Figure 4 of Riddell, Mol Vis 2017; 23:872-888.

Figure 4. Comparison of single protein findings with the genes and proteins linked to ocular pathologies in humans. A: Table showing overlap between differentially abundant proteins in the present study and the genes and proteins previously associated with sub-clinical AMD, AMD, choroidal neovascularization, POAG, and cataract in humans. The number of genes and proteins in each list is shown in parentheses after the list name. List intersections (i.e., the number of overlapping findings) and Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p values are superimposed on the grid. B: Chord diagram showing the individual genes and proteins that were differentially abundant in the present study and associated with an ocular pathology (i.e., all intersecting genes and proteins from Figure 4A). The fold change of individual proteins in the present study is shown on the left side of the chord diagram, with the position in the annulus indicating the condition. Left-right connections indicate protein associations with ocular pathologies. Protein contributions to a subset of significant ontology over-representations are indicated with symbols in panel B. Neg = negative lens, Pos = positive lens, AMD = age-related macular degeneration, POAG = primary open angle glaucoma.