Molecular Vision - A Peer-Reviewed Journal (60.6K)

How to Support Molecular Vision

Molecular Vision was founded on the idea that scientific publication should serve the scientific community rather than the publishing community. There is no question that journals published on paper have significant costs associated with printing and distribution, but the Editors believe that publishing is about the dissemination of information rather than the distribution of paper. To address the problems of traditional publishing, the Editors have created Molecular Vision to fill a niche that has been largely ignored by traditional publishers and to demonstrate that a journal could meet the needs of the scientific community efficiently and at nominal cost.

Since Molecular Vision formally began operation on October 1, 1995, it has made many strides forward. Early on, it was recognized that a digital journal could provide services to readers that go beyond the traditional bounds of publishing. Molecular Vision articles include email addresses of authors, links to available online information on the materials and methods in an article, links to Medline (National Library of Medicine) for references, and the ability to publish color images and animation. Molecular Vision is itself indexed by the National Library of Medicine, BIOSIS, and the Chemical Abstracts Service.

There are several ways you can show your support for digital publishing:

Become a Molecular Vision Sponsor - Molecular Vision accepts donations of any size. All donations are acknowledged on our Sponsors page.
Submit a manuscript
Tell your colleagues - Despite being indexed (Medline/PubMed, Current Contents, Science Citation Index, Chemical Abstracts, and Biological Abstracts) and announcing publications to a mailing list of over 1100 readers, some people still worry that an article published in Molecular Vision will not get the attention it deserves. By letting your colleagues know you read Molecular Vision, you can reassure a potential author that an article published in Molecular Vision will be noticed.
Create a card catalog entry for Molecular Vision - Ask your librarian to include Molecular Vision in your library's card catalog. Such an entry will help people unfamilar with Molecular Vision to find the Journal. Tell your librarian that Molecular Vision's "OCLC record" can be downloaded from <>.
Send us your feedback - Do you have a suggestion that would enhance the usefulness of the journal? Let us know what features of the journal you find most useful or if there are features that hinder your use of the journal. The editors can be contacted by email, conventional mail, or FAX:

Molecular Vision
c/o Jeffrey H. Boatright, Ph.D.
Lab B-5500, Emory Eye Center
1365-B Clifton Road, N.E.
Atlanta, GA 30322

FAX numbers
Preferred: (404) 778-2231
Alternate: (404) 778-4143

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©1994-2024 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535