Figure 2 of Steele, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1200-1210.

Figure 2. 25 μM fluoxetine hydrochloride in the bath inhibits depolarization-induced IK(Ca) outward currents of isolated salamander rod photoreceptors to a similar extent as CdCl2, a generic inhibitor of voltage-gated calcium channels

A: Representative outward current responses from different cells resulting from a series of 20 ms depolarizing steps from -60 to +40 mV in the presence of control bath solution, bath solution containing 25 μM fluoxetine hydrochloride, or in the presence of a test puff of 150 μM CdCl2. Note that currents are significantly reduced to similar degrees in the presence of 25 μM fluoxetine and the generic calcium channel blocker CdCl2. Since ECl is about 0 mV under our experimental conditions, the reduction of outward currents at 0 mV by fluoxetine represents an inhibition of predominantly IK(Ca), while the reduction at +40 mV represents an inhibition of both IK(Ca) and ICl(Ca). B: Statistical comparison of mean outward current amplitudes of cells preincubated in bath solution containing 25 μM fluoxetine (n=5) with currents measured from cells in control bath solution (n=7) or bath solution containing 150 μM CdCl2, a generic blocker of voltage-gated calcium channels. Steady-state currents were measured at 18 ms after the onset of the depolarizing voltage step were used for comparisons. Note a virtual elimination of currents by both fluoxetine and CdCl2. Statistical tests were done using Student's t-test.

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Steele, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1200-1210 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535