Table 1 of Baer, Mol Vis 4:30, 1998.

Table 1. Summary of binding parameters determined by fluorescence enhancement titrations

The binding of 9-(9-anthroyloxy) stearic acid (9-AS) and all-trans retinol to X4IRBP and the Arg->Gln substitution mutants was followed by monitoring ligand-fluorescence enhancement. The number of ligand-binding sites (N) and the dissociation constant (Kd) were determined as described by Baer et al. [48].

  Protein          9-AS Enhancement*        All-trans retinol Enhancement#
------------   --------------------------   ------------------------------
                   N             Kd                N            Kd
               ---------   --------------      ---------   ------------
X4IRBP         1.88±0.06   0.065±0.029 µM      1.28±0.19   0.72±0.18 µM
Arg1005->Gln   4.27±0.09   0.16 ±0.06  µM      2.95±0.15   0.80±0.11 µM
Arg1041->Gln   2.10±0.17   0.19 ±0.11  µM      0.76±0.30   1.36±0.31 µM
Arg1073->Gln   2.59±0.09   0.083±0.047 µM      1.38±0.30   0.92±0.25 µM
Arg1122->Gln   2.18±0.06   0.11 ±0.04  µM      1.15±0.21   1.36±0.26 µM

* Monitored at 440 nm upon excitation at 360 nm.           
# Monitored at 480 nm upon excitation at 330 nm.           

Baer, Mol Vis 1998; 4:30 <>
©1998 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535