Figure 7 of Baiula, Mol Vis 2011; 17:3208-3223.

Figure 7. Effects of mapracorat and dexamethasone eye drops on eosinophil infiltration induced by ovalbumin in the guinea pig conjunctiva (details are reported in the legend of Figure 6). A: Photomicrographs of the conjunctiva 24 h after topical challenge with ovalbumin. Substantial eosinophil infiltration is observed in ovalbumin-treated guinea pigs in comparison to negative controls treated with saline alone and not challenged with ovalbumin. In guinea pigs treated with mapracorat or dexamethasone eye drops and 45 min later with ovalbumin, there was much less eosinophil infiltration than in conjunctiva of guinea pigs treated with ovalbumin alone. B: Effects of mapracorat and dexamethasone eye drops on conjunctival eosinophil infiltration 24 h after topical challenge with ovalbumin. The eosinophils in each field were counted 24 h after antigen exposure. Controls received saline alone and were not challenged with ovalbumin. C: Effects of mapracorat or dexamethasone eye drops on conjunctival eosinophil peroxidase levels 24 h after topical challenge with ovalbumin. Controls received saline alone and were not challenged with ovalbumin. **Versus ovalbumin; p value (p)<0.01. ##Versus controls; p<0.01. The original pictures were taken at 500x magnification. The scale bar represents 50 μm. Abbreviations: CTRL represents controls; OVA represents ovalbumin; DEX represents dexamethasone.