Figure 3 of Kannabiran, Mol Vis 4:21, 1998.

Figure 3. ßA3/A1-Crystallin exon 3 sequence

(A) ßA3/A1-Crystallin exon 3 and surrounding intronic sequence, numbered as in GenBank, accession number M14303. Bases in exon 3 are in capitals. Amino acid sequences are shown in single letter code above the exon sequence. Sequences of the exon 3 forward and reverse primers (Table 1) are in green text. The 5' (donor) splice site for exon 3 at base 474 is in blue text, as is the potential splice site at base 460. The G to A transition disruption the 5' splice site at position 474 is shown in blue above the sequence. The NlaIII sites at 618 and 476 (within the amplified fragment) are marked with hyphens above the sequence.

  1 cctgggactc ccagaatcct ggcctctggg ccatgcttat gaaggaactg tggtggaatg

 61 ggagcccata agtccttggc ctgtccattg gtctagatat tatccctggc agaccatttc

121 tatcataaac caatcctccc tccacctcat ccctactctg ggcaaatgaa caccaaccag

181 tggcattaat tcaaacccct tcctgccctc tttacactgg aagagacctc atcaggcatc

241 ccaggttaca gctggtaaca gaaagcacag agtcagactg aagttaagct gttgacctgn

                                                                I  T
301 acctctgttt ttcctgatgt tctagctctc ttgcgccatt caatctcatt tcagATAACC

     I  Y  D   Q  E  N  F   Q  G  K   R  M  E   F  T  S  S   C  P  N

     V  S  E   R  S  F  D   N  V  R   S  L  K   V  E  S  G   A

481 tggacttccg cagaaccgca gccccttatt tcaggtccct tcagacaggg gaccatagag

541 tggggatagg ggaagaagga tgttccccta ggctctagtc atttctcgga gacaggcctc

601 gaaagaaatc actacatgca taatttagta agccaaagct gaaggaagga acatgaggat

661 tcttagtgac ttgatactag atttcagggg ttggataaag aaatacatac aatggggtgg

721 gacagtggca gtgatcaaga ttttgcccct

(B) Summary of splice sites and adjacent exon and intron sequence for exons 2-6 of the ßA3-crystallin gene. Introns are shown in small letters and exons in capitals. Amino acids of the first and last two codons are shown in single letter code above the DNA sequence. Exons are aligned by the first and last complete codon, with additional bases shown extending to the right and left. From this figure it can be seen that splicing from exon 2 to exons 3 or 5 would result in conservation of the reading frame, while splicing between exons 2 and either 4 or 6 would alter the reading frame. The in-frame stop codon following the 5' (donor) splice site for intron 3 is shown in blue as the first full codon following exon 3.

Exon      3' (acceptor) splice site          5' (donor)  splice site

                                                  W   K
Exon 2:                                       ...TGG AAG       gtaa...

                      I   T                       S   G   A
Exon 3:   ...tcag    ATA ACC.....................AGT GGC GC    gtga...

                      W   I                       S   A
Exon 4:   ...gcag  C TGG ATT.....................TCA GCT       gtga...

                      N   H                       S   G   A
Exon 5:   ...acag    AAT CAT.....................AGT GGG GC    gtaa...

                      W   V                       Q   *
Exon 6:   ...ccag  C TGG GTT.....................CAG TAG

Kannabiran, Mol Vis 1998; 4:21 <>
©1998 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535