Figure 3 of Lin, Mol Vis 2013; 19:623-637.

Figure 3. The percent abundance distribution of crystallin families in three piscine lenses was shown for comparison. γ-Crystallin was estimated to be 71%, ~55-65% and 60% for zebrafish, rice eel, and catfish, respectively, by peak areas calculated from Figure 2A. If we estimated percent abundance by densitometry of crystallin bands shown on sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS–PAGE), α+β, and γ-crystallins were found to comprise about 29% and 71%, respectively, in the zebrafish eye lens. No α-crystallin was identified in rice eel, and β+γ crystallins comprised more than 98%. In catfish lenses, there is about 40% for α+β, and 60% γ-crystallins.