Table 1 of Riley, Mol Vis 2001; 7:297-304.

Table 1. Numbers of nerve trunks entering left corneas

The number of nerves innervating corneas in Figure 3 is lower than the number in the tables because the image only reveals nerves at one focal depth; the tables include nerve bundles seen at all focal depths. There was no significant difference (a=0.05) in respective pairwise comparisons between quadrants of the same side, between total nerve numbers, or between corresponding left and right quadrants. Abbreviations: CW, Clockwise; V, Ventral; T, Temporal; D, Dorsal; N, Nasal.

                                        Cornea number                        nerves/
                           ---------------------------------------           specific
Quadrant (from Figure 3)    1      2      3      4      5      6     Total   quadrant   SEM
------------------------   ----   ----   ----   ----   ----   ----   -----   --------   ---
A:   0° -  90° CW (V->T)   10     11     10     10     11     11      63       11       0.2
B:  90° - 180° CW (T->D)    9      9     12     10     10     12      62       10       0.6
C: 180° - 270° CW (D->N)   13     13     11     13     11     11      72       12       0.5
D: 270° - 360° CW (N->V)   11     12     10     11     11     11      66       11       0.3
                  Total:   43     45     43     44     43     45     263       44       0.4
Average nerves/quadrant:   11     11     11     11     11     11               11       0.2
                    SEM:    0.9    0.9    0.5    0.7    0.3    0.3     2.5      0.4

Riley, Mol Vis 2001; 7:297-304 <>
©2001 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535