an ON cone bipolar cell. K: C514 is postsynaptic to a γ+ amacrine cell. L: C514 is postsynaptic to a γ+ type AI amacrine cell. M: C514 is postsynaptic to a rod bipolar cell and coupled to another AII amacrine cell. The scales for panels B-M are 500 nm.