Table 2 of Lopez-Garrido, Mol Vis 2006; 12:748-755.

Table 2.

Clinical characteristics of participants in the study. Since this is a retrospective study, intraocular pressure (IOP) values before medical treatment were not always available. The variable "Age in years" indicates the age at the time of the study. In the table, SD indicates standard deviation; and C/D indicates cup-disc ratio of optic nerve.

                                                      OHT      POAG
                   OHT        POAG       Control    versus    versus
  Variable       (n=37)      (n=82)      (n=93)     control   control
-------------   ---------   ---------   ---------   -------   -------
Age in years    56.0±11.7   62.7±11.0   59.6±12.3    0.130     0.085

Female (%)      18 (48.6)   37 (45.2)   53 (57.0)    0.334     0.095
Male (%)        19 (51.4)   45 (54.8)   40 (43.0)

IOP (mean±SD;
  OD:           17.7± 3.9   17.5± 3.3   15.2± 3.0   <0.001    <0.001
  OS:           17.9± 4.5   17.0± 3.1   15.2± 3.1   <0.001    <0.001

Iridocorneal       3.9         3.9         3.9         -         -
angle (mean)

C/D (mean±SD)
  OD:            0.3± 0.2    0.4± 0.2    0.2± 0.2    0.006    <0.001
  OS:            0.3± 0.2    0.4± 0.2    0.2± 0.2    0.008    <0.001

Lopez-Garrido, Mol Vis 2006; 12:748-755 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535