Table 1 of Srivastava, Mol Vis 2003; 9:644-656.

Table 1. Total amino acid composition of crystallin fragments, lens MIP26K, αA-, and αB-crystallin

The crystallin sequence was calculated from published amino acid sequences. Hydrophobic amino acids were calculated based on Eisenberg method [37].

                      Residues per 1000 residues
Amino         Crystallin    MIP26       αA2        αB2
acids         fragments    (bovine)   (bovine)   (bovine)
-----------   ----------   --------   --------   --------
Ala              79.6       121.7       38.2       55.9
Val              19.0        95.1       50.9       68.3
Leu              61.1       144.5       70.1       74.5
He               10.9        34.2       57.3       62.1
Pro             151          49.4       70.1       80.7
Met              10.9        19.0        6.3        6.2
Phe             118          68.4       82.8       74.5
Trp              27.6        19.0        6.4       12.4

Gly             121          98.9       63.7       49.6
Ser              75          72.2      140.1      105.6
Thr              12.1        49.4       31.9       37.3
Cys              15          11.4        6.4        -
Tyr              27.6        30.4       31.8       12.4
Gln               -          30.4       12.7       12.4
Asn               -          30.0       19.11      18.6

Asp             151           7.6       82.8       62.11
Glu              27.1        34.2       70.1       86.9

Lys              14.6         11.4      31.8       43.5
Arg              35           49.8      82.8       80.8
His               8.1         22.8      44.6       55.9

Percent          61.8         69        38.2       44.7
amino acids

Srivastava, Mol Vis 2003; 9:644-656 <>
©2003 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535