Figure 1 of Bando, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1722-1729.

Figure 1. NADH and NADPH photo-oxidation in the presence and absence of λ-crystallin

NADH (A) and NADPH (B) photo-oxidation in the presence and absence of partially purified λ-crystallin. An absorbance decrease of 50 μM NAD(P)H at 340 nm was measured over 2 h of near-UV irradiation in the presence (red circles) and absence (blue boxes) of 70 μg protein/ml of partially purified λ-crystallin. Filled black circles: absorbance decrease of NAD(P)H in the dark control. Data are means±S.D. of three to four experiments.

(28 K)

Bando, Mol Vis 2007; 13:1722-1729 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535