Table 2 of Cobb, Mol Vis 2002; 8:85-93.

Table 2. Phospholipid Rf values

Major spots from the TLC analysis are listed with the calculated Rf values. Known lipid mobilities for a variety of compounds in this solvent system are listed for reference. Cholesterol migrates with the solvent front in this system (spot 7).

 Spot    Measured                   Known
Number      Rf          Lipid        Rf
------   --------   -------------   -----
  1        0.07          PA         0.05
  2        0.17       PI/PS/SPH     0.12
  3        0.28          PC         0.30
  4        0.40     monomethyl-PE   0.40
  5        0.63          PE         0.56
  6        0.81
  7        0.95

Cobb, Mol Vis 2002; 8:85-93 <>
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ISSN 1090-0535