Figure 10 of Geisert, Mol Vis 2009; 15:1730-1763.

Figure 10. Expression network for cornea. All transcripts connected by red and orange lines covary with each other with positive genetic correlations above 0.7 and between 0.5 and 0.7, respectively. Blue and green lines are the corresponding negative correlations. How to generate this figure: Step 1. Follow the steps in the legend to Figure 8 to generate a correlation of transcripts, in this case using signatures from Table 2 such as Aldh3a1. Step 2. Select no more than 100 of these transcripts using the check boxes to the left of each transcript or trait and use the 'Add to Collection' button to move the selected traits into your Trait Collection window. Step 3. Click on the 'Network Graph' button. Step 4. Adjust the control parameters of the graph.