Table 4 of Ayala-Lugo, Mol Vis 2007; 13:151-163.

Table 4. Frequency of sequence variants that alter the OPTN protein sequence

All case samples were screened and scored for each mutation listed. Absence of a listing for one of the four control groups does not imply that it was screened. Data for M98K appear in Table 5.

Protein change    DNA change    Exon   Ancestry    Cases   Controls
--------------   ------------   ----   ---------   -----   --------
E50K             c.458 G>A        4    Hispanic    1/11     0/50
I88V             c.572 A>G        5    Caucasian   0/217    1/116
A99S             c.605 G>T        5    African     0/81     2/88
E322K            c.1274 G>A      10    African     1/81     6/88
E322K            c.1274 G>A      10    Caucasian   1/217    0/90
691Frameshift    691_692insAG     6    Caucasian   1/217    0/116
R545Q            c.1944 G>A      16    Asian       2/5      11/117

Ayala-Lugo, Mol Vis 2007; 13:151-163 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535