Figure 7 of Julien, Mol Vis 2008; 14:1358-1372.

Figure 7. Newly formed capillary in the subretinal space after transduction with HC Ad.VEGF-A from the same eye as shown in Figures 2J,K. The inset (left bottom) shows a semithin section with a new capillary (black arrowhead) within the subretinal space and erythrocytes originating probably from subretinal bleeding (white arrowhead). The photoreceptors of the retina have degenerated and were no longer visible. Electron microscopy revealed the same capillary close to the level of the semithin section. The endothelium was very thin, lacking extracellular matrix. However, it contained vacuoles (asterisks). The endothelium did not contain any fenestrations, and the lumen was free of erythrocytes (E). Note the extremely frayed or fragmented nucleus of an endothelial cell (arrow). The nucleus (N) of the endothelial cell that formed the vessel tube appeared normal. The RPE formed two layers (bottom right).