Figure 8 of Jelodari-Mamaghani, Mol Vis 2013; 19:333-347.

Figure 8. Fluorescent microscope images of skin tissue sections from patients with p.Tyr1792fsX55-causing mutations and age-matched control individuals stained for latent transforming growth factor-beta binding protein 2. Representative immunofluorescent cryosections from a homozygous carrier with primary congenital glaucoma (PCG; A) and the control individual (C), and from a heterozygous carrier with pseudoexfoliation (PEX) syndrome (B) and the control individual (D). Fibers stained for latent transforming growth factor-beta binding protein 2 (LTBP2) in the patient with PCG are thinner and noticeably fewer (A) compared with the control individual (C). Fibers in the patient with PEX syndrome are also thinner, but dense and convoluted (B) compared to the control individual (D). Examples of longer thicker fibers in the control sections are shown with arrows; these were not seen in the sections of patients’ tissues. Negative control is shown in Figure 9.