Table 4 of Zhang, Mol Vis 2014; 20:56-72.

Table 4. Contrasts for selecting Smarca4-regulated retinal genes.

Question Contrast Number of genes Appendix
1. Gene differentially expressed in WT retina H0: TR=0 4830 -
2. Gene differentially expressed in smarca4 retina H0: TR + M*TR=0 799 -
3. Gene differentially expressed in WT OR smarca4 retina H0: TR=0 OR
H0: TR + M*TR=0 4842 -
4.Smarca4-regulated retinal genes that are differentially expressed in retina H0: M + M*TR=0
(H0: TR=0 OR
H0: TR + M*TR=0) 412 7