Figure 5 of Kitamoto, Mol Vis 2010; 16:2701-2717.

Figure 5. Wnt 2b is ectopically expressed in transition zones A: An infected eye at Hamburger-Hamilton (HH) stage 25 with virus associated depigmented patch at a distance of approximately 200 μm from lens. The section plane is indicated by a box. B-E: are sections through the eye in A. Note that in these sections the eye is flattened and the vitreous space is not obvious. The posterior neural retina (NR) lies directly in contact with the anterior epithelia (NPE, nonpigmented epithelium of the ciliary body; see Figure 1). B: Wnt2b gene expression is found at the edge of the patch; arrows bracket the patch of depigmented tissue with a transition zone at each edge. C: A Higher magnification view of portions of B, showing Wnt2b in one of the two transition zones (orange arrows) at the edges of white patch. D: Collagen IX expression in the section adjacent B; green asterisks the indicate endogenous expression in anterior epithelium (NPE). E: A higher magnification view showing collagen IX expression in both transition zones. F: An infected eye at HH stage 25 with a virus associated depigmented patch at a distance of approximately 1200 microns from lens. The section plane is indicated by a box. G: A section through the infected area and lens, showing endogenous Wnt2b signal in anterior optic cup lip (purple arrow) and ectopic Wnt2b signal at edge of infected patch (orange arrow); green asterisk indicates endogenous lens signal. H: A higher magnification of the transition zone in G (orange arrow). The inset panel shows the juxtaposition of Wnt2b expression and pigmented epithelium. Scale bars in A and F are equal to 500 µm, in B and D are equal to 200 µm, in C, E and H are equal to 100 µm and in G are equal to 300 µm.