Figure 6 of Hanna, Mol Vis 2006; 12:961-976.

Figure 6. Expression of mRNA for non-vesicular glutamate transporters in retina and brain

A,B: Detection of specific genes encoding glutamate transporters EAAT1 through EAAT5 in samples from two different monkey retina following construction of cDNA library using TPEA RT-PCR. Detection of same genes in sample of monkey brain (frontal lobe; C), monkey cerebellum (D) and total human brain cDNA libraries (E). F: No glutamate transporter mRNA in monkey retina were detected when reverse transcriptase was omitted. All PCR reactions as described for Figure 3. Arrowheads indicate 600 base pairs. Primers for gene-specific PCR and expected sizes are listed in Table 1. A-E: mRNA encoding EAAT5 is present in primate retinal tissue only while EAAT4 is present in retina and cerebellum.

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Hanna, Mol Vis 2006; 12:961-976 <>
©2006 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535