Figure 5 of Baer, Mol Vis 4:30, 1998.

Figure 5. Binding of 9-AS to X4IRBP and the four Arg->Gln mutants monitoring fluorescence enhancement of 9-AS upon binding (excitation 360 nm; emission 440 nm)

Each panel is a separate experiment comparing a single Arg->Gln mutant (open symbols) to that of module 4 of wild type sequence (filled symbols). The calculated binding parameters are summarized in Table 1. 9-AS binding to the Arg1005->Gln mutant required more 9-AS to reach saturation and had a markedly higher level of 9-AS fluorescence. Protein concentration was 1 µM.

(24 K)

Baer, Mol Vis 1998; 4:30 <>
©1998 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535