Figure 4 of Perkins, Mol Vis 2012; 18:3029-3048.

Figure 4. In the Bcl-xL transgenic mice, the structure of the spherule and pedicle mitochondria is similar to that of the control mice. AD: Tomographic reconstructions of a Bcl-xL rod spherule mitochondrion from an adult mouse are presented. (A and B) The 2.2 nm slices near the middle of the volume show the dense packing of cristae typical for Bcl-xL and control mitochondria. The contact sites and crista junctions (insets) have the same architecture as their control counterparts. Scale bars=200 nm. C: The side view of the inner membrane of the segmented volume shows 21 crista junction openings in this view. The crista junction diameter is increased compared to controls; see Table 1. D: The top view of the segmented volume shows the outer membrane and the entire complement of 173 cristae (various colors). EH: Tomographic reconstructions of a Bcl-xL cone pedicle mitochondrion from an adult mouse are presented. (E and F) The 2.2 nm slices near the middle show a smaller mitochondrion with densely packed cristae. The contact sites and crista junctions (insets) have the same architecture as their control and spherule Bcl-xL counterparts. G: The side view of the inner membrane of the segmented volume shows 13 crista junction openings in this view. H: The top view of the segmented volume showing the outer membrane and the entire complement of 110 cristae (various colors).