Table 2 of Rotov, Mol Vis 2017; 23:416-430.

Table 2. Parameters of the fits of rod and cone responses shown in Figure 7A,B.

Time constant (s) Frog rod Frog cone
t0 10−3 [17] 0.5· 10−3 [18]
t1 5.1· 10−3 4.8· 10−3
t2 10−4 10−4
t3 10−4 10−4
t4 10−4 10−4
t5 1.25· 10−2 0.5· 10−3
t6 5.3·10−2 5· 10−3
tP 0.565 2.3·10−2
tPDE 0.45 3.8·10−2
td 0.435 2.7·10−2