Figure 1 of Howell, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1413-1421.

Figure 1. Effect of glycemic control on degeneration of capillaries and retinal ganglion cells in dogs. In dogs diabetic for 5 years, capillary degeneration increased progressively with glycemic control, whereas degeneration of retinal ganglion cell axons in optic nerve did not. A: Degenerate (acellular) capillaries increase as glycemic control worsens (data in this table are from animals in previously published studies and have been pooled and reanalyzed [15,30,31]). B: In contrast, degeneration of axons in the dog optic nerve does not correlate linearly with glycemic control. Groups are: N, nondiabetic; D GC, diabetic good glycemic control; D MC, diabetic moderate glycemic control; D PC, diabetic poor glycemic control.". n=4 per group. Data is reported as mean±SD.