Figure 2 of Li, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1760-1769.

Figure 2. GFP expression in retinas receiving different routes of intraocular vector sequentially in partner eyes. Representative images of retinas from each treatment group listed in Table 1 are shown in the same order. A, B, E, F, I, J, M, and N show retinas that received first eye vector injections. C, D, G, H, K, L, O, and P present retinas that received second eye vector injections. A-D show retinas that received two sequential intravitreal injections (IV-IV) vector injections. E-H are from retinas that were given two sequential injections with first eye injected intravitreally and second subretinally (IV-SR) vector injections. I-L present retinas that received two sequential injections with first eye injected subretinally and second intravitreally (SR-IV) vector injections. M-P represent retinas that received two sequential subretinal injections (SR-SR) vector injections. A low-magnification image from each eye is shown on the right for each treatment group with a higher magnification image from the same eye next to it on the right (e.g., image B is taken from A, image D is taken from C, and so forth).