Table 1 of Chen, Mol Vis 2011; 17:323-331.

Table 1. The comparison of relative quantity# of protein bands of camel tears in SDS–PAGE gels between summer and winter.

Band number Cs (%) Cw (%) p value
B1 5.76±2.27 6.95±2.22 0.554
B2 1.63±0.27 2.13±1.10 0.490
B3 12.86±0.71 12.54±0.31 0.513
B4 1.84±0.24 2.06±0.53 0.550
B5 4.64±1.08 4.49±1.20 0.881
B6 9.24±0.70 6.15±0.51 0.004**
B7 7.30±0.41 5.99±0.24 0.009**
B8 3.81±0.16 3.44±0.38 0.188
B9 12.65±0.75 13.77±0.54 0.102
B10 3.92±1.03 4.25±0.72 0.669
B11 7.41±0.28 5.64±0.72 0.016*
B12 12.82±0.81 13.02±1.27 0.829
B13 4.43±0.23 6.01±0.88 0.040*