Table 5 of Ayala-Lugo, Mol Vis 2007; 13:151-163.

Table 5. Frequency of M98K in four populations within our cohort

The total enumeration of both cases and controls is listed in the whole population column. Cases are subdivided according to OAG type, either JOAG, POAG, or NTG. A two-sided Fisher's exact test p value indicated no statistical significance for association between cases and controls in each ancestry category. Woolf's test for homogeneity among the ancestry frequencies yielded a p value of 0.312, indicating that the ancestral subdivisions are statistically similar.

              Whole                             Total                 test
Ancestry    population   JOAG    POAG    NTG     OAG     Controls   p value
---------   ----------   ----   ------   ----   ------   --------   --------

Frequency of mutation in screened samples by population

African       38/169     3/14   14/63    1/4     18/81    20/88      1.0
Asian         32/122     1/2     1/1     1/2      3/5     29/117     0.112
Hispanic       2/62      0/3     1/7     0/1      1/11     1/50      0.331
Caucasian     22/336     3/32   11/159   0/26   14/217     8/116     1.0

Total         94/690     7/51   27/230   2/33   36/314    58/371

Percent of mutation in screened samples by population

African        22.5      21.4    22.2    25.0    22.2      22.7
Asian          26.2      50.0   100.0    50.0    60.0      24.8
Hispanic        3.2       0.0    14.3     0.0     9.1       2.0
Caucasian       6.5       9.4     6.9     0.0     6.5       6.9

Total           3.6       3.7     1.7     6.1     1.5       5.6

Ayala-Lugo, Mol Vis 2007; 13:151-163 <>
©2007 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535