Figure 6 of Defoe, Mol Vis 2007; 13:273-286.

Figure 6. Cellular and nuclear density of retinal pigment epithelium from P7 wild-type and mutant mice

Measurements of epithelial cellular and nuclear density were made using flat-mounted tissues from p27+/+ and p27-/- animals, after being stained as depicted in Figure 5. Compared with wild-type tissues, the mutant epithelium exhibits a 100% increase in nuclear density, but only a 39% increase in cellular density (Graph of means±SEM for 3-5 replicates in each condition). Asterisk (*) indicates p=0.001 and double asterisks (**) indicates p<0.005 compared to wild-type.

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Defoe, Mol Vis 2007; 13:273-286 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535