Table 1 of Heys, Mol Vis 2004; 10:956-963.

Table 1. Coefficients for curves fitted to nucleus and cortex data

Mean (coefficient), standard error, and probability (t is the Student's t-test statistic) values of the nonlinear regression fitted to the data sets in Figure 5. In the "Parameter" column, y0 is y0.

    Parameter   Coefficient    error        t         p
    ---------   -----------   --------   -------   -------
        a          3.3715      0.9355     3.6041    0.0029
        b          3.8748      1.7377     2.2299    0.0426
        c         46.4359      6.1631     7.5345   <0.0001
       y0          1.4744      0.2428     6.0725   <0.0001

        a          1.5646      0.5292     2.9566    0.0104
        b          4.6281      2.8053     1.6498    0.1212
        c         46.0387      7.1049     6.4799   <0.0001
       y0          1.9175      0.1499    12.792    <0.0001

Heys, Mol Vis 2004; 10:956-963 <>
©2004 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535