Appendix 1 of Demos, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1639-1649.

Appendix 1: Experimental data on which the selection of genes listed in Table 1 of the manuscript is based.

A: Gene expression data for genes that are differentially regulated in the three mouse models of retinal dystrophy—rd1 mouse, rd2 mouse, and light-damage (LD) in the albino mouse—as identified by DChip analysis. Gene expression data for the experimental and control group at the two experimental time points are listed as follows: columns 2–5 rd1 mouse at postnatal days 6 and 10 (P6, P10); columns 8–11 rd2 mouse, P14, and P21; and columns 14–17 BALB/c control and BALB/c LD at 24 h and 48 h of LD. Each value represents the average of two replicates. B: Differences in gene expression levels (fold change) and respective difference of the mean (Δ mean) between experimental retinas and their age-matched controls. Rd1 retinas were analyzed from postnatal day (P) P6, P10], rd2 retinas from P14, P21, and light-damaged retinas (LD) after 24 and 48 h of light exposure. Gene expression analysis contains procedures for strong control of false discovery rate (FDR). As indicated in the legend to Table 1, the Affymetrix Gene ID and the gene symbol represents the common denominator for table identification in Table 1 and Table 2 as well as Appendix 1, and Appendix 2.