Table 1 of Bright, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1141-1150.

Table 1. CNGB3 mutations: gating alterations and disease

Summary of gating alterations and diseases diagnoses for functionally characterized mutations in the CNGB3 subunit. Diagnoses included complete achromatopsia (ACHR), progressive cone dystrophy (PCD), and macular degeneration (MD). The affinity coefficients ("Aff. Coeff.") are the K1/2 for cGMP or cAMP. The disease characteristics listed are taken from published reports [3,27-29].

                                                              Functional effects on channel
                       Pathology                           ------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------              Aff. Coeff.   Aff. Coeff.
     CNGB3                                                            cGMP ratio    cAMP ratio
  Mutation(s)     Diagnosis    Disease characteristics     Severity   (wt/mutant)   (wt/mutant)   References
---------------   ---------   --------------------------   --------   -----------   -----------   ----------
F525N/F525N         ACHR      Very low visual acuity,        +++         2.97          2.65       [10]
                              absent cone ERG response,
                              and photophobia from birth

S435F/S435F         ACHR                                     +++         1.72          4.60       [8,11,29]

T383fsX/T383fsX     ACHR                                     ++          1.28          0.69       [11,29]

D633G/D633G         ACHR                                     +++         2.20          ND         [30]

R403Q/T383fsX       PCD       Color vision problems          +           1.34          0.89       [27]
                              develop later in childhood
                              and progressively

R403Q/R403Q         MD        Mild reduction in visual       +           1.33          0.84       [28]
                              acuity with progression

Bright, Mol Vis 2005; 11:1141-1150 <>
©2005 Molecular Vision <>
ISSN 1090-0535