Table 3 of Srivastava, Mol Vis 2006; 12:1615-1625.

Table 3.

Observed and predicted mass of tryptic fragments of spot number 21 (Figure 2A). Based on the mass of the tryptic fragments, the protein was identified as β-actin.

                      Observed   Predicted
Sequence of peptide     mass       mass
-------------------   --------   ---------
(R)GYSFTTTAER         1132.59     1131.58
(R)AVFPSIVGRPR        1198.71     1197.71
(K)IWHHTFYNELR        1515.79     1514.78
(R)DLTDALMKILTER      1518.69     1517.68
(R)LDLAGRDLTDALMY     1531.77     1530.77
(K)NYELPDGQVITIGSER   1790.87     1789.87

Srivastava, Mol Vis 2006; 12:1615-1625 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535