Table 1 of Pang, Mol Vis 2006; 12:756-767.

Table 1. Classification of GFP expression in retinal whole mounts following subretinal injection on normal or rd mice

Classification of GFP expression in retinal whole mounts following subretinal injection in normal or rd mice. GFP expression was classified into a 0 to 4 scale depending on the intensity and pattern of fluorescence in the whole mount.

Scores           Distribution of GFP expression in retinal whole mounts               Example
------   -----------------------------------------------------------------------   --------------
  0      None observed                                                             Figure 2G
  1      Weak, scattered expression limited to the injection site                  Figure 2A,E
  2      Moderate, homogenous expression occupying less than 1/4 of the retina     Figure 3D,E
  3      Moderate to strong, homogenous expression occupying 1/4 to 1/2 of the     Figure 2D,
         retina or moderate scattered expression occupying more than-of the        Figure 3A,C,F,
         retina                                                                    or Figure 2C,F
  4      Moderate to strong GFP expression occupying more than 1/2 of the retina   Figure 2B

Pang, Mol Vis 2006; 12:756-767 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535