Figure 5 of Seher, Mol Vis 2011; 17:53-62.

Figure 5. Expression level of inflammatory genes in human tenon fibroblasts after CTGF stimulation. HTFs were stimulated with 6 μg/ml CTGF for 48 h. Total RNA was isolated and gene expression was analyzed via affymetrix array. Selected genes out of the catagory “inflammation” were validated using real time RT–PCR. The figure shows the fold induction measured by affymetrix arrays compared to the results of real time RT–PCR (RT) for every single donor using the RNA used in array analysis. The results were additionally validated for every donor in an independent experiment (donors were stimulated again with CTGF). Isolated RNA was analyzed via RT–PCR (Repeat). RT–PCR was performed twice for every single experiment.