Table 2 of Abu-Amero, Mol Vis 2008; 14:29-36.

Table 2. Nonsynonymous mtDNA sequence changes detected in PEG patients

In the "Base substitution type" column, Transversion=A mutation in which a purine/pyrimidine replaces a pyrimidine/purine base pair or vice versa (G:C>T:A or C:G, or A:T>T:A or C:G); Transition=A mutation in which a purine/pyrimidine base pair is replaced with a base pair in the same purine/pyrimidine relationship (A:T>G:C or C:G>T:A). Controls (%)=percent of controls with this nucleotide substitution. Previous reports of sequence variants were found in the Human Mitochondrial Genome Database (MITOMAP database), GenBank, and Medline listed publications. Interspecies conservation was assessed using the Polymorphism Phenotyping (PolyPhen) database, which determines interspecies conservation for an altered amino acid by performing alignment with all available amino acid sequences for other species, and the Mamit-tRNA website when necessary. Protean predicts and displays secondary structural characteristics. "Yes"=nucleotide change will alter protein secondary structure; "No"=change will not alter secondary structure. PolyPhen prediction of pathogenicity was assessed using the PolyPhen database. "Probably damaging" constitutes a high confidence of affecting protein function or structure. "Possibly damaging" reflects a likelihood of affecting protein function or structure, while "Benign" changes most likely lack phenotypic effect. "Unknown" means that PolyPhen could not make a prediction due to lack of data. None of these nucleotide changes was heteroplasmic. Summary; see Prediction of Pathogenicity in Methods. TM= transmembrane. N/A=not applicable because the database is not designed to predict this type of sequence change. Reported haplogroup specific NS sequence changes were excluded from Table 2 and further analysis.

 Nucleotide      AA                  substitution   Controls           Interspecies
substitution   change    Location        type         (%)      Novel   conservation   Protean   PolyPhen      Summary
------------   ------   ----------   ------------   --------   -----   ------------   -------   --------   --------------
3833 T>A       L176Q    TM domain    Transversion     0         Yes      Moderate       Yes     Probably   Pathologic
                        of ND1                                                                  damaging
4363 T>C       N/A      Anticodon    Transition       0.62       No        High         N/A     Unknown    Non-pathologic
                        loop of
4385 A>G       N/A      In the T?C   Transition       0.62       No        High         N/A     Unknown    Non-Pathologic
                        domain of
                        the tRNA
4648 T>C       F60S     Outside      Transition       0         Yes        High         Yes     Probably   Pathologic
                        the TM                                                                  damaging
                        domain of
                        ND2 gene
5182 C>T       T238M    Outside      Transition       0         Yes        Low          No      Benign     Non-Pathologic
                        the TM
                        domain of
                        ND2 gene
5843 A>G       N/A      In the       Transition       1.2        No        High         N/A     Unknown    Non-pathologic
                        D-loop of
6546 C>T       L215F    Outside      Transition       0.62       No        High         No      Benign     Non-pathologic
                        the TM
                        domain of
                        COI gene
7877 A>C       K98Q     Outside      Transversion     0         Yes        High         No      Probably   Pathologic
                        the TM                                                                  damaging
                        domain of
                        COII gene
9103 T>C       F193L    Outside      Transition       1.2        No      Moderate       No      Benign     Non-pathologic
                        the TM
                        domain of
                        ATPase 6
9438 G>A       G78S     Outside      Transition       3.14       No        High         No      Benign     Non-pathologic
                        the TM
                        domain of
                        COIII gene
11337 A>G      N193S    TM domain    Transition       1.9        No        Low          No      Benign     Non-pathologic
                        of ND4
12841 A>G      I169V    Outside      Transition       3.1        No        Low          No      Benign     Non-pathologic
                        the TM
                        domain of
                        ND5 gene
13813 G>A      V493I    TM domain    Transition       1.9        No        High         No      Benign     Non-pathologic
                        of ND5

Abu-Amero, Mol Vis 2008; 14:29-36 <>
©2008 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535