Table 1 of Gross, Mol Vis 2013; 19:54-61.

Table 1. Retinal lesions after laser treatment.

Treatment Defective/total lesions at d12 Defective/total lesions at d14 Defective/total lesions at d17
no drug, no PDT 0/24 (0%) 0/24 (0%) 0/24 (0%)
no drug, with PDT 1/24 (4,2%) 0/24 (0%) 0/24 (0%)
CL, no PDT 0/12 (0%) 0/12 (0%) 0/12 (0%)
CL, with PDT 0/12 (0%) 0/12 (0%) 0/12 (0%)
Visudyne, no PDT 3/24 (13%) 2/24 (8,3%) 0/24 (0%)
Visudyne, with PDT 15/24 (63%) 13/24 (54%) 9/24 (38%)
Visudyne, 3x PDT 16/21 (76%)
CL-VTP, no PDT 1/24 (4,2%) 0/24 (0%) 0/24 (0%)
CL-VTP, with PDT 4/24 (17%) 2/24 (8,3%) 0/24 (0%)
CL-VTP, 3x PDT 5/21 (24%)