Table 2 of Rex, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1236-1245.

Table 2. Electrophysiological properties of single WT rods and rods expressing EGFP under control of the β-actin promoter

The first column identifies the genotype of the animal from which the retinal slice was taken and recordings from individual rod outer segments were made (Figure 3); the number in parentheses gives the number of rods recorded. The other columns give the parameters of phototransduction measured from the rod responses: rmax is the amplitude of the saturated photocurrent response in pA; SF is the dim-flash sensitivity, expressed as the fraction of the maximum current [ΔR=Δr(tpeak)/rmax] suppressed per photoisomerization; A is the amplification coefficient in s-2 (Figure 3C); tpeak is the time to peak of the dim-flash response in ms; tD is the dominant recovery time constant of just-saturating flashes in ms (Figure 3D). A collecting area of 0.5 mm2 was assumed for all rods [33]. All entries are means±95% confidence intervals, and none of the parameters were reliably different between rods of the two genotypes.

Genotype (number)    rmax       SF          A      tpeak      tD
------------------   -----   ---------   -------   ------   ------
pβ-actin-EGFP (11)   20±12   0.05±0.01   7.2±1.0   210±10   250±20
WT (10)              15± 4   0.05±0.01   8.0±1.6   220±10   210±40

Rex, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1236-1245 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535