Table 1 of Howell, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1413-1421.

Table 1. Effect of glycemia on microvascular lesions of diabetic retinopathy in dogs diabetic for 5 yearsa

Group n HbA1
(%; avg) Pericyte ghosts Micro-aneurysms
Nondiabetic 4 5.8±0.2 6.7±2.3 1±1
     Good glycemic control 4 5.6±0.2 3.7±0.1 1±1
     Moderate glycemic control 4 7.6±0.1* 8.2±3.3 23±23*
     Poor glycemic control 4 9.7±0.6* 39.2±13.2* 72±49*