Table 2 of Jia, Mol Vis 2011; 17:2386-2399.

Table 2. Enriched gene ontology terms according to biologic process in various groups of genes.

Enriched GO terms in each group Counta
G1 group: upregulated in both S-CorNV and CB-CorNV
Cell migration
chemotaxis (see Table 3) 18
leukocyte chemotaxis 9
leukocyte migration 10
locomotory behavior 18
cell migration 12
Host defense responses
immune response (see Table 4) 32
defense response 29
inflammatory response (see Table 5) 21
response to wounding 25
acute inflammatory response 10
acute-phase response 6
response to organic substance 16
response to molecule of bacterial origin 5
antigen processing and presentation of exogenous antigen 6
immunoglobulin mediated immune response 7
B cell mediated immunity 7
lymphocyte mediated immunity 7
positive regulation of response to stimulus 10
regulation of cytokine production (see Table 6) 8
regulation of tumor necrosis factor production 4
response to oxidative stress 6
response to cytokine stimulus 4
positive regulation of acute inflammatory response 3
positive regulation of multicellular organismal process 8
cytokine-mediated signaling pathway 5
defense response to Gram-negative bacterium 3
Tissue development or organization
eye development 10
lens development in camera-type eye 5
multicellular organismal homeostasis 6
extracellular structure organization 8
regulation of biomineral formation 4
regulation of bone mineralization 4
regulation of homeostatic process 6
cellular cation homeostasis 8
collagen fibril organization 4
homeostatic process 17
cellular homeostasis 12
vasculature development 10
epidermis development 7
sensory organ development 10
ectoderm development 7
epithelium development 10
epithelial cell differentiation 7
lens fiber cell differentiation 3
cellular iron ion homeostasis 4
positive regulation of developmental process 9
blood vessel development (refer to Table 7) 10
intermediate filament-based process 4
icosanoid biosynthetic process 4
unsaturated fatty acid biosynthetic process 4
icosanoid metabolic process 4
G2 group: upregulated in S-CorNV, unchanged in CB-CorNV
mitosis 8
nuclear division 8
organelle fission 8
M phase 9
cell cycle phase 9
G3 group: upregulated in S-CorNV, absent in CB-CorNV
not any  
G4 group: unchanged in S-CorNV, upregulated in CB-CorNV
chordate embryonic development 9
embryonic development ending in birth or egg hatching 9
endothelial cell morphogenesis 2
G5 group: unchanged in S-CorNV, down-regulated in CB-CorNV
not any  
G6 group: down-regulated in S-CorNV, unchanged in CB-CorNV
Lipid metatolism
lipid biosynthetic process 15
steroid metabolic process 12
steroid biosynthetic process 8
cholesterol metabolic process 7
carboxylic acid biosynthetic process 8
organic acid biosynthetic process 8
fatty acid biosynthetic process 6
oxidation reduction 16
Host response
cellular response to extracellular stimulus 5
cellular response to starvation 4
epithelium development 9
epithelial cell differentiation 6
epidermis development 6
keratinocyte differentiation 4
epidermal cell differentiation 4
Wnt receptor signaling pathway 6
ectoderm development 6
regulation of neuron differentiation 5
G7 group: down-regulated in both S-CorNV and CB-CorNV
oxidation reduction (see Table 9) 19
programmed cell death 14
retinol metabolic process 3
G8 group: down-regulated in S-CorNV, absent in CB-CorNV
not any
G9 group: absent in S-CorNV, upregulated in CB-CorNV
response to organic substance 10
response to steroid hormone stimulus 4
immune response 8
oxidation reduction 9
icosanoid metabolic process 3
G10 group: absent in S-CorNV, down-regulated in CB-CorNV
not any