Figure 5 of Lamb, Mol Vis 2016; 22:674-696.

Figure 5. Stochastic generation and shut-off of E* combined with the three-state R* model. The three-state model has been extended by simulating E* generation and shut-off as being stochastic, with the same rate constants (νRE and kE) as in the deterministic E* case in Figure 4. All other features of the simulation were identical to those in Figure 4, including the seed for the random number generator, so that the sequence of R*(t) simulations was the same. A: The first 50 simulations of E*(t). B: Mean (blue) and SD (red) of the E*(t) time-course for the 105 simulations. The dashed black trace is the predicted mean E*(t) time-course, obtained by convolving the mean R*(t) time-course with the deterministic E* impulse response, νRE exp(−kE t). C: The first 50 simulations of SPRs. D: Mean (blue) and SD (red) SPR time course for the 105 simulations. E: Relationship between SPR amplitude and tlow from Figure 4D. Symbols plot the measured SPR peak amplitudes, and the curve is a spline fit. F: Probability distribution of the peak amplitudes for the 105 simulated SPRs (blue). Minor peaks are visually resolvable for what we presume to be the first eight E*s. The dotted red trace is redrawn from the red trace in Figure 4F, while the continuous red trace is the convolution of the dotted trace with a Gaussian function representing variability of the number of E*s; see Text.